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    Wednesday, April 22, 2020

    Elite Dangerous [DAILY Q&A] Ask and answer any questions you have about the game here. (April 22, 2020)

    Elite Dangerous [DAILY Q&A] Ask and answer any questions you have about the game here. (April 22, 2020)

    [DAILY Q&A] Ask and answer any questions you have about the game here. (April 22, 2020)

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 09:49 AM PDT

    200,000 CMDRs on /r/EliteDangerous & Celebratory Giveaway!

    Greetings, Commanders! This is the Daily Q&A post for /r/EliteDangerous

    If you have any questions about any topic, whether it be for the moderators, tips and tricks for piloting or general gameplay/development questions please post here!

    Please check new comments and help answer to the best of your ability so we can see this community flourish!

    Remember to check previous daily Q&A threads and the New Q&A FAQ.

    WikiCareer ChartLore (Brief) • ThargoidsSagittarius Eye MagazineThe Elite Squadron

    Game Update Summaries: CoreHorizonsBeyond2019-2020

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    My vision how it could look like inside the space ships with space legs

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 12:44 PM PDT

    The greatest action shot ever taken in this game

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 12:04 AM PDT

    I updated it, given the recent changes to Fleet Carriers

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 04:11 AM PDT

    Soooo..... Found this the other day.

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 02:33 PM PDT

    Happy Earth Day CMDRs!

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 01:44 PM PDT

    Pro Tip from the New Pilot's Initiative: Don't poke the angry flowers

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 03:09 PM PDT

    This reminds me of 1970’s Sci-Fi art predicting space habitats, famous in many futurism mags of the time.

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 12:36 PM PDT

    I'm never gonna financially recover from this.

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 10:00 AM PDT

    A sense of scale:VY Canis Majoris a red super giant with its radius of 4000ls still looms large 13000ls away at its neighbor dwarf star with a radius of less than 0.20ls.

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 08:33 AM PDT

    The first brain forest I found (on discovered by someone else planet)

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 09:07 AM PDT

    Exigeous wants new player banned

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 07:43 PM PDT

    As if calling Fuel Rats out when they were not needed and crying about when he was banned for it wasnt sad enough tonight seen Exigeous host a piracy tutorial in which he has guests. He spouts piffle about he only kills for certain reasons etc but has griefers and gankers as guests. 1 hour before this stream his guests were streaming "ganking in deciat" in which they slaughtered any innocent there, zero piracy or role play involved.

    So they interdict a "harmless" ranked cmdr in a bucket ship, foreign spelled name , perhaps he doesnt speak english,... the guy probably a new player and have no clue combat logging is an offence that fdev will ban you for... Exigeous is so upset his tutorial/stream on being a pirate was ruined he stated how angry he was and he was going to send a report/ticket to fdev about it.

    LAME and lower than a snakes belly for wanting a harmless new player banned.

    submitted by /u/cmdr_astromech11
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    And so it begins...

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 02:00 PM PDT

    Demographic changes in the Galaxy, 2020

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 09:16 AM PDT

    Another year, another statistics post. The general trend remains, Alliance and Independents keep gaining systems and total population, Federation and Empire keep loosing both.

    Current data (as of today):

    Allegiance Systems Population
    None 1 25,000
    Pilots Federation 7 1,233,889,347
    Alliance 1,058 557,026,860,226
    Empire 4,719 1,652,046,151,015
    Federation 4,613 1,944,378,037,821
    Independent 10,120 2,477,835,166,138
    Total 20,518 6,632,520,129,547

    2019 data (source):

    Allegiance Systems Population
    None 2 988,464
    Pilots Federation 9 1,234,536,568
    Thargoid 19 9,862,643,583
    Alliance 946 496,222,625,074
    Empire 4,832 1,758,030,570,607
    Federation 5,172 2,164,757,330,883
    Independent 9,525 2,202,400,461,815
    Total 20,505 6,632,509,156,994

    2018 (source):

    Allegiance Systems Population
    None 9 1,233,523,056
    Alliance 876 499,960,405,714
    Empire 5,254 1,837,241,531,514
    Federation 5,940 2,508,906,045,994
    Independent 8,443 1,794,089,748,059
    Total 20,522 6,641,431,254,337

    2015 (source):

    Allegiance Systems Population
    Alliance 369 219bn
    Empire 5,514 1,919bn
    Federation 6,542 2,886bn
    Independent 6,593 1,549bn
    Total 19,019 6,572,987,331,639

    Difference 2019-2020:

    Allegiance Systems Population
    Alliance +112 +61b
    Empire -114 -106b
    Federation -559 -220b
    Independent +595 +275b
    Total +13 +11m

    Difference 2015-2020:

    Allegiance Systems Population
    Alliance +680 +161b
    Empire -795 -267b
    Federation -1,327 -942b
    Independent +3,527 +928b
    Total +1420 +60b
    submitted by /u/cold-n-sour
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    Shield-only Challenge

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 11:22 PM PDT

    I got to be an unofficial Fuel Rat - but I didn't mean that last part!

