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    Thursday, July 16, 2020

    Elite Dangerous [DAILY Q&A] Ask and answer any questions you have about the game here. (July 16, 2020)

    Elite Dangerous [DAILY Q&A] Ask and answer any questions you have about the game here. (July 16, 2020)

    [DAILY Q&A] Ask and answer any questions you have about the game here. (July 16, 2020)

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 09:49 AM PDT

    200,000 CMDRs on /r/EliteDangerous & Celebratory Giveaway!

    Greetings, Commanders! This is the Daily Q&A post for /r/EliteDangerous

    If you have any questions about any topic, whether it be for the moderators, tips and tricks for piloting or general gameplay/development questions please post here!

    Please check new comments and help answer to the best of your ability so we can see this community flourish!

    Remember to check previous daily Q&A threads and the New Q&A FAQ.

    WikiCareer ChartLore (Brief) • ThargoidsSagittarius Eye MagazineThe Elite Squadron

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    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    [Frontier Forums] Fleet Carriers - Patch 3 - Known Issues

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 09:20 AM PDT

    I think we need a ship or port named for Grant Imahara.

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 03:17 AM PDT

    He did more to help the genre of science fiction than most people with influence, and he inspired people all over the world with his work.

    He worked on star wars and star trek both, and I'm sure he had his own dreams of space exploration and life in that universe.

    I think it would be fitting to have a port or ship named for him, plus "The Imahara" is a great name.

    submitted by /u/kiestaking
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    Message to Newbies: the game is still great – Do not let complainers about recent update discourage you

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 01:16 PM PDT

    I have been sitting back over the last 36 hours as parts of this community loses its collective doo-doo over the mid-July 2020 update that impacted aspects of mining and trading. This has often included pronouncements that the game is officially dead (by patching a brand-new update ahead of another brand-new update six years after the game came out?) and they are no longer interested in playing.

    First and foremost (honestly, to avoid getting flamed and downvoted), I want to acknowledge their valid perspective that the current state of the recent update breaks the game for them. I also do wish community goals (CG) and the galactic news channel were still a thing.

    HOWEVER…(takes a gulp, checks notes) as a newbie I want to let other potential/current newbies know that this game is still fantastic and you should not be discouraged from paying the (discounted) price to get the game .

    What has happened here is that it has become harder to make money doing certain tasks (mining & trading) to a degree where players who have been able to afford end-game content ships relatively early in the game now find that the music has stopped and they are stuck with whatever ships they have, some only (sniff)…partially upgraded.

    My own smarminess aside, a portion of that group really did get screwed hard. Many commanders recently purchased newly-available fleet carriers, which require a hefty weekly payment for upkeep, on the completely legit belief that they would be able to continue their current revenue streams. They basically bought a big house then the market crashed and they are worried they can't afford the payments anymore. BUT…(takes a sip of water and loosens tie a little)… many of those people also just started playing and earned billions of dollars to afford a fleet carrier in an amount of time that could be described as exploitative.

    MEANWHILE, I started playing less than two months ago with a friend of mine. We planned on getting our feet wet in the starter system then heading out to make gobs of riches like everyone else mining Low Temperature Diamonds (LTDs – this community loves acronyms as much as I love parenthetical asides). Then my friend hurt his back in real life. I had an in-game choice of leaving my friend behind on Dromi to plunder Borann before the developers nerfed it or sticking close. I stayed close. (Get well soon Commander Jugggler).

    Borann went dry. The tritium market imploded. My Grand Theft Auto-esque dreams of standing in the hangar of my fleet carrier beaming at my lineup of awesome and exotic ships while I sipped space congnac went up in smoke.

    Thank god!

    I have earned (earned!) my way up to an upgraded Asp Explorer and am just now setting out to meet my first engineer as part of a quest to overclock my jump range so I can do some deep space exploration (exploration, not following a 'tour of the Hollywood homes'-style road to riches). I got there by running courier missions, selling exploration data from a short and shallow dive into the black, and helping the space police blast pirates in mining zones. All of it was terribly fun. Every little upgrade, promotion, and permit I earned felt good like a real-life job promotion.

    I still have not tried mining yet. Ditto for trading. I will at some point. I have not roved around on a planet yet since I have not made enough space cheddar to comfortably afford an SRV bay. These are some of the numerous activities still waiting for me to discover and learn about. Some will counter that they do not have the time to put into grinding out an Anaconda or Corvette or whatever.

