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    Thursday, August 6, 2020

    Elite Dangerous [DAILY Q&A] Ask and answer any questions you have about the game here. (August 06, 2020)

    Elite Dangerous [DAILY Q&A] Ask and answer any questions you have about the game here. (August 06, 2020)

    [DAILY Q&A] Ask and answer any questions you have about the game here. (August 06, 2020)

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 09:49 AM PDT

    200,000 CMDRs on /r/EliteDangerous & Celebratory Giveaway!

    Greetings, Commanders! This is the Daily Q&A post for /r/EliteDangerous

    If you have any questions about any topic, whether it be for the moderators, tips and tricks for piloting or general gameplay/development questions please post here!

    Please check new comments and help answer to the best of your ability so we can see this community flourish!

    Remember to check previous daily Q&A threads and the New Q&A FAQ.

    WikiCareer ChartLore (Brief) • ThargoidsSagittarius Eye MagazineThe Elite Squadron

    Game Update Summaries: CoreHorizonsBeyond2019-2020

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Did you ever find that one superlatively special exploration find? I first discovered this almost three years ago, and have yet to find its rival.

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 04:06 AM PDT

    Federal robot 1

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 07:43 AM PDT

    I parked for the night and left the camera running ...

    Posted: 05 Aug 2020 05:57 PM PDT

    Coming through!

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 12:49 PM PDT

    I like open play but I dislike gankers. Makes me a bit sad

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 08:46 AM PDT

    tl;dr, I'm an innocent commander and I need a hug after getting killed for no reason.

    I like to stay in open play because of the possibilities it opens up, the potentially fun interactions I could have with all the people there.

    And it's a bit frustrating that some people only use this opportunity to go "lol my ship kill you!", in the same fashion as DnD murder-hobos, in the most frequented systems. It's a waste of potential, time, and is completely immersion breaking due to the complete baselessness of it. And that's my top gripe with it. It's immersion breaking, on top of making me lose faith in my fellow humans.

    And it's not like frontier can do a lot about it either. Perhaps they could, but they probably would overshoot, or it would be too costly. All that's left to do is go back to breaking your immersion occasionally and whining to get compassion from my fellow non-murder-hobo pilots.

    Basically, I need a hug. I don't have a solution or a grand argument. I'm just a bit frustrated and I need a hug.

    submitted by /u/SarrihCermaros
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    Fighting at the top

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 04:21 AM PDT

    I finished painting my Mamba

    Posted: 05 Aug 2020 06:08 PM PDT

    This game is so cool

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 03:48 AM PDT

    The Art of War CG is Complete!

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 02:59 AM PDT

    The Art of War CG is Complete!

    As of 06/08/3306 the Art of War community goal is complete, with over 10,000 Thargoid Hearts and a total of 15,000 rare and elusive Thargoid artefacts safely onboard The Astras Fleet Carrier, the AXI has begun processing and developing the new camouflage for the Flagship vessel. More to come as this unfolds.


    We thank each and every one of you who took part in this momentous event, the largest in the AXI's history, we hope those of you who may have come along just for the event stick around and see what the AXI has to offer,

    Once more, Congratulations to all for such a roaring success in one of the largest and first major Player-Run Community Goals for Elite: Dangerous. This has been a colossal project for us and to see it not only through to completion but also smashing expectations is truly a testament to our combined might against the Thargoids.

    (As for the Decal reward, we have informed frontier of the completion and as per their instructions, we expect the Decal to be distributed to CMDRs soon, we will let you know once we have an estimated date from Frontier)


    Glory, to Mankind

    submitted by /u/Bregirn
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    8 Things Non-VR Commanders Probably Don't Know About ED in VR

    Posted: 05 Aug 2020 08:11 PM PDT

    The Elite Dangerous VR crowd had a small moment in the spotlight when y'all realized we were going to be left behind for anywhere between a few months and forever when Odyssey comes out. Reading some of the comments made me aware that most of you do not really know what an incredibly different experience the game is for us. I am here to fix that.

    What's It Looks Like…

    A friend of mine who had not tried VR in awhile played the game for the first time on an Oculus and his response summed it up. "Holy Sh!t, everything is in 3D."

    It really is, and almost nothing can describe the feeling of being "in" your ship. Whatever chair you are sitting in becomes the pilot seat, and its wrapped around you. Some of you may have seen the image of a headless pilot. Those are from VR players. Our heads are where that head would be, and it would totally block our view if we had two heads. Instead when we look down we see the rest of our body, and the rest of the cockpit, in full scale. Our avatar hands are locked on the HOTAS controls and they move as they would IRL. Thrust up and the left hand pushes the lever forward. Fire a cannon and an avatar finger will flick the trigger.