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 02:04 PM PDT

    This story's a little long, so I apologize ahead of time, TL;DR at the end.

    Sometime around the holidays I was showing my 20-something son my gaming rig when he was over visiting with the grandkids, complete with VR and HOTAS and in particular showing him Elite Dangerous in the Odyssey+. I give a basic walk-through of the mechanics of taking off, FSD and landing over about 15 min or so, and upon taking the headset off he had the biggest grin, "That was awesome! I'm gonna have to look into that."

    Fast-forward to earlier this month, and he has his new gaming rig built (sans VR), bought ED+Horizons and is doing the training scenarios. I told him when he feels comfortable enough to leave Pilot's Fed space, let me know. "We'll wing up and I'll show you some tips & tricks, take you out for some mining, pirate hunting & stuff.."

    "Sweet.. sound good!"

    Yesterday, I get a text: "Hey, wanna play some Elite?" Given we've all been cooped up for weeks and I really miss our bonding time, I jumped at the chance and logged in.

    Note: I've got about 1,000 hours in-game, have a fully-engineered Python and just over a billion credits. My son has about 5,000 credits and is still in a Sidewinder. This is important later (but I bet you can see where this is going).

    I set up a private instance, we get on voice chat (so cool!), and wing up. I'm in a system not far from Pilot's Fed space, so I tell him to come over and we'll run some cargo missions together. Well, he hadn't mastered KGBFOAM wisdom yet, and after 3 jumps very nearly ran out of fuel. "What do I do now?"

    I thought about just having him self-destruct, (since he's still in a base ship and hadn't bought any modules yet) but where's the role-play fun in that? Next thought - The Fuel Rats… wait a second, says I.. I could do that…never tried before but why not?

    "OK, hang out here, I'm gonna jump and re-outfit to bring you some fuel. Back in a few minutes!" Then I jumped over to a system, grabbed a fuel tank, extra fuel, a Fuel Limpet Controller and some extra limpets (just in case), then head back to rescue my poor student. He's been mucking around so now he's really almost out of gas with only two minutes of life support left.

    Fire off 3 or 4 fuel limpets and I'm delighted to hear him say, "Yep! I'm back in business! That's pretty cool! Thanks!" He restarts all his disabled modules and we jump to his first destination, where he successfully completes his first mission.

    From there on, I guide him through researching and accepting more basic Courier missions ("No, you don't want to take a Courier Mission out to Colonia in a Sidey…") and basically role-play as escort in-route while he tweaks the keyboard bindings, Galaxy and System maps, and his navigation and inventory displays. All goes well and after three or four missions, he has a little over 200,000 credits - we're past the "Don't-Fly-Without-a-Rebuy now boys! I'm a proud dad!

    Now 2 hours in and at this point I've shown him how to do so much that it's probably starting to feel more like a job than fun. So after he picks up two more cargo and data missions for his next run, I get an idea: "Let's do a little combat…nothing serious. First one to take out the other's shields wins. Sound good? I won't blow you up, I promise. I'm WAY overpowered compared to you.. ya wanna?"

    "Uh.. sure! Let's do it!"

    So we go at it.

    Now he's got no real pilot skills on a mouse/keyboard so I'm teasing him quite a bit. Hit his shields with one or two shots from a distance and peel away to let him try to chase me and land some shot of his own. We joust for a bit, back and forth.. and I can hear him on comms laughing. We're having a blast roasting each other on comms.

    Now either I wasn't paying attention to his ship or I didn't hear it - probably both - but as I'm coming down on him from his 6 o'clock about 1000 meters away I hit him with another playful laser salvo - and then hear "aaaand I'm dead," on comms. A split second later his ship explodes in front of me.

