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    Thursday, February 20, 2020

    Elite Dangerous [DAILY Q&A] Ask and answer any questions you have about the game here. (February 20, 2020)

    Elite Dangerous [DAILY Q&A] Ask and answer any questions you have about the game here. (February 20, 2020)

    [DAILY Q&A] Ask and answer any questions you have about the game here. (February 20, 2020)

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 08:49 AM PST

    Greetings, Commanders! This is the Daily Q&A post for /r/EliteDangerous

    If you have any questions about any topic, whether it be for the moderators, tips and tricks for piloting or general gameplay/development questions please post here!

    Please check new comments and help answer to the best of your ability so we can see this community flourish!

    Remember to check previous daily threads and the New Q&A FAQ.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Drew Wagar (official author of 2x Elite Dangerous books) livestreaming now: Galnet, Lore & Narrative

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 12:13 PM PST

    A much taken shot but it really is something to behold!

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 07:29 AM PST

    Disappointed in the community

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 02:50 PM PST

    I thought we were all adults but I've been hearing rumors that some individuals have been bad mouthing me to new players. I just want you to remember who was there for you when you logged into solo and did all of those cargo runs with a Taco Bell $5 chalupa box or a plate of nachos on your lap. Simply unbelievable.

    submitted by /u/dockingcomputer
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    Was taking photos of a battle for backgrounds then this happened.

    Posted: 19 Feb 2020 06:58 PM PST

    Blue Phantasy

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 10:24 AM PST

    Nothing special but I just wanted post something. I'm loving this game��

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 01:38 PM PST

    Don't try this at home!

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 04:06 PM PST

    Sunrise at Rhea 4

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 05:40 AM PST

    Selfie With a thargoid

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 11:59 AM PST

    The bottom two are 2,700 light seconds away. The big one is 3,600 away. The two on the right are 48,000 away.

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 07:53 AM PST

    OH!!! The Irony!!!

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 12:41 PM PST

    Engineering is F-ing Incredible!

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 01:20 PM PST

    To everyone that told me to engineer my ship- you were so right! My Python kept getting destroyed in CZs- I was horribly outclassed. I asked for advice on here and you guys told me to engineer my weapons and shields. Ho-lee-shit were you right. I'm running a Python with 3MCs (overcharged, 1 corrosive, 2, auto loader) bi-weave shield gen with thermal resist and fast charge and I am finally lethal. Even more though- I was flying the Python as a mat gatherer and mission doer to get what I needed for engineering. I really didn't like it- in combat it was like flying a brick. The I got G3 dirty/drag drive thrusters and it's like a whole new ship! I can actually stay on a target, and even avoid fire!

    Anyway, if you're on the fence about engineering- just do it!

    submitted by /u/Malachi217
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    Drew Wagar, author of official Elite:Dangerous novels and the ingame Salomé events, writes about the current state of lore in Elite.

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 01:14 AM PST

    This comment by Drew was posted in response to a news article on the 18th about the removal of GalNet, which I'm not going to link here for fear of mods removing this post. It's worth a read, so here's the full text and you can find the original article yourself if you want.

    Edit: Seems links are allowed, but the mods really don't like you talking about the previous deletion. Perhaps they thought that I was implying the previous deletion was unjustified and just an attempt to keep things quiet, but I certainly wasn't.

    As the author of two official books in the Elite Dangerous universe I can only watch with dismay as Frontier lets the heritage of the Elite series of games wither away. Few other games of any genre have the longevity of story that Elite has, a legacy that spans more than thirty years back to the original "Dark Wheel" story by the late great Robert Holdstock.

    That they can't see how valuable this asset is (and, with a business head on, how potentially exploitable) is truely mind-boggling. Yet, if they don't begin to curate their lore and do something with their narrative, it will be lost in the void.

    Over the last few years they've diluted the lore with poorly thought out "because gameplay" additions to Elite Dangerous, largely ignored those player groups who dared to "Blaze their own trail" in the game and try to impact the universe as presented. Since last year, 'off-screen' narrative, the flavour of the game that set the tone of the universe, has also been completely curtailed.

    It's as if the current management team have forgotten what made the original games so compelling; the sense of being a small cog in a universe that was getting on very well with or without out you. Now that universe is empty and silent. Very sad, but as that forum thread revealed, there is no sign of Frontier reconsidering their position.

    Given that Frontier are an excellent financial position, this isn't a question of resources, so it has to be a conscious decision to abandon the heritage of the game lore and the player contributions to it.

    I feel most for the community managers, who are employed to engage with the community and are left trying to bridge the gap between players and senior management, without any tools or content to do so. It is they who have to deal with the abuse, trolling and frustration of the playerbase brought on by the questionable decisions of those above who should know better.

    Elite Dangerous had its glory days of lore and narrative between 2014 and 2017, when there were staff involved with the project who cared and understood. They have now either left or been rotated elsewhere within Frontier, to the very great detriment of the game.

    Let's hope that this will change in the future and, once again, we'll be able to write on, Commander.

    submitted by /u/Sir_Tortoise
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    Project “Sidewinder to Colonia” is a go

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 06:19 AM PST

    I'm making the trip to Colonia in a stock Sidewinder + fuel scoop. If I average out about 100 jumps a day, I'll be there hopefully before April.

    I've started from Sol last night. If anyone sees CMDR Hornady out in the wilds, stop and chat. It's gonna be a loooong trip.

    submitted by /u/MoldyCashew
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    First crash site for this newbie. Not much just some scrap and a broken toilet seat. Did find some good cannisters though��

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 01:32 PM PST

    FDev: PLEASE do not let us endure another 6 months without AX CZs! They're a great part of the game that we can all dive in for worthwhile rewards through intense gameplay. It will be a massive, unnecessary shame!

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 11:59 AM PST

    I made it ...and got the mug!

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 02:02 PM PST

    Betelgeuse is so big.

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 02:08 PM PST

    Far out! Two things I've never seen, a Class A Blue Supergiant AND space anemone! Wonders never cease in the Galaxy.

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 01:08 PM PST

    Type-8 Review

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 12:15 PM PST

    I stopped off at the new Indian restaurant in Evangelis. Highly recommended. Just doing the TripAdvisor review now...

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 08:26 AM PST

    Burning Tsao Prospect in front of its star, Lembass

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 12:31 AM PST

    My first player pirate experience and lived to tell the tale.

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 03:40 PM PST

    I was travelling to a system that buys LTDs for 1m a piece with a cargo of 100 LTDs I arrive and calibrate to go to the planet, when suddenly I'm intradicted.

    I'm fighting harder than I ever have before and realise that this is too difficult to be AI, I fought for about 3 minutes and lost and immediately boosted, till I get told to powerdown.

    Which I comply, and give 5 LTDs, and start talking, I had seen these type of things on YT through "the core" of which 1 of the 2 Players was a member.

    I was so happy I lived I have given them extra LTDs.

    Thank you Cmdr black desiato & friend. You were really cool guys.

    It appears I may Become a pirate myself YAR HAR!

    submitted by /u/Blue_Bi0hazard
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    Those bastards fled the Lembass rescue ship and relocated me into a burning station!

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 12:17 AM PST

    High Metal Content World Going Zoom-Zoom

    Posted: 19 Feb 2020 09:24 PM PST

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