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    Wednesday, September 2, 2020

    Elite Dangerous [DAILY Q&A] Ask and answer any questions you have about the game here. (September 02, 2020)

    Elite Dangerous [DAILY Q&A] Ask and answer any questions you have about the game here. (September 02, 2020)

    [DAILY Q&A] Ask and answer any questions you have about the game here. (September 02, 2020)

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 09:49 AM PDT

    200,000 CMDRs on /r/EliteDangerous & Celebratory Giveaway!

    Greetings, Commanders! This is the Daily Q&A post for /r/EliteDangerous

    If you have any questions about any topic, whether it be for the moderators, tips and tricks for piloting or general gameplay/development questions please post here!

    Please check new comments and help answer to the best of your ability so we can see this community flourish!

    Remember to check previous daily Q&A threads and the New Q&A FAQ.

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    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Sometimes landing is hard...

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 05:58 AM PDT

    My 1st Million Credit Ship

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 01:33 AM PDT

    My Eagle has been sitting in deep space for 5 years! Started playing again a few days ago. Ad Astra!

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 10:15 AM PDT

    After a week of waiting for the pieces to arrive, I used u/Random846648’s instructions to make myself a Lego Krait Phantom! I changed the colours up a bit to match my own paint job in the game.

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 05:40 AM PDT

    FINAL UPDATE: EXPRESS TRANSPORTATION TO THE BUBBLE FROM COLONIA/SAG A*. This is an Imperial Fleet Carrier Express Transportation Service Announcement!

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 04:33 AM PDT


    The journey will NOW begin on Thursday, 3rd of September 3306 from Agnairy JH-U e3-2113 and will be concluded the same day at Primi (near Cubeo).

    More details below:


    Are you an explorer but the silence of endless space is starting to get to you and you yearn for the peace and monotony of the bubble? Or perhaps you are just too lazy to fly 20,000ly back to civilisation and you wish to 'magically' appear there? Perhaps you 'slept' the night on a random Fleet carrier and now find yourself stranded, thousands of Light years from home. Ah, we know your struggle and we are here to come to your deliverance.

    Lady Primi's Olavial arrived at Agnairy JH-U e3-2113 four days ago on a scientific mission from the Imperial Scholars of Navigation in Primi; tasked with the mission of studying the eternal lightning storm that has developed inside the Black Hole Nebula, in hopes of perfecting the formula and blueprint necessary to terraform Primi 4 A's methane skies into a semblance of breathable atmosphere.

    The Scientific Expeditionary team led by Lady Erika Wagner has managed to isolate supercharged molecular particles (extracted from numerous and redacted sources) and has thus deemed the mission a success. However, due to a priority transmission from the office of Aisling Duval's Liason office in Primi, THE FLEET CARRIER HAS NOW BEEN TASKED IN ITS MOMENT OF DEPARTURE TO ALSO FERRY EXPLORER CMDRs RETURNING BACK TO THE BUBBLE IN THE HOPES OF SPREADING THE PEACEFUL PROPAGANDA OF HER MAJESTY PRINCESS TO THE FARTHEST REACHES OF THE UNIVERSE.

    In accordance with the Statutory Passenger Act of 3292; the following details have been made available for your perusal.

    Preliminary Departure Detail:

    DEPARTURE TIMELINE: {3 AM} 03-09-3306 --> {9 PM} 03-09-3306

    STARTING SYSTEM: Agnairy JH-U e3-2113 (Note: this system has a gravitational black hole as its primary star and thus CMDRs must take caution when arriving. The Fleet Carrier has been parked roughly 170,000 LS from arrival point which is the closest point to the Notable Stellar Phenomena. CMDRs can enjoy the beautiful lightning show in comfort while awaiting the departure day and time. More details below in Timetable.

