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    Monday, March 30, 2020

    Elite Dangerous [DAILY Q&A] Ask and answer any questions you have about the game here. (March 30, 2020)

    Elite Dangerous [DAILY Q&A] Ask and answer any questions you have about the game here. (March 30, 2020)

    [DAILY Q&A] Ask and answer any questions you have about the game here. (March 30, 2020)

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 09:50 AM PDT

    Greetings, Commanders! This is the Daily Q&A post for /r/EliteDangerous

    If you have any questions about any topic, whether it be for the moderators, tips and tricks for piloting or general gameplay/development questions please post here!

    Please check new comments and help answer to the best of your ability so we can see this community flourish!

    Remember to check previous daily threads and the New Q&A FAQ.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Whole country's on lockdown. Got elite on sale. Just finished the tutorial and excited to traverse the stars. This is my setup.

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 06:51 AM PDT

    Do your part, Commander. o7

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 09:10 AM PDT

    Me and the boys about to crash the markets

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 11:43 AM PDT

    A Farragut Capital Ship in Space Engineers

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 07:33 AM PDT

    Is Elite Dangerous just Trucking Simulator but in space with added lasers?

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 04:44 AM PDT

    Just a thought, haven't really played Trucking Simulator but that is what I imagine it to be.

    submitted by /u/tecktech
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    Going for that futuristic mdf look

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 12:25 AM PDT

    Sauron, ever watchful

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 01:21 AM PDT

    Never have I been so mesmerized and so terrified playing this game.

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 04:29 PM PDT


    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 01:39 PM PDT

    When it's 3AM and you're on the fence whether to keep flying or go to bed

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 02:31 PM PDT

    Wireframe Cobra painting with chalk bits

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 01:12 PM PDT

    Look what I found close to Beagle Point

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 05:46 AM PDT

    Close encounters of the ~~Third~~ DCA kind

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 12:09 PM PDT


    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 11:20 PM PDT

    Just finished printing my very own chOnky boi

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 09:05 AM PDT

    You never know what you might find out here on the edge.

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 01:23 PM PDT

    Adventures mining in Open yesterday

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 08:18 AM PDT

    I had a great adventure mining yesterday. I play in Open and this experience, both the good, the bad, the exhilarating, and the ugly, are all part of what makes this game awesome.

    Brought in 2 billion over 5 trips in my anaconda. Tons of people at 169 G. Canis Majoris taking advantage of the public holiday, over 3k demand at 1.7 million a piece, saw a lot of CMDRs at the port, and the system chat was also extraordinarily busy.

    The first four trips were rather uneventful.

    On the fifth trip, I was interdicted by an NPC (for the first time all day) on the second to last jump, and I had a feeling this was a sign that something might happen and I got mentally prepared. Weary, I jumped into 169 G. Canis Majoris ready to make the 3.2k Ls cruise to Bond Dock, and was immediately surrounded by a wing of 4 CMDRs, a Cutter and a couple combat ships. I submitted to an interdiction, surrounded by these ships, cargo full of 250 LTDs. After a tense moment, I was relieved to see them open comms. They demanded 30 units, and I complied. Shout out to the Code pirates for being honest pirates (aka not just ganking me). I still made my riches, and they got their "donation" too.

    With some adrenaline left over from this encounter, I decided to make another run. I loaded up my limpets, and jumped out to Borann. Upon jumping in, I noticed two CMDR ships lurking around the star. My ship was empty, but I took a circuitous route to the A2 ring anyway, and lost them from my radar. I approached the hotspot, and right as I was about to drop in, I noticed a hollow appear on my radar. I had been followed somehow. Too late, I had already arrived. When I reached the asteroid field, I made a bit of a run, trying to get away from the spot I jumped into. Then, I began firing prospectors, quickly found a good rock, and began mining it. Suddenly, I hear what I think is a plasma round hitting my ship. A quick glance at the radar shows I was followed into the ring by Dog Steinmann. He must have waited for me to get deep into the ring before opening fire. I immediately put 4 PIPs into SYS, retract hardpoints and make a run out of the ring to get out of mass-lock, but the Anaconda may be great at a lot of things, but running away is NOT one of them. After about 30 seconds of me running, and him doing heavy damage, he finally breaks through my shields, and my ship is destroyed shortly thereafter.

    TL;DR: Thanks to the Code pirates for interdicting me with a cargo full of LTDs and giving me a genuinely fun adrenaline rush, and being honest pirates, and not killing me after I complied with your demand. And the opposite of "thanks" to the CMDR who followed me into a ring, and destroyed my empty ship (even though the rebuy was cheaper with your notoriety discount). Not upset - just rolling my eyes.

    submitted by /u/beholdtheflesh
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    Just passing by Sothis A5. Reminds me of Home.....

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 04:25 PM PDT

    Elite Dangerous PvP communtiy trailer by Kazy H

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 10:55 AM PDT


    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 06:41 AM PDT

    I have to say, at least for me, this game is a perfect escape in these crazy times. Zooming around space, mining low temp diamonds, upgrading my ship... yeah, I'm a noob and not very good at games in general I guess, but I get just as much joy out of them as anybody. I love getting lost in this world! Thank you game designers for putting out such a wonderfully complex game that is a lot of fun to learn.

    submitted by /u/jamieofthenorth
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    Terran Empire discovered!

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 12:20 PM PDT

    A letter to the Elite Dangerous subreddit

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 02:42 PM PDT

    Congratulations You're here, reading the first post I've ever made on Reddit A momentous occasion :D

    I'm here to tell you that you guys are great I'm a mostly PS4 player (I have it on PC but haven't played much) and have recently set out on my first true expedition to Sagittarius A* (which, if I remember to post, you can follow on twitter @EquinoxProjED). Shameless self promotion aside, I'm on twitter a lot and so I see a lot of tweets about new stuff in games like Elite and Mortal Kombat 11 and Destiny 2 and so on and so forth And the replies to all these tweets tends to be people complaining about the game, and Elite's Twitter is no exception But while in many games that carries over from twitter to Reddit (the Destiny subreddit is surprisingly toxic), Elite's subreddit is... amazingly civil While other gaming subreddits will be filled with people complaining about maintenance or grinding or other players, Elite's is filled with advice and screenshots and words of encouragement It's great, you're all great Just thought you should know :)

    Edit: I now realize that Reddit does not keep my returns or line breaks or whatever so for those of you having an aneurysm trying to read this I am truly sorry. Like I said, literally my first post so I didn't know it did that :(

    submitted by /u/EpicManNbEc
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    The best Screenshot I have ever tanken

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 06:32 AM PDT

    Mining in borann has been an amazing experience with other commanders.

    Posted: 30 Mar 2020 08:46 AM PDT

    I got into this game right as community goals disappeared and haven't had a ton of commander interactions. Got ganked my first time to farseer and got rescued by the fuel rats (thanks!), but that's about it. It feels lonely flying around a huge Galaxy and rarely finding another person.

    This LTD rush has made this game everything I wanted it to be. I had never mines before, but I'm glad I started. It's been so fun running into kind commanders and running away from the gankers. The Galaxy feels so alive now, and I love it!

    submitted by /u/blawrenceg
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