    My thought is that the game works just fine in my Asp and I am loving it. Sometimes I miss my Sidewinder so I dust it off and take it out for a short data mission. I have not been more than 700ly from Sol yet. I am seeing new players posting photos of their Fleet Carriers at the edge of the galaxy. Now they are upset that they can't mine enough tritium to get back. I feel terrible that they are stuck there. I also feel bad for them at how much of the game experience they missed on the way to ending up there in the first place by essentially playing Space Tycoon while the rest of us are having a blast playing Elite Dangerous.

    So if this more than half-a-decade-old game caught your attention enough that you are on Reddit, of all places, doing some research (like it did for me) and you are still reading this post all the way down to here, then you definitely should get this game and you will love it. Do not let all the complaining discourage you one bit.

    (Gets off soap box, lights it on fire, then retreats behind plexiglass barrier to read comments).

    submitted by /u/Morinthian
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    Speeding fine. Whatever ��

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 05:37 AM PDT

    FDev's guide to creating immersive game economies

    Posted: 15 Jul 2020 09:54 PM PDT

    Everyone is upset about mining changes, us combat pilots has been suffering years now.

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 06:13 AM PDT

    Challenge accepted ��

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 01:29 PM PDT

    World Record of "Forgot Limpets"

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 09:12 AM PDT

    My fleet carrier (DSSA Flamingo) is over 25000 LY from the nearest carrier administration system, and only now do I realise that I have forgotten to buy the resupply service. Bugger.

    I don't have enough fuel to get back, and I have to mine tritium by manually scooping, or synthesising limpets (and getting materials from planets).

    I believe this is the worst case of "Forgot Limpets" that I will ever encounter.

    But luckily I have a plan! I only need to mine 600 units of tritium, at which point I can jump to DSSA Wanderer's Rest, where I can use their resupply service to mine enough tritium to reach Colonia. Once I'm at Colonia, I can GET THE RESUPPLY SERVICE, and then either buy or mine enough tritium to return to base.

    Current location is Eactaisky IR-N E6-2. If you're stopping by, I'd greatly appreciate you selling some tritium! ( That's if you have any, I wouldn't make my worst enemy manually scoop ) :)

    submitted by /u/spanner__
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    Asp in front of things nostalgia

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 02:32 PM PDT

    My Luck with High Grade Emissions Farming...

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 11:53 AM PDT

    Operation Ida: The Haul To End It All

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 06:54 AM PDT

    Operation Ida: The Haul To End It All

    When the Thargoids first reared their corrosive pseudopodia and set honest human stations aflame, it's safe to say that many were shocked. The good news was we all had a common enemy to rally against and many AX groups were formed to push them back and to put the fires out by rescuing people from the infernos.

    But what of the station once the flames were out? Frontier let us know all we had to do was deliver some commodities to the stations and they would be repaired! And so Operation Ida was formed, named after the mountain in Crete that features several times in Greek mythology – notably, when Zeus stood on Mount Ida and shook the Aegis, it created thunder. We then set out to move the required mountains of materials and goods that were needed to repair every station, first in the Pleiades and later in the Bubble and even the Witch Head Nebula.

    Since we started two and a half years ago, we've repaired around 70% of the damaged stations ourselves and aided several PMFs that invited us to help repair the station(s) of their home systems. Now the unthinkable has happened and we now only have six (6!) stations remaining. With the power of fleet carriers and your help, we believe that we can finish these six in a week. We are planning a huge weekend with assorted events and prizes for top haulers, so please bring your ships and your cargo racks so we can "Haul to End it All"! The work starts NOW and hopefully will be done before the weekly server maintenance on July 23 so all the stations will come online together.

    The original Pleiades repair requirements. Source: https://forums.frontier.co.uk/threads/station-repair-totals.398977/post-6286153

    As you can see, the early stations were tough; the remaining stations total less than half of the original requirements for the smallest station, and roughly equal the amount that was delivered to The Oracle before Frontier reduced the requirements to more reasonable numbers. Yet with careful coordination, an ever expanding spreadsheet, the addition of automatic delivery logging, and finally fleet carriers, we are actually reaching the end. That's right, we're down to the last few stations and we would like YOU to join us in finishing this mammoth task! We estimate it will take one week to finish everything, and with your help, it will be even shorter.