    DESTINATION SYSTEM: Primi (beside Cubeo)

    CAPTAIN: Yarely Reilly

    VESSEL: Lady Primi's Olavial (V2J-NHJ) (This Vessel is registered to the Panacea of The Princess, a military consortium owned and led by the House of Chanter of Primi and Hip 1937 (35.00%), Primi Patrons of Law (30.00%), Wagner & Wagner Capital Partners (15.00%), Shimizu Investment Corporation (10.00%), Galactic Patrol Conglomerate (5.00%) and Private individuals of the Anti-Xeno Defence Force Scheme (5.00%). This Fleet Carrier is subject to financial regulation by Governmental Commerce Authority (GCA), Primi Aviation Authority (PAA) and the Class 3 Non-Monopoly Authority. In matters of safety and security, we are regulated by Universal Cartographics, the Imperial Aviation Authority at Cubeo and The Independent Pilot's Federation of Shinratra Dezhra)


    (Note that time used is the Galactic Standard Time (or Game time) and that departure will commence as early as 3 AM GST. There will only be 47 jumps in total and the FC will not delay between scheduled jumps. It is estimated that the FC will conclude its jumps at 9 PM GST at which point it will rest at the final system and undergo maintenance)

    WARNING: The use of Docking Pads will be restricted 3 minutes before the first jump and will remain locked during the journey! The Fleet Carrier will not stop for commanders hoping to catch up halfway and will not stop for nor admit passengers who leave the carrier whilst the journey is ongoing!

    The Following are the waypoints:

    1: Agnairy PC-B d1-8018

    2: Dryaa Pruae OL-J d10-1927

    3: Dryaa Pruae RA-U d4-7300

    4: Eok Pruae NU-E c28-2217

    5: Eok Pruae TY-Z c16-556

    6: Eok Pruae MO-X d2-3184

    7: Dryaa Flyuae YP-N c23-1305

    8: Whamboi NS-B c13-2121

    9: Whamboi ZX-U c2-642

    10: Oephaich IX-J c22-1759

    11: Oephaich NW-D c12-701

    12: Oephaich MA-A d649

    13: Iowhail ZT-D b40-0

    14: Iowhail FT-H b24-21

    15: Iowhail WA-Z c443

    16: Froalt WH-H b38-46

    17: Froalt BJ-T d3-2093

    18: Puekeau PS-B d13-3179

    19: Puekeau PW-N d6-1312

    20: Puekee IC-V c2-150

    21: Bleae Aewsy LV-L c21-29

    22: Bleae Aewsy CD-Q b19-7

    23: Pru Ain NW-U b57-0

    24: Pru Ain TL-U c16-24

    25: Eidaik SW-M b13-25

    26: Skaudou AO-U b50-23

    27: Slulee GR-N d6-186

    28: Skaudou QK-A c3-34

    29: Flyiedgou FX-P b52-7

    30: Flyiedgou SQ-F b30-4

    31: Flyiedgou KS-A d1-9

    32: Nyeajee YT-Q c21-29

    33: Nyeajee AI-M c10-25

    34: Pyramoe PF-C d14-24

    35: Pyramoe SU-X b34-1

    36: Pyramoe ZW-P b11-15

    37: Bleia Dryiae BI-Z b47-1

    38: Bleia Dryiae HC-S d5-116

    39: Bleia Dryiae UY-D c1-6

    40: Droju LN-R b38-2

    41: NGC 6546 Sector UT-R c4-3

    42: M20 Sector LC-V d2-41

    43: Bleia Eohn NN-Q d6-6

    44: Bleia Eohn RX-A d1-75

    45: M7 Sector II-J c9-1

    46: Col 359 Sector JG-O d6-49

    47: Primi

    What's onboard?:

    1. Universal Cartographics Liason Office (To submit exploration Data)
    2. Redemption Office (For Legal and financial transactions)
    3. Rearm, Restock and Refuel for your convenience.


