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    Thursday, October 1, 2020

    Elite Dangerous [DAILY Q&A] Ask and answer any questions you have about the game here. (October 01, 2020)

    Elite Dangerous [DAILY Q&A] Ask and answer any questions you have about the game here. (October 01, 2020)

    [DAILY Q&A] Ask and answer any questions you have about the game here. (October 01, 2020)

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 09:49 AM PDT

    200,000 CMDRs on /r/EliteDangerous & Celebratory Giveaway!

    Greetings, Commanders! This is the Daily Q&A post for /r/EliteDangerous

    If you have any questions about any topic, whether it be for the moderators, tips and tricks for piloting or general gameplay/development questions please post here!

    Please check new comments and help answer to the best of your ability so we can see this community flourish!

    Remember to check previous daily Q&A threads and the New Q&A FAQ.

    WikiCareer ChartLore (Brief) • ThargoidsSagittarius Eye MagazineThe Elite Squadron

    Game Update Summaries: CoreHorizonsBeyond2019-2020

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    I found a space egg

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 07:06 AM PDT

    Elite Dangerous Odyssey Fan Art - Ice planet

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 10:38 PM PDT

    Elite's ships vs some other stuff ... scale view

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 11:32 AM PDT

    This Eagle has landed...Elite Odyssey fan art...zoom in zoom in...for the last embrace

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 09:10 AM PDT

    Some quick notes from the official Discovery Scanner Dev Diary 2 livestream

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 11:58 AM PDT

    VOD = https://www.twitch.tv/videos/757577779

    • Suits can be upgraded and customised
    • Suits can be collected, not just keeping one at a time
    • Multiple copies of same suit can be owned and upgraded differently
    • Three types of social hubs, in starports, outposts and surface ports (was in Polygon article)
    • Talk face to face with mission givers
    • Can negotiate for mission rewards from mission givers
    • Negotiation success dependant on your reputation, influence, experience, faction status
    • Combat and non-combat missions
    • Many missions locations can simply walk to
    • Some missions you will need to travel to (via your ship or Apex)
    • Apex travel will be discussed in another Dev Diary
    • Missions can have items need collecting
    • Scavenger missions available: search/scan area for wreckage & loot
    • Boxes to be searched, unlocked, looted
    • Items carried to ship, or large ones picked up by SRV
    • NPCs can attack you unprovoked
    • Space Legs version of CQC
    • Seamless walking in and out of hangar
    • New rank of Exobiologist
    • Ships will be visible through port glass
    • Mocap used to get fluid human motion, then cleaned-up
    • Plus handkey animations used where needed and appropriate
    • No plans to change in-cockpit animations for Odyssey
    • No answer for emotes at this time (in another Dev Diary?)
    • A lot of different weapon animations
    • Tons of info to come over the coming months
    • "Odyssey is the largest update Elite has ever had"
    • Nothing to discuss on Crossplatform at the moment
    • Nothing to announce on SRVs right now
    • NPCs will differ based on factions that control them
    • Certain services and mission givers will be affected by BGS
    • New missions that will affect BGS
    • Suits must be worn outside of stations
    • Suits will have shields, battery powered
    • NPCs will interact with each other
    • Settlement airlocks are seamless transition
    • No need to wear suit inside sealed environment
    • Settlements can affect BGS, and BGS will affect settlements
    • All of the "pre-alpha development footage" is in-engine game footage
    • No, NPCs do not stand on tables
    submitted by /u/StuartGT
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    He waited for so long ..

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 11:23 AM PDT

    Father and son Comanders. Lol . Recently got my son hooked on ED . Here we are getting ready to mine. I'm in the Cutter and my son is in the Clipper. This is his first run in his shiny new ship. Still has that new ship smell.

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 07:47 AM PDT

    Dev Diary 2 Q&As - Some Longer Notes

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 03:45 PM PDT

    YT vid  

    Known stuff from Polygon article:


    • Social Hubs: 3 types (spaceports, outposts, ports) [16m50s]
    • Careers: Similar roles as in space. Combat, Explo, Scavenging. [17m50s]
    • Suits: Extra suits for explo, combat, scavenging. Are upgradeable. Will be a special show just on this. [19m+]
    • Settlements: Will be different if agricultural, mining based etc. Some will be harder to combat if the faction is strong. You might have a bad experience if you have a bad rep with the minor faction, or a good experience if have good rep. [20m45s]
    • Apex Interstellar [taxi service]: Could play Odyssey without ever owning a ship. The travel distances & times etc still being balanced. Will be based in 'sim roots'. [22m30s]
    • 'Personal narrative': Don't nesc need a mission. Can 'make your own story'. (IE in same way as ships). [23m50s]