    Operation Ida's hauling stats, from August 3304 (aka 2018) to today

    So please come along and celebrate our final deliveries! It doesn't matter what ship you bring as long as you have some cargo space. Just remember that damaged stations have no ship repair facilities or contacts, boosting through the slot is encouraged, and the beryllium waffles are all-you-can-eat :D


    Please join the Operation Ida Discord server (http://operationida.com, click Discord at the top) for delivery coordination and stats tracking (note: please read the server rules in #read-this-first; the off-topic/memes channel is #ida-waffle-bar).

    The actual repair work is very simple: Buy a needed commodity from a non-damaged station, then sell it to the damaged station. We have extensive tracking systems set up to make this even easier and to avoid over-delivery of commodities (some of them are annoying to find in large-enough quantities). Please note that damaged stations do not have hull-repair facilities (they do still have fuel), and Contacts are unavailable so you can't pay fines there! (we locate nearby Interstellar Factors and post them on our spreadsheets)

    We are using carriers to increase our efficiency (not exaggerating, 50% increase over pre-carrier hauling, even for short-supercruise stations) and reduce interdiction/hyperdiction rates. The #find-a-carrier channel will list active fleet carriers, their locations, and what commodity they are loading or unloading. Simply show up to any of those systems in a ship that has cargo racks and start moving cargo to or from a carrier as indicated. It doesn't matter what game mode or platform you're on, it all counts. Once full/empty, you can jump along with the carriers to help move cargo again at the other end or you can remain in the same system and work on another carrier.

    If you wish to use your carrier for hauling, that's awesome and we're very grateful and happy to have you help, but PLEASE contact Operation Ida staff FIRST so we can coordinate what each carrier is picking up and avoid duplicate efforts; it takes a while to load and unload twenty to twenty-five thousand tons of cargo and we don't want anyone to feel they wasted their time because somebody else managed to load and unload faster.

    We have cross-platform automated delivery logging that handles both the carrier and station ends. Make an account on https://app.operationida.com, link your Frontier and Discord accounts, and start hauling! If you don't want to link your Frontier account for some reason, you can still manually log deliveries to the repair target on the Discord server. Note that the automated logging stops after 90 mins of inactivity (across the website and hauling); simply open the app again to start it logging again.

    EDIT: Also posted to the forums.

    EDIT 2: We weren't clear about when this is happening. It starts now and goes until we finish, which will hopefully be before next Thargsday so all the stations come online at the same time.

    submitted by /u/fpgeek
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    I was on my normal Grind in the Kamadhenu System when i received a Distress Signal. After leaving Supercruise i encountered this enormous Graveyard with a Thargoid abducting Survivor Capsules. Did anyone had similar experiences?

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 10:31 AM PDT

    We all have that one friend...

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 10:45 AM PDT

    I love astroid stations. I wish there were more of them.

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 01:08 AM PDT

    One of my biggest hopes for the Odyssey update is that installations like Tranquility's Stop here will open up for players and we'll be able to explore the interior, trade, rest, pick up missions etc. Just hang out have a look at the nearby black hole through a window. I'm keeping my fingers crossed

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 12:03 PM PDT

    I am getting close to the galactic center, and there are so many nebulae, it looks like someone is firing an AA barrage.

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 11:27 AM PDT

    Found a system with a white, yellow and red star all next to each other

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 09:20 AM PDT

    I made the trip in my hauler.

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 11:38 AM PDT

    Finally after 43h of newbie play I got my brand new Anaconda! :D

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 09:41 AM PDT

    A miners analysis of Eve vs Elite

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 11:40 AM PDT

    I started playing Eve online in 2004 and fell in love with mining asteroids and industry. I can't remember the first time I jumped into a ringed planet in Elite but from that moment on I never went back to Eve. I would take everything from every asteroid and it took me years of playing to afford my first anaconda but I didn't care because it was the act of being in the asteroid belt (mostly) alone chipping away rocks for dimes that made me relaxed.

    Everyone must achieve what they want out of life and the same goes for video games. Some people want to amass a huge fortune so they can move on and never have to farm again. I will never argue with anyone that their play style is wrong but I will argue that Elite doesn't have the framework which supports that style of game play.