    You can look around in all directions. On ships with large canopies it is amazing for exploration and almost like cheating for combat. We can see you above us and off to our sides by just looking at you, and we can tell what direction you are going and how fast in a blink too. That makes getting behind you that much easier.

    The views and dashes on different ships adds to the charm of each one. I will never forget my sidewinder. In VR, it feels like you are wearing that little ship. There is glass in every direction. You are playing the game for the first time and outer space is one foot in front of your nose. It is the perfect starter vessel.

    Landing and taking off from stations are epic experiences. Seeing fleet carriers and buzzing capital ships are breathtaking. Experiencing any heavenly body is, well, other worldly.

    It's not perfect, however. Your resolution is limited to HD, which sounds good but the monitor is right in front of your eyes so you get that "screen door" effect of pixilation with many rigs. Text can also be hard to read if you are not staring directly at it. These take getting used to and I imagine someone coming from an ultra hi-res desktop monitor situation will be disappointed at that aspect…for about 10 seconds, then will go back to being blown away by the experience of standing in an Anaconda.

    Another odd factor is the human brain has no frame of reference for processing the speeds and sizes encountered in this game. Flying by a planet sometimes feels like being carted past a very large model of a planet at Epcot center. However, this gets solved when landing on one. The object keeps expanding to take up your view and starts to feel…planetary…in size pretty quickly. The transitions from supercruise to orbrital flight to glide to landing are smooth as silk for my fairly average rig CPU/GPU combo, making the immersion top freakin' notch.

    What it Sounds Like…

    If you played the game for any amount of time you know that the sound design in simply fantastic. VR takes it to a new level. You are always wearing headphones, so you are constantly experiencing the game at it's highest fidelity and intended spatial separation. Having the headphones on also take the last step in melting away your real surroundings and putting you in the ship in a freakishly immersive way.

    Here's the best part: the sound is in 3-D too.

    If I turn my head, the sound adjusts directionally just like your ears do in a real environment. If I am looking straight ahead and something flies over me. I hear it move from ear to ear. If I turn my head and watch it pass, the sound instead stays in front of me. Moving my head just a little give my brain a wealth of positional cues it can use to immerse me. I hear my fuel scoop chugging away behind me and the star ringing above me. I know when someone behind me is leaning on their booster. Any sort of warning sound is coming from the exact menu or dash spot it is trying to get me to look at. You know which of your SRV wheels is spinning in the soft sand without needing to look.

    I expect I will about pee my pants the first time I hear a Thargoid.

    We Already Have Space Legs (sort of)

    Here is the deal, anytime we want to we can get up and walk around. We are limited by how much VR space we have set up in real life. For me, I can take two full steps in any direction without smacking into a wall. That's enough to make it to all the windows in my Asp Explorer and it is undeniably badass. It's also enough to step out of my SRV which is badasser. When I turn on the camera suite, free the camera, and hide the interface, then I can do about anything. I can float around my ship, stand on the edge of a crater, visually inspect my ship for damage by landing on a planet and walking around it. Everything remains in 3D including the sound. Last night during a long exploration session I wanted to stretch out my back so I put myself in orbit around a star (that's why I drag supercruise assist along) and laid out on the deck of my ship looking up at the star through the canopy while I refueled.

    The only catch is that I do not have a body once I leave the Commander's chair and if I look back I see my headless avatar just sitting there like nothing is wrong.

    We Can't Easily Use Keyboards

    We have a monitor (two, actually) strapped to our faces. Taking our headgear off breaks the experience to pieces so we don't like to do it. Seriously, after two hours in VR you can easily forget you are NOT in space. It's why most of us will not get Odyssey until it's VR ready. There is simply no going back.

    This means we never see our hands, so typing is straight out, unless you are a touch-typer and play at a desk. This comes at a cost. It means we are not able to do system chat, only voice chats with our party. There is no checking EDDB really quick to find where to score that 5A Fuel Scoop. You can't even type into the Galaxy map search box to plot yourself to Ceos. You learn to use bookmarks a lot.

    That doesn't solve all the problems though. Did you ever try to find and press three keys in the dark in a specific order while holding your head in an awkward position? I do every time I try to frame and take a screenshot. Trying to coordinate my noob-rescue with the Fuel Rats dispatcher when I was stalled practically in the mail slot in open play at Mawson Dock took on a whole new level of coordination as I flung my headset on and off to get instructions through their chat channel while running out of air. (It was actually pretty awesome).