    The Fleet Carrier will not ask you for your personal information nor demand cargo or credits from you in exchange for transportation. As an official Exploration and scientific vessel belonging to a prestigious Imperial house, we do not need your money, Goods, Tritium nor indentured servitude. All you have to do is board and enjoy the journey.

    As at the time of this dispatch you have less than 20 hours to board.

    Lady Erika Wagner in whose name the Fleet Carrier has been registered will be available in Open Mode and will gladly interact with any CMDR seeking to have a chat while the journey is in progress.

    End of Dispatch.

    submitted by /u/Lordverissimo
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    We're all being watched, we always have been...

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 12:43 AM PDT

    It has begun. My pilgrimage has started. Can't wait to get my free Anaconda <3

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 02:24 PM PDT

    My first undiscovered ELW. I love this game. Hopefully the first of many for this new CMDR!

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 02:52 AM PDT

    RANT... Dear Frontier: diversifying your game/studio portfolio is one thing...

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 11:00 AM PDT

    ...experiencing that as a true diminishment in passionate and meaningful Elite: Dangerous development is something else.

    I see you Frontier; operating like Microsoft, getting other studios underneath your fabulous imprimatur, I see you dawg...and I've got no problem with that. None whatsoever.

    Yet...as a LEP owner who bought into the work of Elite: Dangerous at the premium beta stage; as a 50 year old who engaged on Elite in 1986 on the Apple IIe; as a consumer who has deployed USD in four figures in supporting development by diving deep in the store, I feel that it just happens to be that as Frontier Developments diversifies both internally (with other games/licenses) and laterally (with Frontier Foundry), at the exact same time, there appears to be both a reduction in the depth and quality of improvements to Elite: Dangerous, as well as the actual LOSS of content (GalNet, Community Goals, et cetera).

    Are those things tied together? Not necessarily. Can't prove that. So can't say that.

    But it really does FEEL as if it is the case.

    And it's a problem.

    I hear, anecdotally (and maybe this is sourced as coming form FD somewhere, but I don't have that ready at hand) that there are "two hundred" developers, or a 200-person team, working on Elite. In particular, I hear, team members are grinding on Odyssey.

    But right now, Odyssey feels so likely entirely bereft of wanted features - features FD's teams, across the board, were made well aware of in terms of the desires and interests of the community - that it just has to be said:

    The current reality is that Elite: Dangerous appears to be a neglected product. A retreating product. An undervalued product. And we as those deeply engaged with it suffer the right, given the concrete reality of what we see (both right now and over time), to feel similarly neglected.

    Similarly backed away from.

    Similarly undervalued.

    I'm not angry; I'm sad, and I'm disappointed. Over time, I've watched a continuum of reaction from community members from disciplined and giving of the benefit of the doubt to, well, to be frank, Yamiks-and-Exigeous-level hostility to, as I've felt it, the very values-set of Frontier, and I've laid in the cut, enjoyed what I've enjoyed, and moved forward in hope, optimism and, frankly, in expectation, particularly as a LEP holder. Shit, Elite is the reason - the ONLY reason, until HL:A - that I bought a Rift S, and one for my son.

    But, again, the concrete reality of what we have (itself reduced in the ways I've illuminated above), the communication on what's coming (spotty, reserved, seemingly scared in some ways) and the current understanding of the depth and quality of what's coming (seemingly a paucity of and offering given both development time and community expectations, and maybe that's WHY communication has been hesitant at best) is devastating to hope, to optimism and to expectation.

    And that means it'll be devastating to bottom lines. I haven't REALLY touched the game since that ARX purchase I made in June (for Fleet Carrier shit, an experience I spent 5 billion credits on - more! - and then sold four days later, as it wasn't useful to me in any - any! - of my gameplay loops). Oh, I've logged on to account for updates I've seen, maybe play around with some builds, but nothing like the period where I was, for example, participating in Distant Worlds I, buying store content, buying the DWI book, connecting with others across Discord, tutoring players (including my son) in multi-player, and having cool experiences there, diving into the Guardians storyline, reading Elite universe novels offline...those days are far in my past.