    "Oh no. Oh… oh no.. Oh my … I'm .. I'm so sorry! I didn't hear your shields go down! I didn't see it! I'm .. ohmygosh…. I'm so so sorry man! Damn.. I just.. aw mannnn.. "

    He took it well and laughed it off, but I feel terrible. Not only did I send him to the rebuy, but he lost both his missions and had to pay fines at the station. And I'm a big ol' mean gankin' bully….

    We're logging in again tonight, and I'm taking him LTD mining to get him some decent credits and sooth my enormous guilt.

    Bad CMDR!

    TL;DR: Got to play the Good Guy and be a Fuel Rat for my newbie son, only to end up a Gankin' bully and blow him up later because I wasn't paying attention.

    submitted by /u/blanketyak
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    New player kreygasm

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 03:20 PM PDT

    New player kreygasm

    So I'm pretty new to Elite Dangerous. Watched a bunch of videos, got the main controls down, etc. I decided to play like a hauler/miner and did a lot of missions with Type-6 until I could afford the Type-7 big boi brick. I was not finding that many large haul missions so I looked into lucrative mining routes. I did one route for low temp diamonds and got around 70mil, and purchased my very first Krait Mk II and added some pizzazz. Boy, this baby is so delicious. I feel like I'm finally playing the game. The way it PURRS when boosting!


    submitted by /u/8Blackbart8
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    Just for laughs, PvP Sidewinder vs Anaconda

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 02:25 PM PDT

    Outlaws posing as Enforcers while destroying innocent ships in Deciat (redux)

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 05:45 AM PDT

    Attention CMDRs!

    It has come to SPEAR's attention that bands of criminals are once again roaming in the system of Deciat, home to the respected member of the Engineer community Felicity Farseer.

    These cowardly agents of chaos are attacking innocents pilots going about their engineering business while at the same time posing as SPEAR members, with the intent of spreading disinformation and mistrust about our organization.

    Here are some examples of their fake propaganda:

    This urge to spread misinformation about Spear can only be explained by frustration at our success in making the Galaxy safer.

    We regularly patrol the area, but we are not present at all times and are unable to ensure the safety of everyone. Any member of the Pilot Federation visiting Deciat should tread lightly.

    Be on your guard!

    We have a list of Officially Supporting Squadrons in our Discord. You can use the same channel to ask for escort. When unsure, you can use EDR to check the dynamic karma of a CMDR as well as a history of scans and bounties, both offline and in-game.

    Fly safe!

    CMDR Herbrand

    submitted by /u/immanuel79
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    Not much but I'm happy that I manage to got this beautiful screen shot o7

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 05:20 AM PDT

    I don't think we are done with the Formadine...

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 09:52 AM PDT

    Has everyone given up on the Formadine? If you search up the "Reorte to Reidquat Line," you are met with several forum posts, from explorers, and almost each of those forums has somebody stating, "That mystery is over..." Or "It was already solved a long time ago." I say it's just started. A few settlements, beacons and a Project Dynasty era ship is hardly some big mystery. It brings closure to the main(?) point of the conspiracy behind it, but that's about it. Something bigger seems to be there.

    "You don't know what I've seen. I've sailed beyond the Formidine Rift, seen the fleets of Octagonal ships blocking out the stars. I've stood on lost worlds, sterilised clean by the Thargoids and erased from humanity's maps. I've seen the graves from the Thargoid wars, countless headstones stretching beyond the curvature of the horizon, little spots of reflected light dottering the abandoned continent ..."

    "Don't tell no one, but I got as far as the Formidine Rift, not many folks can say that! No one has gone past it and lived to tell the tale."

    "Edge of the Galactic Arm. Take a line from Reorte to Riedquat to the edge of the arm and ... keep going. 'Stars thin out, you can see the whole galaxy just hanging there."

    "Let's just say there was some serious sh** out there, stuff you wouldn't believe. No really - no one believed me, said it was all a fabrication. I had no proof you see and they edited my memory afterwards. Ah, it'll all come back to bite them one day, it's all there in the imperial databanks somewhere - and they thought the Thargoids were trouble ..."

    All of this seems to indicate there is much more than settlements in the Formadine. Are we going far enough? Like to the outside edge? Have people in Condas been able to jump out far enough?

    submitted by /u/Dehdstar
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    An elegant and regal ship deserves an elegant and regal name (with a touch of gay to match its elegant and regal homosexual pilot) *Im a slob in real life..

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 07:51 AM PDT

    Hot purple sun rising on a bumper crop of Space Pumpkins

    Posted: 22 Apr 2020 08:50 AM PDT

    Carrier Comparison

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 05:46 PM PDT

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