    (Update 18 hours and 200+ comments later: I stated above that keyboard typing was an issue 'unless you are touch typer and playing at a desk.' I can touch type but elect not to play at my desk so I can easily enjoy space legs. I am learning that many if not most VR players do not use their spacelegs and prefer to be at desk. This is surprising to me considering all the clamor for space legs by the 2Ders, so take note.)

    HOTAS May Not Be the Best Choice

    I wanted to make the prior points about VR space legs and keyboards before diving into this incredibly controversial one. I know you are thinking that since there is a 3D HOTAS setup in the game, having your hands in the exact same position on a real HOTAS must complete the immersion. You would probably be right, but there is a cost that non-VR players do not realize.

    As mentioned before, we can get up and walk around the bridge. Some of us We also don't use a keyboard. Therefore, many of us are not playing at a desk, but instead are in a chair in the middle of a room. It has to stay there so its position lines up with the commander's chair in the game. That's how we find it again when we want to sit back down. That means no desk for a HOTAS. Office chair arm mounts for HOTAS are pricey and work on only a handful of chairs. Some non-VR players put a board on their lap but that inhibits your ability to stand up and you might crush it while walking around.

    For me, I'm all about an Xbox controller. I am going to do a separate deep dive post about this some other day but the short of it is I can take it with me while I walk around. You know what's boss? Standing in the bow of your ship where the best view is, physically looking down for a place to land on a planet while flying the ship at the same time. Getting up to watch a purple world with pink rings sail by out the side window during a supercruise back to Titan's Daughter in the Taygeta system, and being able to handle a surprise interdiction without needing to dive into the chair and find the right hand spots to get control again. It's also really nice to have a 3-hour long session with my hands in my lap instead of constantly up and at an angle.

    (Update 18 hours and 200+ comments later: Apparently many ED players would never ever give up their HOTAS for a gamepad, citing that is breaks the immersion. I personally find easily being able to walk around bridge way more important to immersion than the location of my hands when seated, since I am never looking at my hands and quite frankly neither are you. As far as functionality, I have not run out of button combos yet. We are talking two triggers, two clickable thumbsticks, six facing buttons, two shoulder buttons, an 8 direction D-Pad and if you have the elite model like me you also get 4 rear paddles. Most of these read press, hold, and long press as separate inputs. This before including combo presses. Plus my hands get to rest comfortably in my lap for hours instead of constantly gesticulating a joystick and throttle forward and back. YMMV but I swear I am not crazy in making this decision.)

    The Menus are Incredibly Intuitive

    How intuitive are the menus? You just look at where one belongs, and it pops up. Seriously. As long as you are looking at it, your input device is context sensitive to that menu. Amazing.

    The Menus are Incredibly Annoying

    How annoying are the menus? You just look at where one belongs, and it pops up. Seriously. As long as you are looking at it, your input device is context sensitive to that menu. Amazingly annoying.

    This means when I look to the left to check the enemy's position, heading, and speed in a glance out the window then press A on my controller to lock onto them, instead I sometimes open the navigation menu and lock onto a planetary settlement halfway across the system without realizing it.

    It also means that sometimes I am on a long supercruise but have turned my chair to the right so I can do a deep review on ship status and cargo. I am mindlessly flipping through menus but for a brief moment my gaze drifts outside of the menu zone while I am also pushing the thumbstick, and it goes from controlling the menu to the ship for just long enough to pull me off course so slightly without me noticing. Two minutes later I'm still in the menus but I am plowing into a planet. That's multitasking. Elite VR style.

    Want to gaze anywhere but straight ahead to take in the sites? Up pops a menu to block your view. It's like having someone follow you around all day waiving their hands in your face. So, I just get up and walk through the menu panels to look out the window, and everything is awesome again.

    (Update 18 hours and 200+ comments later: This can be turned off in the menus or Xbox controller can toggle them with X+Dpad in whatever direction the menu is.)

    It Can All Be a Little Nauseating

    Forget space madness, we get to deal with motion sickness. The first time I motored out onto a planet surface in my SRV I ended up having to rip my headset off and lay on the floor to not throw up. Now, I am extremely motion sensitive, but I hear this is not an uncommon noob VR SRV experience. The fact that ED is a seated game help for the flying parts. The driving bits…not so much. I did get used to it by the third day and now I am pretty comfortable zipping around, but I do have to close my eyes if I roll the SRV.

    Final Thought

    When it all comes together, there is simply nothing like ED in VR in all of gaming. FDev's relentless dedication to creating a sim pairs ingeniously with the VR experience. Literally the last thing I did before setting out on my first long distance exploration trip (which I am currently on) was to stop off at a Resource Extraction Site (High) for a little bounty hunting. It was to be the last "human" interaction I would have for months. I was on my way back to Titan's Daughter from picking up the last supplies I needed for the trip. It was 3am, I was tired, but I was going to do this before signing off and setting sail the next day.

