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    Friday, August 6, 2021

    Elite Dangerous [DAILY Q&A] Ask and answer any questions you have about the game here!

    Elite Dangerous [DAILY Q&A] Ask and answer any questions you have about the game here!

    [DAILY Q&A] Ask and answer any questions you have about the game here!

    Posted: 06 Aug 2021 08:50 AM PDT

    Greetings, Commanders! This is the Daily Q&A post for /r/EliteDangerous

    If you have any questions about any topic, whether it be for the moderators, tips and tricks for piloting or general gameplay/development questions please post here!

    Please check new comments and help answer to the best of your ability so we can see this community flourish!

    Remember to check previous daily Q&A threads and the New Q&A FAQ.

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    Game Update Summaries: CoreHorizonsBeyond2019-2020

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    I never felt scared in this game until I decided to go through a Lagrange Storm

    Posted: 06 Aug 2021 01:27 PM PDT

    You'll never fly a ship again...

    Posted: 06 Aug 2021 01:23 AM PDT

    I got ship interiors! There was a glitch and now I can drive around inside a krait mkii

    Posted: 06 Aug 2021 06:09 AM PDT

    So I bought myself a Mamba!

    Posted: 06 Aug 2021 08:45 AM PDT

    SRV shield effects are way cooler than ship shields.

    Posted: 06 Aug 2021 12:15 PM PDT

    Planet tech in update 6, images at different orbit altitudes

    Posted: 05 Aug 2021 11:23 PM PDT

    A system so neatly aligned that it could be in a JJ Abrams movie.

    Posted: 06 Aug 2021 05:38 AM PDT

    I think I'm getting carried away with this... PVE fights in enemies bigger than me just gives me that adrenaline rush.

    Posted: 06 Aug 2021 11:53 AM PDT

    Elite Dangerous Odyssey : What the Odyssey Expansion Means & Why

    Posted: 06 Aug 2021 10:14 AM PDT

    It's Finally Over... I'm finally back to the bubble after 28 days. I'm gonna release a video of the entire journey at like triple playback speed

    Posted: 06 Aug 2021 05:48 AM PDT

    Can't resist checking out huge craters at the day-night-boundary

    Posted: 06 Aug 2021 05:55 AM PDT

    After about two and a half weeks, I finally made it to Colonia. Grabbed some great shots along the way. Only took me about 40 hours or so in my non-engineered DBX.

    Posted: 06 Aug 2021 09:45 AM PDT

    Looking up (vertical panoramic - multiple shots montaged)

    Posted: 06 Aug 2021 02:16 AM PDT

    My dream ship and space trucker’s lunch!

    Posted: 06 Aug 2021 01:33 PM PDT

    When the auto-dock turns homicidal ��

    Posted: 05 Aug 2021 11:05 PM PDT

    An Honest Opinion of Every Ship I've Flown [Day 11]: The Mamba

    Posted: 06 Aug 2021 11:08 AM PDT

    The Mamba is one of a small handful of ships in E:D that needs no introduction. I promised myself that I wouldn't dive too deep into the Mamba, primarily because it would just sound like I'm beating a dead horse. What more is there to say about the Mamba that hasn't already been said? It's fast, powerful, and (somewhat) affordable. How can I add onto this?

    Well, I can start by saying that both the Type-9 and the Mamba represent my failure to engage with specialized ships. I knew they were good at their roles. I knew that it was difficult to surpass them, and yet... neither particularly stuck with me. I didn't hate these ships at all, I wouldn't even call them bad, but I feel with both that they just didn't really click with me. This is not the first time this has happened: it happened before with the Adder, again with the Eagle, and again with the Cobra III, but the difference here is that I actually liked these ships.

    So why did I stop flying them? And why did I sell my Mamba? Let's talk about it.

    Once again, this is purely an opinion thread, not aiming to stoke fires or bash others' preferences. If you have differing opinions, or ideas I should try, I'm open to suggestions, and regularly reading the comments. With all that out of the way, let's begin.


