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    Tuesday, April 21, 2020

    Elite Dangerous [DAILY Q&A] Ask and answer any questions you have about the game here. (April 21, 2020)

    Elite Dangerous [DAILY Q&A] Ask and answer any questions you have about the game here. (April 21, 2020)

    [DAILY Q&A] Ask and answer any questions you have about the game here. (April 21, 2020)

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 09:49 AM PDT

    200,000 CMDRs on /r/EliteDangerous & Celebratory Giveaway!

    Greetings, Commanders! This is the Daily Q&A post for /r/EliteDangerous

    If you have any questions about any topic, whether it be for the moderators, tips and tricks for piloting or general gameplay/development questions please post here!

    Please check new comments and help answer to the best of your ability so we can see this community flourish!

    Remember to check previous daily Q&A threads and the New Q&A FAQ.

    WikiCareer ChartLore (Brief) • ThargoidsSagittarius Eye MagazineThe Elite Squadron

    Game Update Summaries: CoreHorizonsBeyond2019-2020

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    camping Deciat so no one can land, why do people have to be dicks. solo play it is then. V2

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 09:03 AM PDT

    4 weeks exploration gave me my first Elite and the money for a Phantom Miner!

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 01:20 AM PDT

    Almost had me last night. With limited weapons and 196t of LTDs being on the line. Finished off the pirates and docked with 20% hull left.

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 10:35 AM PDT

    In Hyperspace throttle to Zero (chalk)

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 03:05 PM PDT

    The Mk4 Viper [The Pilot]

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 07:28 AM PDT

    Flet Carrier from behind

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 01:15 PM PDT

    Discovering new worlds

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 05:41 AM PDT

    Absolute rookie mistake, I should know better

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 11:06 AM PDT

    So a few hours ago I left deciat, in solo because watching Netflix while I fly, heading out to a known guardian site. So 48 jumps, fuel scooping, a detour to effect repairs and refuel eventually I made it. I found the planet, eventually got to the guardian site. Took me absolutely ages to find a landing spot for my anaconda, get it landed and..... No SRV. I forgot to put planetary vehicle on board. So turn around and away I go!

    submitted by /u/mk1984_3
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    Can someone explain why a K-star is suddenly worth 473k when giving it in ?

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 12:25 PM PDT

    Spot the SRV

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 11:17 PM PDT

    If I never see the backside of Jameson's Cobra again, I wont complain.

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 02:51 PM PDT

    At least I've gotten a lot accomplished *somewhere* this month!����

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 04:53 AM PDT

    Is it time for a new lead designer?

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 07:15 AM PDT

    I'm a backer from the kickstarter a long time ago and have been with the game for a long time. Initially I was swept away by what the game already was and what it could become. There was a 'Design Discussion Forum' where players of the game could talk about new ideas with the developers and in my eyes the game had so much potential. But the DDF was closed down, and time and time again Frontier released updates that were (in my humble opinion) just not what the community wanted or had hoped. From the beginning people asked for things like a game that was more fun, where you could DO things, more balance between the different ways to make money, more things to do, and mainly LESS GRIND. There is more: better background simulation, ways for player (groups?) to spice up the game, you name it.

    But for some reason Frontier invested time and energy in updates that completely missed the mark. Powerplay could have been awesome (war between superpowers? Massively unsafe but profitable areas? )but is just another layer of useless grind that nobody participates in or just skims a bit to get some kind of weapon or shield. CQC…thanks for creating another gamemode that nobody plays in and has absolutely no link to the rest of the game. Horizons is awesome but what can we do on planets? Just drive arounds and shoot rocks. Guardian sites: a puzzle that is fun the first time, grind it a lot till you're sick of it for the unlocks and then forget about it. Engineers not that bad..bit grindy but I have fun doing some of them even if it is just more fetch this, kill that. Thargoid's, nice a new enemy (actually not that bad but you have to grind weapons first) and some kind of caves I've never seen. Vulcanic planets, oh you mean those geysers? And now fleet carriers that cannot carry your fleet and have an upkeep so you have to keep coming back or else it gets destroyed. Games should have fun and rewards but this is more like an episode of 'grind and punishment'.

    Even if it is David Braben himself who is the lead designer of this game, PLEASE give someone else the change to give the game a new and fresh direction. Try something new: give us something to do, make the game FUN, a bit more balanced and remove the grind. Give players a reason to return to the game just because it is something we like to do, instead of punishing us for not logging in.

    submitted by /u/Ervig
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    Elite servers inaccessible from Xfinity USA

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 05:28 AM PDT

    This was discussed yesterday but wanted to ask if others are still having problems. For the last ~24 hours access to the AWS Elite servers have been timing out for me(and others). Xfinity has been no help as expected. New information I have found is when I use a VPN I can load the game to the menus but access to the AWS back end servers are not connecting. I am assuming AWS is actively blocking VPN access so this isn't a usable workaround. What this does prove is that my Xfinity IP address is being incorrectly(inefficiently?) routed to the elite front AND back end servers.
    TL;DR if you are also having problems accessing the servers vis Xfinity please open a ticket so they see multy complaints about the issue.