    Those of you paying attention realize I just pulled into a pirate-rich situation with travel goodies in my hold. That I had forgotten about. Within 3 seconds I was under attack. I knew that because the ship was screaming it at me. I could hear my hull taking a beating to my left and saw a large ship hammering at me. Moments later my shields were down. Then my hull started taking damage. I pushed pips to my shield in hopes of getting them online, then turned to flee. I knew which way to go because I could see as clear as day where the danger was coming from.

    At this point smoke is billowing from the dash, sparks are flying everywhere and I can hear each one. Buzzers and sirens are coming at me from every direction. A red "Warning" Message is flashing in the air 6 inches in front of my face. Hull impacts are lighting up my bridge. Then the warnings start that I have inbound missiles. My hull is at 12%. The ship has just told me that my FSD module has failed. I am not going to make it.

    I play this game with a full roleplaying mindset (surprise) and have yet to die so I am very seriously freaking out. I look up (we can do that in VR) and remember I am in right against the asteroid field. Abandoning my foolish quest to get shields online I go full pips to engines and race into the rocks. I see three missiles coming at me over my left shoulder and am able to hard bank around a rock and lose all three of them. The smoke is getting so thick that I am having a hard time seeing out the front.

    Then I lost my thrusters. "Missile Detected" I hear as my ship drifts out of the asteroids into prime missile catching position. I run to the window to watch the bright projectile bear down on me, then I hear "FSD Online." I mash the Y button. I hear the ship counting down to supercruise backwards from 5 as I helplessly watch the missile head straight for my freaking face. 4,3,2,1….

    Just before impact everything becomes a brief blur and I am whisked away to relative safety. I slump back in chair and point my ship towards dock, heart-pounding, a little-sweaty, and very awake. As I watched the rings of Taygeta 4 recede away and listened to the rumbling of my thrusters around me, I realized I had just had the absolute greatest video gaming experience of my entire life…because it happened in VR.

    So before you consider going through all the effort to get a HOTAS, dual monitors, surround sound, a special chair, controller mounts, LCD keypads, a laser mouse, and a gamer keyboard… see how much a used Oculus is going for and maybe pick up an xbox gamepad to go with it. The experience will be light years ahead.

    Thanks for reading all the way down.

    Questions are welcome and encouraged. o7

    submitted by /u/Morinthian
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    Nora Wilkin's power comes from his neck!

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 07:03 AM PDT

    Perils of Mining put to Music by CMDR ToCoSo =D

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 09:06 AM PDT

    Made first contact with the Thargoid race last night. Peaceful negotiations didn't go... quite.. as planned, but I am still optimistic about future joint ventures.

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 07:42 AM PDT

    I was out obtaining some Selenium and came across this nice view.

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 02:33 PM PDT

    Big Asp rings around an earthlike

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 01:44 PM PDT

    I See Your 'Dropped Out Through A Star' And Raise You 'Dropped Out Way Too Close To A Station'

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 01:58 PM PDT

    Griefing and no way to retaliate bar going solo play...

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 07:22 AM PDT

    Deciat engineer spot and literally on undock without anything in my ship just getting blown up.... like EVE has concord for rookie systems but here is there no actual recourse to it other than going singleplayer mode and coming back 3 years later with something capable of doing anything

    submitted by /u/Sybreedtank
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    Tomorrow is the day

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 12:45 PM PDT

    I downloaded elite dangerous back in April and immediately became obsessed. I eventually purchased my first set of flight sticks and as of tomorrow I will receive my first VR headset ever, the rift s. As of a few weeks ago when I made my purchase I received my sol pass. I've posted many times here and received an incredible amount of help. I cannot wait to visit our home and experience it all in VR for the first time. I've wanted a headset since they first released many years ago so I am beyond excited. I can't wait to go explore the galaxy and see it all as if I were there. Tomorrow is going to be a great day! Just want to say thank you to this community for being such a friendly and helpful bunch. I hope to see some of you out there one day. That's all for now. o7

    submitted by /u/U2EzKID
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    How to land a Cutter in a hurry

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 05:07 AM PDT

    Got the Sol permit today!! I plan to explore the system tomorrow. As of now, I'm docked at Abraham Lincoln.

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 04:51 AM PDT

    o7 to CMDR Eatapoptart for breaking up my journey to Colonia!

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 05:13 AM PDT

    Such a beautiful game...

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 02:03 AM PDT

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