    For most, Odyssey will be a paid expansion. Paid. You set a standard earlier in the run of this gaming experience that does not, at all, feel the same with this rollout; it feels small, and not as if it's reaching for much, more like it's reflecting a checklist being ticked off, item by item, and a small checklist at that. I have - well, not ZERO - but very little PASSION for this release. And I feel that it's your fault.

    Because I don't feel YOUR passion for it.

    The energy your social team has brought to STRUGGLE and Frontier Foundry has been inordinately higher than that which has been generated for Odyssey. Maybe your group knows something we don't yet know, but can feel.

    Are we on the tail end of our journey with this game? I don't know. But if I had to put good money down? I'd say that Frontier is acting like they are exhausted by Elite, and with us as a community, and that THEY are pretty much done. When you cast what's happened, frankly, since Michael Brookes left, in that light, everything falls into frame; what's happened actually makes sense. Indeed, it's among the very few ways one CAN make sense of what's happened.

    I'm not angry (although maybe I should be); I've got alot of other things in this world right now to receive my anger...but the world is always in some state of fucked-up-ed-ness. I used to escape a bit from that with Elite: Dangerous. But now some of the same things I've felt toward the world I feel toward this beloved game, and its maker. And I never, ever, thought I'd feel that way.

    And I'm just sad. I mean, I'll be fine - I am fine - and I'll see whatever Odyssey ends up being, and I'll retain hope (but no optimism) for it all, and, if need be (if the quality and depth continues in the wrong direction), I'll move on...but it's a sad moment. And I wonder if others feel similarly.

    submitted by /u/UniversalNoir
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    Finally made it to sag A* almost cried when I saw it

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 07:23 AM PDT

    On the prowl for precious booty

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 01:51 PM PDT

    My drawing of a Sidewinder and Asp Explorer

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 07:28 PM PDT

    A small thank you to the owner of the Diamond Dog, the location where I sold many "liberated" diamonds

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 09:04 AM PDT

    Finally got a decent mask for work

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 02:13 PM PDT

    Short story(in comments)

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 08:46 AM PDT

    [OC] A Logo I created for my friend's fleet carrier, featuring Fatalis from MHW!

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 09:16 AM PDT

    SomeCMDR told me to visit Taygeta. Yes, this system has some nice views.

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 01:19 PM PDT

    Was doing some work today

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 01:47 PM PDT

    I was doing some plumbing today and I saw the guy who lived there had the full ED setup just wanted to say "o7 commander"

    submitted by /u/GreenEngrams
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    "Crowd of Stars" at 64 Piscium. Things like this is why I love doing sightseeing missions

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 08:49 AM PDT

    I wish contact binary stars looked like this in E:D

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 12:42 PM PDT

    Finally finished the grind.

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 06:28 AM PDT

    A potential solution to Fleet Carrier upkeep.

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 01:58 PM PDT

    So we all know the FC upkeep sucks. Yes it was reduced, but it still actively punishes you for not playing the game. Why should we be afraid of taking a break from Elite? Why should we have to plan around that? What if something comes up IRL where we can't play for a while? In my opinion, it's an incredibly bullshit game mechanic.

    Here's my suggestion:

    Implement Fleet Carrier Hibernation. You click a button on your carrier HUD, and your carrier goes into complete hibernation. You cannot land on it, you cannot move it (maybe it gets docked?), and you cannot use any of it's services. The weekly upkeep is reduced to 0 and you have to wait a full 30 days to reactivate it if you wish.

    This way, FDev can still have their precious upkeep mechanic without it becoming a real-life commitment if you (god forbid) decide to take a break from the game. The 30 day cooldown would make it so this feature doesn't get abused.


    submitted by /u/TROPiCALRUBi
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    Visited the Spirograph nebula today, really pretty sights

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 01:56 PM PDT

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