    submitted by /u/Ganjajp
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    That atmosphere glow on Venus though ��

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 02:04 PM PDT

    A New Player's Feedback [Serious]

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 02:48 PM PDT

    Hello, I'm a new player (26 hours-ish of playtime) to Elite Dangerous and I wanted to share my impressions and feedback on the game. My group has mostly focused on combat, trade, and deep core mining with some early game exploration. A bit of a disclaimer too: I haven't seen anyone outside of my group in open.
    A bit of background: my gaming group has a diehard fan of the game who has been trying to convince us to play it with him and we finally relented and gave it a shot. And ultimately we unanimously liked the game, we're extremely experienced gamers who took to the complexity extremely quickly. That said, there are also some glaring issues that we have discussed in length and I would like to share with the hope that the developers read it and incorporate some of the changes.
    So after we completed the tutorial and aimlessly tackled different tasks, we did our homework and zeroed in one deep core mining and ultimately loved the experience of it. The preparation work of loading up and outfitting your ship, traveling out to an ice ring, cracking asteroids with seismic charges, and sitting in a freezing cloud picking out those sweet sweet void opals and low temp. diamonds make for an amazing experience. Such an amazing experience, in fact, that the rest of the game sort of seems lackluster in comparison.
    We're currently sitting at a pretty healthy striking position for what the price of carriers is going to be and are looking at buying Anaconda's, type-10's, etc. In 26 hours. We're still technically noobs, smart noobs who do research, but I don't think we should be as wealthy as we are. Especially since those 26 hours include the tutorial and experimenting with different missions and play styles, so the deep core mining is probably about 5 hours.

    So this brings me to the feedback portion of this post (I tried to keep it neutral and friendly, please read it that way!):

    1) Other systems need to be as impactful as deep core mining is. By comparison, my friend took me into a warzone as a fighter pilot and, while cool, it's nowhere near the experience that deep core mining is: you show up, the ships spawn, you shoot guys in null space. It's pretty jarring really to go from something so rich and thought out to something that feels dated by comparison.

    I'd rather be fighting over strategic locations, weaving between asteroids, dipping in and out of the atmosphere, or circling massive space structures. Nullspace is cool, but it gets stale really quickly. Second, I want there to be a build-up and some kind of progression. Showing up to a fight already in progress oftentimes can be cool, but pretty quickly you see it as it is: a thinly veiled instance. When you win, everyone just sort of peaces out. Not exactly awarding. I'd like to see some stages and changes in the warzone as the fight progresses, maybe fighting from the nav beacon to the mining positions nearby before tackling a big capital ship or a heavily armed outpost. Literally, just anything other than show up, shoot, quota met, go back.

    And this idea is the same for almost every other system, including the base game mining. There needs to be some depth and systems put in for immersion. You guys are a space sim, sell me on the simulation of being in a war like you did with the experience of being a deep core miner.

    2) Accessibility! You guys made this awesome map, easily the coolest part of the game to me, and it's useless. Why is it useless? I imagine the idea was to make people explore and go outside of their normal boundaries of play, but it's been 4 years and third party websites exist. So we use eddb instead of the absolutely gorgeous and well-designed map you guys made because it doesn't give us the information we need. Same with the galacnews(?): what is it suppose to do? I don't really care about what faction has done what, I'd rather be fed changing market prices, who is buying what at ridiculous prices, where points of interest are, what are some high-profit warzones, who wants what explored, who has the highest bounty, etc. We're supposed to be these freelance pilots, but we have nothing in-game to guide us towards that higher profit and risk. Galacnews could be the resource that every player checks when they log on to get an idea of what to do today. This also feeds into my next point, but you also push players towards each other and increase the chance of players crossing paths in an otherwise MASSIVE play space.

    3) Give us, the players, the tools to interact with each other. Become a radio sim game! I play and consume a lot of content for mil-sim games, I love them. I think you guys could really benefit by taking a note out of that playbook and adding a pretty detailed radio system. Let the players access a trucker style short-range radio so we can coordinate with players in our sphere of influence. Or even better, let players and squadrons host dedicated radios, podcasts and radio stations in-game. I bet the fuel runner dudes who rescue stranded pilots would LOVE a dedicated radio to answer calls on. You have such an awesome community, give them tools and watch them go!
    Right now, a common complaint with the game that my friends and I have is that it constantly feels like we have to fight the game to play together in the way that we want to play. For example, we can't pay each other or split the profit, so we can't really work together and instead mine independently near each other. But at the same time, our veteran friend can solo a 40 mil wing mission and we all get the reward. We presumed the credit trading was to stop power leveling, but it's really easy to play around it, so why not let us pay each other? Then, one player can run security, two can mine, and one can run a ferry to and from a station and EVERYONE PROFITS AND GETS TO PLAY THE WAY THEY WANT.