    TL;DR: I bought the Mamba, outfitted it, flew it, loved it, then stored it away in my shipyard and... well, forgot about it. While I genuinely loved the huge hardpoint, speed, tough armor and surprisingly good shields, the Mamba suffers from only having 6 internal compartments, relatively poor stock handling, and some (key word: some) heat management issues. The Mamba was the 2nd truly specialized ship I flew, after the T9, and while I enjoyed my time with it, it failed to make a lasting impression, which comes from a combination of missed opportunities and my own lack of dedication to the engineering grind.


    I noticed I've been starting with flaws more than I have strengths lately, so let's switch things up and talk about what the Mamba does very, very well.

    No matter which way you look at it, it's common knowledge that the Mamba is a deadly warship - and I don't disagree in the slightest. In addition to the fabled huge hardpoint, you carry 2 large and 2 small hardpoints, which I've found compliment the weapon nicely. The large hardpoints have poor convergence when fixed, at least for me, but this is entirely mitigated by simply using gimballed weapons.

    The Mamba has some impressive core internals, with a C6 Powerplant and distributor. You can comfortably power your weapons, shields, and even utility mounts - but be smart about it. When dealing with plasma accelerators (which, while powerful, happen to be my least favorite weapon in the game) your power budget can get uncomfortably tight. As such, I would strongly recommend Bi-Weaves so as to partially offset the need for SCBs, thereby lowering your power consumption considerably.

    The armor and shields are tough on their own, but there's little room to improve them. This brings up my first and most glaring issue with the Mamba: you only have 6 internal compartments (for reference: a Sidewinder also has 6 internal compartments), and no restricted slots. If you're lazy like me, you're probably going to carry at least a docking computer, and that leaves you with only 4 slots (after a shield) to fit reinforcements. This simply isn't enough, and there's no excuse: the Mamba is a big ship, and I'm sure there's room in that bloated chassis. In combat/bounty hunting, at least for me, I've found that Quantity typically beats out Quality, and while the Mamba has some large modules, the fact still stands that you only have a few of them - which almost completely defeats the point.

    At least on paper, the Mamba doesn't really offer that much of an advantage over the Fer-De-Lance, and while I believe this was intentional - choice comes down to preference and skillset, as opposed to one being "better" - I still believe this could've been handled a little more precisely. I would be willing to forgive the module and handling issues with the Mamba if it had some real competitive advantage over the FDL, but both on paper and even in Practice... it doesn't. The theoretical DPS of the Mamba is only a little higher than the FDL, and while the ship is somewhat faster, this comes at a very noticeable cost to maneuverability*, price, and module size. Simply put: the pros don't balance out the cons. The Mamba doesn't need to be better than the FDL necessarily, but it does need to be an equal, otherwise Zorgon Peterson completely missed the point.

    *I've never flown a FDL. This is speculation.

    Even with that said, I'd argue that I'm just nitpicking here: there's actually some pretty easy fixes for this issue, which range anywhere from "just make the Mamba faster/more maneuverable" to "make the small hardpoints medium" to "just add another internal module, even a Class 1." Obviously these are just examples, and not actual suggestions, but you get my point.

    However, I will NOT forgive this next issue: Fuel.

    There is no goddamn reason for the Mamba to have a Class 3 fuel tank. I can barely get to the next couple of systems with 8 tonnes of fuel, and I am not wasting hundreds of thousands of credits just to move my Mamba 30 light years. I now have to choose between carrying a scoop and transferring my modules over later, taking the "economic" approach, which more than doubles a journey's runtime, or - and this especially bugs me - stop to refuel every 2 jumps. I'll complain about this with the Vulture too, but at least with the Vulture your mass is substantially lower (meaning higher jump range), and you have 7 modules and a C5 restricted, as opposed to the Mamba's measly 6 modules - meaning that it isn't so much of a chore to carry a little extra fuel, bring a scoop, or even just get to your destination in one jump. No courier service is needed!

    Obviously that above complaint is a massive nitpick. I'm almost certain that it bothers me more than it does most other folks. But, it still bothers me, and it's unnecessary. It doesn't matter how justified it is in the lore: bad design is bad design. Zorgon Peterson isn't getting off easy just because it's a fictitious company!