    Interview with Luke Betterton (Designer)


    • Big change to work on Odyssey? 'Core of Elite is still there'. The base stuff, the BGS etc. Odyssey involves working in a completely different scale though. Going down a scale means you need missions that point you to the correct places, need compelling reasons to go them, reasons to do things for people. [30m20s]

    • Suits: Can upgrade them, can modify them to make them more appropriate to your game style. As with ships you can buy multiples. Can modify identical ones in slightly different ways. They're 'the ship of Odyssey'. [32m30s]


    Walkthrough of a scavenger mission:


    • You pick up missions via current mission board, or people that you talk to.
    • Occasionally they'll know about an abandoned ship or wreck. They'll get your attention, and try and make their case for why you should go there.
    • When you're talking to a person you get to have 'your side of the argument'. You negotiate. If they're offering '10k' for example, and you think, not enough, this is a bit risky, you can push for a bit more, a chunk more, or loads more. Whether or not they respond well will depend on your rep with that faction, the people that they work with and if they like you, your reputation/skill in that area. If it doesn't go well... He doesn't say what happens.
    • You get to location, the way that you want. Find the wreck, if you're good with your scanners.
    • Rifle around through the wreckage. When stuff crashes, boxes get thrown around, contents will be scattered about. Some boxes will need to be broken open. Some will need special tools to break open. Can use SRV to pick up bigger items,
    • The person who sent you only wanted one thing. The rest is yours.
    • Head back, chat, give them their item. Then drop off the rest at a drop off store.
    • If someone follows you down they could steal stuff off you (?). Equally you could tail someone else.
    • Can of course scavenge without a mission.


    • Mission effects on the BGS: It's still alive and well in EDO. If you attack or help a minor faction, that will be reflected. There are 'helpful' missions. Scavanging has an effect. Every time you find a faction, they will have representatives in the starports etc. All the guys on the mission board, you can meet them. [41m45s]

    • What most excited about? Missions of course! But there's nothing like ED out there, so if it wasn't missions, just excited to see everyone getting stuck in to the on foot version of it. [44m30s]





    • Q: Can I be attacked by NPCs without provocation? A: Yes. [21m20s]


    Q&A with Luke [45m30s+]


    • Nothing to announce for SRVs
    • What happens when you die? Answering in future.
    • Will the NPCs be 'voice active'? Yes. They'll be chatting to you.


    Q&A with Arthur & Stephen No 1:


    • Will all planet ports have the same hubs? Says they'll be varied based on local economy, but you won't be slogging around for miles. They'll be very similar in layout, but not identical. [52m15s]

    • Will there nefarious missions? Yes. Luke alluded to quite a lot to the things you can do in settlements. Will give another example mission later. You can be very nefarious. You don't necessarily have to have a mission to create a 'moment'. [53m30s]

    • Will walking around inside be seamless? Yes it's seamless. You can walk into a hangar, walk around your parked ship in the hanger, all seamless etc. [54m30s] (NB comment below about airlocks not being hidden loading screens too).

    • What's Genomics (sp). That's where you sell off exploration data from planets. The exobiologist role that you can rank up in etc. [54m55s]


    Q&A 2 [1h17m00s]


    • There will be a CQC style mode for on foot. [1h17m00s]
    • This is the largest add-on that ED's ever had. There's a lot to discuss.
    • Does social hub mean cross-platform? No, not discussing that.
    • NPCs will differ in social hubs based on the factions that control them [1h19m40s]
    • Mission givers will be affected by the BGS.
    • Can't go outside without a suit. Will need to 'manage' your suit.
    • Nothing to report on Fleet Carrier interiors at the moment. (Kept emphasising 'at the moment', but it's kinda like a game).
    • Will NPCs respond differently to you depending on your faction status? Yes. (Can't say more for now, or David Braben's ethereal hand will descend and choke him for accidentally divulging too much. Not allowed to answer.)
    • Suits will have battery-powered shields. They're a huge subject. They're as important on foot as they are in space. Customisable etc. Can't say more due to future surprises. [I'm guessing shielding against different environmental effects may be part of this?]
    • Will NPCs interact with each other? Yes.
    • Inside you don't need a suit, there's an airlock. But it is seamless, it's not a hidden loading screen. [1h23m]
    • Can settlement factions change or be taken over? Yes, "they play a huge role in the tone and timber to the given system", and this plays out most clearly in settlements, which can be taken over etc / affect & reflect BGS etc.
    • All of the footage is 'in-engine' and not 'pre-rendered'.
    • Has never seen NPCs standing on tables.