    First lets look at Eve Online. A single shard MMO where practically every single item requires player participation in each step of the supply chain. From the producers of capital ships to the individual miner selling to player created buy orders, every aspect of the economy is player driven. Eve allows players to amass fortunes and use that money to influence other areas of the game however the player see's fit. This is a complete dichotomy to the BGS of Elite. Until the introduction of Fleet Carriers.

    With fleet carriers, players now have a means of exerting their profound wealth in the form of influence but only in this tiny sliver of what can barely be considered a "free market" on their fleet carrier commodity trading page. Introducing this new type of economic model that is only available through player owned carriers while the pre-existing economic model of artificially generated modules and systems still exists perplexes me. I assume that it is only the beginning of the changes that are to come. I fully support the introduction of more player influenced economics but without the entire economic model also changing I fear that this will only result in a half measures approach where the end result is settled by an agreed upon decision that this is "good enough". Eve Online's economic model is flawed in many ways but it works because the entire market is player driven from the ground up. Elite shouldn't try to mimic this system but I don't see how a player driven market built around capitals will fit into our procedurally generated econo-scape like Elite.

    I hope this isn't seen as a critisim of FDEV. I love this game and the community that has been built around it. I implore those who are leaving the game due to the recent changes to re-evaluate their goals. The age old problem with cheats or exploits and video games is once they have been used once it is extremely difficult to find enjoyment of the base game again. The exploitation of the Egg (at least in my mind) is a perfect analogy of this in practice.

    I play Elite because it makes me feel tiny. I'm a completely irrelevant part of the galaxy where my actions have no meaning besides that which I attribute to myself. I'm the silent miner who coasts through the ice belts not looking for riches but looking to escape. There are no changes FDEV can make that will stop me enjoying the game unless they completely remove mining entirely.

    TL;DR Eve=free market capitalism. Elite=supply/demand driven by algorithms. Fleet carriers introduced a free market system into a procedurally generated econo-scape. It will be interesting to see how the two conflicting economic models work together and the implementations FDEV will use to intertwine the two.

    submitted by /u/primordialpoop817
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    At 600 hours, this is the first time I said "Wow"

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 09:44 AM PDT

    I too, fell hard for the game, and 3 weeks after I started playing Elite Dangerous, I went out and got this...

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 06:15 AM PDT

    I've been docked on an FC for a couple of weeks and haven't been on. I decided to share some screenshots that I took when i logged in today. o7

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 02:34 PM PDT

    While en-route to one system, I stumbled upon this unexplored Neutron/M star binary. The system also had another two M stars (100ls and 13k ls) and a lonely Water world at 24k ls. :)

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 06:50 AM PDT

    Dev comment from the forums about tritium, they will have something for the community today...

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 06:17 AM PDT

    Link to the comment in the forum thread

    We are aware of the Tritium issue - there will be information today about this. Please stand by and we appreciate your patience and feedback!


    I'll be interested to see what they have to say, and what the will do, if anything... At least they broke the usual radio silence...

    EDIT: here is what they have to say:


    Stephen Benedetti

    Greetings Commanders,

    Thanks for your feedback on the latest patch! We understand that some of the changes had unexpected effects and want to address them:

    Overlapping Hotspots Commodity Distribution
    With Patch 3 we implemented a change that was primarily intended to bring down the effects of multiple overlapping hotspots, especially on rarer commodities (such as Low Temperature Diamonds). We're currently looking at data from the live game to determine the actual impact that it is having and will review this based on our projections. If the data does not meet our expectations we will be making changes accordingly.

    One of the most noted points of feedback we've seen so far is that the rarity of Tritium has been negatively impacted. We'd like to make it clear that any negative impact on locating and mining Tritium is unintentional and the intention is for Tritium to remain as accessible as it was prior to Patch 3.

    Limited Purchasing on Fleet Carriers
    Fleet Carrier purchase orders are now limited to a maximum order of 2bn Credits. This was omitted from the patch notes and we apologise for any confusion this has caused.

    Console Players
    A small update will take place tomorrow around midday for Xbox and Playstation users. This update won't contain any noticeable changes, but lays the groundwork for future bug fixes.

    Finally, we would like to thank you all for your great feedback, we have been listening and watching and we appreciate your patience and support.

    o7 Commanders.

    submitted by /u/b3333n
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