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    Thursday, January 23, 2020

    Elite Dangerous [DAILY Q&A] Ask and answer any questions you have about the game here. (January 23, 2020)

    Elite Dangerous [DAILY Q&A] Ask and answer any questions you have about the game here. (January 23, 2020)

    [DAILY Q&A] Ask and answer any questions you have about the game here. (January 23, 2020)

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 08:49 AM PST

    Greetings, Commanders! This is the Daily Q&A post for /r/EliteDangerous

    If you have any questions about any topic, whether it be for the moderators, tips and tricks for piloting or general gameplay/development questions please post here!

    Please check new comments and help answer to the best of your ability so we can see this community flourish!

    Remember to check previous daily threads and the New Q&A FAQ.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Got interdicted, survived, and docked with no hull

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 05:39 AM PST

    Carbon Super giant and Dwarf Star with ring

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 09:27 PM PST

    It took me 2,125 hours, but I'm a millionaire. Of sorts.

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 05:16 AM PST

    A rant about combat

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 11:01 AM PST

    I know this has been said before, but I need to get it out of my system. Combat is the most satisfying activity for me, but the pay makes no sense. Last night I spent a couple hours doing a pirate massacre wing mission, with a KWS, everything went smoothly, pretty much ideal conditions. All said and done I made nearly 40mil. For over 2 hours of some of the best flying I have ever done...

    That doesn't even cover the rebuy for my Vette. Which is the only way I was done so quick, and if I had flown something more enjoyable it would have taken even longer, for the exact same pay.

    I wouldn't ask FD to buff the pay to match mining, despite the skill requirements probably justifying that. I am absolutely asking FD to make combat at least able to cover the investment, in anything resembling a reasonable amount of time. If I buy an FDL, A-rated, I would have to fly roughly 10 hours of combat missions to cover that, using that FDL. Especially if you are just starting, you'd be lucky to do this without seeing at least one rebuy screen. Which just lost at least an hour's effort considering jump time back and loss of bounties owed.

    I do combat because I love it. I'm not going to stop even if the pay was zero. It would just be really nice if bounties and bonds paid a bit more, considering combat is what is most likely to get you blown up. Even courier missions, which is close to zero risk, pay more, sometimes a lot more, depending on what you are flying.

    Rant over, fly safe commanders o7

    submitted by /u/fitzyiii
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    Welcome to Colonia

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 01:57 PM PST

    I think I'll decline this mission..

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 02:17 PM PST

    Below The Galactic Plane

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 01:58 PM PST

    Going exploring makes for some eggcelent scenes.

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 07:47 AM PST

    After 122 hours of giving up then coming back to this game, I finally managed to get the ship I've always wanted since the beginning.

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 01:14 PM PST

    So I jumped directly INTO a station...

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 03:47 AM PST

    On Fire

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 01:57 PM PST

    Federal Corvette from a human first person perspective in the hangar.

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 10:13 AM PST

    Scary scan

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 07:44 AM PST

    A Year of Elite - Day #19: Nebulaheee. Nebulahooo. Nebulahaaa. Nebulaha-ha

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 01:11 PM PST

    PSA: After a week long intermission the Thargoids are back in the Pleiades and Witch Head Nebula

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 01:28 PM PST

    Nonhuman signals… Stations burning… the usual jazz.

    However as far as I can tell, no Empire aligned missions :(

    submitted by /u/datenwolf
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    Blue ribbons in the Sanguinous Rim

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 08:13 AM PST

    X52/ gameglass/ Xbox controller help

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 02:01 PM PST

    In the Shadow of a Giant

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 03:31 PM PST

    I got an idea so crazy, it definitely won't work. But here it is anyway.

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 02:31 PM PST

    The Coalition of Independent Pilots.

    This would be a new faction in the galaxy (like the Federation or the Empire) and would consist solely of independent pilots. It would be run and controlled by players, every few years there would be an election to choose a new player to become the leader.

    I know it's a terrible idea. But again, just an idea. What'd'ya think?

    submitted by /u/PieGGuy
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    Sneaked my way through the bugs to bring the folks at Jackrock a little taste of home. Hold is full of Lavian Brandy, Azure Milk, Evil Juice, and other treats from Alliance space.

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 03:18 PM PST

    I have seen things... Greetings to the bubble from 12k LY away!

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 10:35 PM PST

    It's been a very good night for me. Giant 66 body system, first stellar phenomena found, and now an unclaimed ELW that's a paradise.

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 10:55 PM PST

    The 3 things this game is essentially all about

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 02:59 AM PST

    Explanation of the problem, re: credit earning. Frontier, E:D redditors, hear me out.

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 01:09 PM PST

    This is a response to discussions I've seen regarding earning Credits that I've seen both here and on the main Frontier forums.

    Credits are something that underpins basically every activity done in-game. In general to play the game as you might like, you have to earn credits. Do you want to explore? Going to need credits. Fighting things? Probably the most credit cost intensive part of the game. Trading? Yup, credits. Mining? Yup, credits. Everything you do both generates and costs credits. Every grind, every goal reached for, every event is pinned upon credits.

    The one refrain I've heard is how it shouldn't be possible to earn 400 million credits within a day or two. This would make sense in a game where credits were what determined balance between players, as it was in the early days of Elite. The thing is, this hasn't been that kind of game ever since the big navy ships, and PARTICULARLY after Engineers were released. And even then, there is grind atop grind that has been released. Credits still are the backbone of the whole experience, but they have long since faded in importance. Now, it's just an obstacle. It's always been an obstacle ever since launch, but now, it's just another pain in the rear atop others that are much more meaningful. This isn't like say, World of Warships where there is a legitimate credit economy.

    This is why the concern about "gold rushes" is completely the wrong problem to target or even focus on. To do so disrespects player's time, time that can be better spent looking for engineering materials, earning ranks with the superpower navies, fighting, or going out into uncharted space. It is also disrespectful and indeed useless to be critical of such things as mining, or passengers, or any other such activity, because of it's potential to be lucrative. How much another player earns does not affect you. At all. To do so is basically to advocate for wasting another player's time. You don't want your own time wasted (and those who claim otherwise are liars) so why would you want mine wasted?

    Credit balance is useless these days. This is not a function of the fact that credits are easier to earn than they were in past years. It's been useless because other grinds have entered the mix that are far more critical to ship power than credits. So the best thing to do is to advocate for shorter credit grinds. Meaning, lobby to return earning potential of lucrative tasks, or in general boost the credits earned, by bounties in particular. Otherwise, we just have a useless time wasted on top of less useless time wasters.

    submitted by /u/lordnaarghul
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