• Breaking News

    Saturday, February 12, 2022

    Elite Dangerous We should not have to stack missions and exploit the boards this long after release to earn reasonable money. Enough is enough.

    Elite Dangerous We should not have to stack missions and exploit the boards this long after release to earn reasonable money. Enough is enough.

    We should not have to stack missions and exploit the boards this long after release to earn reasonable money. Enough is enough.

    Posted: 11 Feb 2022 09:52 PM PST

    In my opinion, for an endgame player, 100m/hr is a reasonable, average amount most of us can earn. Yes, I know some of you may balk at that figure and assume it's massively high, but it's nothing at all compared to past gold rushes where you earned for example 250-300mil/hr or more.

    The problem is that right now the only way to earn that relatively average figure is stacking endless missions, be it Robigo or massacre or mining delivery, and gaming RNG to get proper payouts for our time.

    The fact that AFKing the game via a Type 10 to make doing so bearable is the meta right now is fucking vile. I do not understand how FDEV can look at this and go "Yes, this is the gameplay we want to force our players into to feel rewarded".

    And by god, do they. CGs pay a pittance for even the top ten, and their "rebalance" of combat payouts only lead to more mission stacking. Meanwhile, they nerf everything we find to make decent cash while actual bugs sit unfixed for months.

    We've been flipping the boards since twenty fucking fifteen. I made my first billion in the original Sothis biowaste gold rush.

    The fact that we're STILL here playing the mission boards for viable payouts is absurd.

    Enough of this shit. Let us make money without hundreds of hours of grind. We know you're trying to pad out your player hours and active numbers, FDEV. Maybe more of us would keep playing if you didn't keep whack-a-moling our methods of doing so.

    Anyway, this is just a huge rant after a week of trying to get friends into this game I've been playing for years, and having friend after friend be almost instantly turned away by the sheer weight of the grind. I'd love to share what Elite has to offer, there's so much beauty here, but FDEV keeps kneecapping the things that let us enjoy it.

    submitted by /u/Ironshards
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    goodnight buzz

    Posted: 12 Feb 2022 12:29 AM PST

    Support your local Anarchy!

    Posted: 11 Feb 2022 10:54 PM PST

    Everyone's focusing on looting Anarchy factions over and over, but there is another option! SUPPORT the anarchies!

    The question is: WHY do people attack anarchy factions? Because you don't get bounties that way. And why is that important? Because if you get a bounty, you can't take missions from the mission board anymore!

    But there's a way around this! If you're based at a station owned by an anarchy faction! They don't care about bounties or notoriety, and they'll allow you to keep accumulating rep with the local factions, significantly increasing the rate at which you can upgrade your suits and weapons!

    The best part is, because this makes it impossible to screw up and need to move on to a new system, you can preserve your good rep with local factions, improve your negotiating power, and get your suits and weapons upgraded significantly faster. I regularly get missions rewarding me with 10x Manufacturing Instructions, for example!

    So rather than ATTACKING the anarchy faction, try SUPPORTING the anarchy faction! You're all murdering everyone in the base half the time, anyway; do it for a good cause!

    submitted by /u/DemiserofD
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    My recent journey as a returning new player.

    Posted: 11 Feb 2022 11:29 PM PST

    My recent journey as a returning new player.

    Quick and simple summation of my experiences:

    Beginning with me playing Odyssey something like 8 months ago, did some basic transport missions out of a good system and not much else, made about 12m and left. Came back just a few days ago deciding to really get into the game, decided on a Thargoid-scientific / Exobiologist approach, realized rather quickly I'd need a squadron with experience. Found an experienced pro-Xeno squadron who then promptly took me onboard for 50m-a-pop mining missions raising my networth to almost 700 million CR. Decided to look at it as a research grant. Did some reading on ship builds suitable for my aims and outfitted a Phantom for exploration, has about a 32 LY jump range at present, also bought a Type 9 as an investment. Had great fun figuring out Exobiology via tutorials and exploring some sites including a Thargoid structure and sites of the Far God Cult (where I was scanned by my first Thargoid contact), took some pretty pictures, spent hours adventuring across barren worlds; driving through wandering canyons, jet-packing across icy wastelands listening to the codex. Had a gleeful moment when I successfully analysed my first set of samples. Came across a good few distress beacons / abandoned bases / crash sites, shot down drones in my SRV, retrieved and transported occupied lifepods. Got better at landing on planets the hard way. Realized this is the first game I've been made instantly rich in that hasn't been spoiled for me whatsoever, also realized I'd like to reinvest my earnings into a suitable scientific-oriented squadron. Began looking through INARA, learned about the Pleaides Condordat and Canonn Research Group (signed up there though have yet to join), stumbled upon other discords and YouTube channels, learned about expeditions, booked for one due to leave today from the Misir system giving me ample opportunity to advance my Exobiology career and overall experience. The only thing I'd say I'm missing really is some likeminded friends, hopefully a squadron (or this expedition, or, for all I know, this post) can solve that.

    All in all, 9.89/10 so far -- amazing sense of adventure if you set yourself goals. Constantly evolving, always something new to do.

    Current objectives:
    - Buy the Karma C-44.
    - Collect as many samples as possible on expedition.
    - Outfit ship with a Corrosion Resistant Cargo Rack or transport my Type 9.
    - Collect materials for suit and weapon upgrades.
    - Expand network in-game.
    - Learn more about the current BGS political climate, Aegis and Salvation's role in Thargoid activity.
    - Explore a new ancient site.
    - Encounter "Guardian" tech for the first time.

    Long-term goals I can think of for now:

    - Outfit a ship with Thargoid modules.
    - Play an active, co-operative and useful role in a research based organization.
    - Take part in 100 expeditions.
    - Fully explore every known Thargoid site and structure.
    - Achieve max rank in Exobiology.
    - Achieve max rank in Exploration.
    - After running out, have earned the same amount of credits I was granted with.
    - Become allied with every faction in my chosen Home system.
    - Make Home System an amenable location with significant Xeno activity (I.E, sites on worlds in system or Far God Cult history).
    - Reach 69LY jump range in phantom.






    Few snaps of my travels.

    submitted by /u/thisaccount01
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