    4) I'm sure you guys are sick of hearing this one, but the balance. Why do literally anything else when deep core mining is 100x (literally: 30mil compared to 300,000 on the high-end missions) more profitable and also one of the more polished and awesome experiences?
    We were talking about getting federation corvettes and imperial cutters as the next stage of our playing, but when we researched how to do that we decided it wasn't worth it. The grind looked like it was way too long and tedious for a marginally better ship that, ultimately, we decided we could live without. Which is a shame! Your players shouldn't be dismayed and turned away from something they want to pursue and play towards. If the grind was more accessible and could be pursued from anywhere in the galaxy and by doing any kind of activity, then the length would be irrelevant. Sadly though, none of us are interested in sitting at one station and grinding out courier and delivery missions when we could be doing combat, exploration, or deep core mining.

    So yeah, those are my 4 big points of contention with the game so far. As I said, I'm really enjoying it so far and feel like there's a really cool game here that just needs some polishing. The framework is there for an awesome sim game. You guys caught lightning in a bottle with your deep core mining and should really try to recapture that in every other feature of the game. I think this is what people love about exploring as well: it's an event with a build-up, pay off, and decompression that spans an entire session of playtime.
    I also think that instead of focusing on giving players more content, you should focus on arming your community so that they can better represent and exist within the game without having to communicate over forums and Reddit. And believe me, I would very much rather be using the awesome map and tools you have in-game instead of a 3rd party barebones website. The NPCs are cool and all, but I'd love to see you guys embrace your awesome community and let them go crazy in-game.

    submitted by /u/hawkshot86
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    Bought it in monday (13.4.) and last played on sunday so I'd say it's a pretty good game

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 12:49 PM PDT

    Man will never be the king of the universe.

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 08:13 PM PDT

    8 weeks ago I decided embark on an exploration journey. I had no real destinations in mind, it was just go and discover. I've seen everything from the soul and the heart nebulas to the Eta Carina nebula, and everything in between. On the way back i decided to head to Veil nebula east before back tracking and arriving back in my final destination Fortuna, to reap my reward$$$.

    Now when I say at this point in my trip I was 100% confidant in my ability to cone boost out of ANY neutron star, I firmly believed that.

    That was a disgusting miscalculation

    Here I am at LHS 33idekAtThisPoint. Less than 100ly away from Fortuna. ONE last cone boost left before I was there.... And there it was. The neutron star with a cone that had just barely made it out of the star collision boundries.... I got this😎

    ..................... I did not got this.... 8 weeks of honking, DSS and landing on all possible planets. Every.single.system...planet and moon I came across. All gone. Erased from all existence. Along with my will power to play this game anymore.... until tomorrow

    EDIT: Just found the stars name. LHS 235. Its a DAZ white dwarf. 29.10ly from Sol just to make matters worse

    TLDR always underestimate your ability to cone scoop or lose everything you've ever loved

    submitted by /u/Terminal-Diarrhea
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    Literally living on the edge

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 12:53 PM PDT

    If you cant beat them, join them.

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 12:48 PM PDT

    Federation Rank Grinding alternative: Chuencani data acquisition missions

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 08:31 AM PDT

    I got sick of the Sothis> Ceos data runs while doing the Federation Rank Grinding. I think I have a quicker method: Chuencani data acquisitions: Chuencani has one base and it has 2 Fed factions that do a ton of data acquisition missions to two other systems. One system only has 1 location, the other 2 location so you can stack up lots of missions to the same system. Then jump to the system and do the data acquisition.

    Make sure you have a ship that is a shield tank. I did mine in a FDL. However the system next door with only 1 location (Ch'ortamaye) seems to only have 1 ship as defense. The other system (HIP 16712) has a location that can really bite.

    Anyway, grab the data by flying the ship very close (75m) to the data point using the scanner tool, as soon as you have it, turn around, Low wake out as soon as you are not mass locked (binding a key helps with this) then jump back to normal space as soon as possible, you'll be about 10km outside the base, the data point will be reset, rinse and repeat for as many missions and you have stacked for that location. I cleared 90% of the post captain rank in just a few hours (it would have been quicker if I had low waked as soon as I could rather than trying to turn around in super-cruse, stupid).

    Back in Chuencani you can then clear your fine as they have a Interstellar Factors (or not: I'm not your Mum). Chuencani also has some good donation missions which boost you up the rank.

    I found this much more fun then Sothis > Ceos, Plus you pick up a ton of cash and grade 5 Mats from the missions. You can easy pick up 10% rank (on Post Captain), 2-5 million and 10-20 grade 5 mats in about 30mins.

    Fly Dangerous o7
    (assuming re-buy of course)

    submitted by /u/wenhamton
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    Hi! I’m a new player who got the Commander Deluxe edition while it was 75% off looking to make a career of exploring because exploring space is the stuff I got this game for, but even in the Pilot’s Handbook I hardly understand anything, anyone have a guide for really new players?

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 01:26 PM PDT

    Size comparison

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 11:34 AM PDT

    Bought ED in 2014, played for a few hours and gave up. Recently picked it back up with friends, got my first jumpaconda, and set out exploring. Finally got my name on an entire system, and it's a pretty one. (Flyooe Eohn CF-M B41-0) If you visit, check out planet A2 and its moon (pictured)

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 07:47 PM PDT

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