    Remember how I mentioned that cost started to be a problem when I bought the Krait? After the 50 million credit mark for ships, that problem is only exacerbated: the Mamba was one of the most expensive ships I owned. For that reason, I never even considered buying composites, as my wallet would have a stroke. Military grade composites cost a whopping 45 million credits before a discount, which is 4/5ths the price of the chassis - and reactive surface composites are even worse, at 3x the cost of military! This all comes before weapons, modules, utilities, etc. The point is clear: the Mamba is not cheap.

    As a minor sidenote, while a Class 6 distributor is adequate, I can't help but long for the Class 7 distributor of the Krait. What can I say? I love long firing cycles.

    While the speed is impressive, even at Stock, the maneuverability left a little to be desired. Before anybody even says it, yes, I am aware that engineering can mitigate this issue, but here's the problem: placing an over-reliance on engineering to fix problems means that there's something deeper wrong with the ship. Engineering is a grind - a bad one, at that - and I don't have that much time to get materials, even with the so-called "material farms" I keep hearing about. I barely log on once a day, if that, and so spending that whole time farming materials when I could be doing something fun instead just feels like a happiness-killer. It burned out my motivation once, and I'm sure it would do so again.

    I'm sure the engine issues are fixable - but the point is that they shouldn't need to be fixed in the first place. I would be more forgiving if the issue was fixed with just 1 or 2 levels of engineering, because that's really, really easy. Nope! Apparently I need G5 Dirty Drag Drives to "really bring out the good in the ship." If you're telling me I need to put in a whole day's worth of grinding just for a ship to "get good," I would much rather just accept the flaws and work with them. It isn't worth the grind to me.

    All of my gripes aside, that's not to say I didn't have a blast flying this ship. I felt powerful. I felt like I could take on anyone. So why did I stop flying it? Worse still, why did I sell it?

    Well... I bought an Orca. And then I bought a Vulture. 2 ships that I had much much more fun in. After realizing one day that I wasn't really going to fly my Mamba anymore, I did the sensible thing: I sat down, stripped it for parts, and sold the chassis. Frankly, I don't regret this decision: the Mamba isn't just sitting in my shipyard collecting dust.

    In conclusion, the Mamba is not a bad ship, in fact it's not even a good ship: it's a great vessel. It's also not the vessel for me. The Mamba was my first combat specialized ship, and while I did enjoy it, I came to appreciate the Vulture so much more for raw combat. All in all, I feel like there were more than a couple of missed opportunities for the Mamba, but that's not to say it doesn't have a LOT of potential. In the right hands, I know exactly what a Mamba is capable of - and I know better than to mess with a Mamba pilot. I know there's at least 7 of us!

    Thank you once again for reading my review, and I'll be looking forward to reading the comments. Next time, we go over the Orca, the ship that finally convinced me to sell my Mamba's chassis - and convinced me to give Piracy another chance.

    Stay Safe, and Fly Dangerous. o7

    submitted by /u/JesterTheSheep
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    Il never get over the class d white dwarfs

    Posted: 06 Aug 2021 10:49 AM PDT

    Hark, the ancient one grows near. Aboard the Perdition, the chosen faithful can but shudder before the final veil. All hail the Far God! All hail the sublime, eternal silence of the deathly void.

    Posted: 06 Aug 2021 08:21 AM PDT

    What kind of bird is this?

    Posted: 06 Aug 2021 08:09 AM PDT

    Bug Killer in Odyssey?

    Posted: 06 Aug 2021 02:29 PM PDT

    Hi folks,

    I had been going to bug killer before Odyssey and even bookmarked it. Now when I go there the terrain seems totally different and very difficult to drive on with the car.

    Have you noticed this too? I used to have a perfect loop I would drive and get a lot of materials in about an hour. Now it's damn near impossible just to drive around once.

    Alright just thought I'd ask in case anyone else noticed too.

    submitted by /u/_alexroundtwo
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    Calling all proud Imperials: Join Lavigny's Legion!

    Posted: 06 Aug 2021 11:03 AM PDT

    Calling all Imperial pilots flying under the banner of our Emperor,

    Lavigny's Legion is searching for devoted Imperial pilots, new and old, to join our community. We are a multi-national, multi-faceted group that has a place for every type of Imperial-aligned player.

    What does Lavigny's Legion offer, as a gaming community, that sets it apart from other groups?

    Lavigny's Legion is a proud community. We offer the following amenities for the discerning gamer:

    • Diverse membership from around the globe, with players online all the time. Our largest membership bases are American, German, and French. We offer language-specific channels for those who struggle with English.
    • Significant presence on all three platforms
    • An ever-growing membership education program, with the classic wing-up supplemented with materials, quizzes, and voice lectures
    • A vast network of faction alliances, allowing easy exposure to numerous various groups of players and leaders
    • A colorfully varied, well-developed communications platform based on Discord, with a multitude of active channels for different subjects
    • A well-established hierarchy, with clear, concise organization
    • A board-of-directors style leadership that is always open to membership recommendations and suggestions
    • Diverse creative opportunities, including networking and writing for our internal publication, the State of the Legion

    Okay, while that's great and all, what about in-game? What does Lavigny's Legion offer in terms of specifically Elite: Dangerous?

    Appealing to players of all sorts, Lavigny's Legion has opportunities for every type of pilot out there. Whether you're a casual or professional gamer, a simple miner or a fierce PvP warrior, there's a place for you in the 528th Legion.

    • PowerPlay: Whether you haul cargo or endlessly fight, we can always use your skills. We fortify three designated systems in ALD space every week, and work closely with PowerPlay agents across the Empire to ensure strikes against our enemies are efficient and strong. The majority of the Research Desk of the Kamadhenu Herald (AKA "Research"), which is a diverse group of coordinating members of Arissa Lavigny-Duval's playerbase, is comprised of Legion leads as well.
    • Anti-Thargoid Ops: The Legion is home to the Extraterrestrial Defense Force of the Empire (EDGE) Fleet, a devoted group of Legionnaires whose ceaseless efforts has put the Legion amongst the foremost of coordinated anti-Thargoid pilots, beating out other dedicated anti-xeno (AX) groups to earn medals across four seasons (Two gold, two silver, and one bronze).
    • Background Simulation: Miners, explorers, spacefarers, haulers, and bounty hunters can find a place in working for Lavigny's Legion. Our in-game faction is an Imperial Patronage, which alleviates Imperial economic stresses when in control. Working closely with the Chapterhouse of Inquisition, our Legionnaires assist others throughout Imperial space to ensure beneficial governments are in control, and to undermine those who threaten said governments. We have exploration projects that the most starry-eyed Commander can get into. We can teach you how to use any skills for the good of the Empire and benefit Imperial stability directly.
    • PvP: Lavigny's Legion leadership are some of the founding members of the PiP, a pan-Imperial combat organization devoted to thwarting threats both in our space and beyond. The Legion is home to the Cataphractii, veteran pilots who learn together to test their mettle against other skilled players. We're also canonically home to Na'Qan, a Commander whose PvP campaigns against the Federation has canonically earned him the audience of the Emperor herself. Speaking of which...
    • Lavigny's Legion has a rich, time-honored canon lore going back to the 24th Century. We pride ourselves in both Legion and Imperial lore, canon or not. If roleplay is your style, we love to accommodate (however, especially if you're more inclined to Aisling Duval, we highly recommend our friends, the Prismatic Imperium).
    • We always coordinate very closely with numerous cross-power combat/BGS/PvP initiatives, issuing curated orders for our members that have been discussed and planned at length with various analysts and leaders.

    I am a new player and/or a very casual gamer, but am interested in your group. Will I be allowed to join?

    Lavigny's Legion holds much pride in its member education program. With various mentors, ranging from 6-year veteran players to fortunate pilots who've earned fully engineered Imperial Cutters within a couple weeks, we will teach you how to navigate the massive world of Elite. If you don't fancy yourself a serious player, we can teach you how even the slightest of your actions can tip the scales in the background narrative.

    Join Lavigny's Legion, where justice comes first.

    For more information, visit our Inara page, or join our Discord server..

    Arissa Invicta!!

    Edit: a couple words

    tl;dr: imp group join if u want plz thx

    submitted by /u/Extremofire
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    1st Stop On the Borann Boys Colonia PvP Trip

    Posted: 06 Aug 2021 03:39 PM PDT

    The SLF is paying for itself with moments like these

    Posted: 06 Aug 2021 03:32 PM PDT


    Posted: 06 Aug 2021 03:17 AM PDT

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