    Oscar Biggs Q&A - Assistant Producer [57m]


    • Oversees with character team, social hubs etc

    • Character team = artists, animators, couple of conceptors, & 1 coder. [59m]

    • One thing the animations etc bring = 'people watching' / making up stories about the AI you see walking around. [1h1m]

    • Sitting watching the ships fly by = a great aspect of the hubs. Could see a friend arrive. (Or land badly ;)). It's quite hypnotic etc.

    • Mocap helps to get 'weight' behind actions. Hard to get when hand-keying. They use a layer of hand-keying over top of mocap. [1h3m]

    • Fun animations gone wrong as with other games? Sure, characters glitch through the floor etc, but it's usually an easy fix.

    • Can we talk to a bartender? Can't announce at this time. [1h7m40s]

    • Excited for the community 'to have this new experience'. It's not required, but it's a new awesome dive into a different experience. Space is inherently lonely, but community balances that. Being on foot, on planets, in hubs, brings those elements together for him.

    • Will animations in the cockpit be changed? No plans as yet. Feel that they're all very fit for purpose.

    • No answer on emotes. Will say more later.

    submitted by /u/Golgot100
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    Competitive Combat Community Goals: Fight For Engineer Liz Ryder or Fight For The Empire

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 08:11 AM PDT

    Just discovered the amazing jump range of a Diamondback Explorer, and went exploring. Might be my favorite shot so far.

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 05:07 AM PDT

    FDev: "And a cheeky question I've seen from our friend Obsidian: 'do NPCs in space stations stand on tables?'....erm..."

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 12:30 PM PDT

    Pro tip: Don't decide to take in the sites on a planet when you're almost home from Sagittarius A*. Can I get an F?

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 02:02 PM PDT

    New Narrative Developments in Marlinist systems.

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 04:01 AM PDT

    Three days ago, local news articles appeared in the systems that have been locked down by the Empire. These seem to have gone somewhat under the radar - in fact I didn't know that local news was still possible under the new UI, since that deleted all the old ones when it arrived. Credit for the images goes to GalNet News Digest and their recent video.

    Ackwada: "Local Faction Adopts Marlinist Philosophy"

    Beatis: "Marlinism Increasing in Popularity"

    Chana: "Local Faction Now Run by Marlinists

    Nahuatl: "Polls Confirm Marlinism On The Rise"

    Today, military megaships have arrived in the Ackwada, Beatis, and Nahuatl systems. Each is under the control of the most influential local Imperial faction besides the Marlinists: The "Glorious Destiny", the "Clarity of Truth" and the "Spirit of Justice". This is likely related to the most recent GalNet article:

    The Empire has declared martial law and a lockdown in Ackwada, Beatis Chana and Nahuatl, where the republican ideals of Marlinism are known to be popular. Imperial Army troops have replaced local security forces, and potential NMLA sympathisers are being arrested for interrogation.

    Senator Patreus received applause in the Imperial Senate when he vowed:

    "There will be justice for the murder of Prince Harold Duval and justice for those citizens who perished in flames. The Marlinists will pay dearly for these atrocities!"

    This is potentially setup for a CG today, though I'm not sure why Chana is missing a megaship. The reason I'm making this post is that if there is a CG, it will likely be a two-way CG between the Empire and these Marlinist factions, and that's an important choice to make.

    The NMLA are terrorists. But this is not an attack on the NMLA - this is an attack on all Marlinists, as demonstrated by the GalNet where Patreus makes no distinction between the two. These systems were not locked down because of NMLA activity, but simply because Marlinism is popular there. These people haven't done anything wrong except to have their beliefs used as an excuse by a terrorist group - I could make some risky parallels to real life events here but I'd rather not.

    There have been numerous references in GalNet that hint at the NMLA having external funding. Someone is using them to destabilize the Empire, and with the way things are looking, the Empire is about to perform another politically motivated purge - in other words, it's working.

    The real enemy is the group using the NMLA. Scapegoating the legitimate Marlinists does nothing but play into their hand. I don't exactly agree with Marlinism, but I definitely don't agree with arresting or executing people for legitimate political beliefs. This purge will only make the NMLA stronger if it succeeds, and the real perpetrators will get away scot free.

    GalNet is starting to matter again. Don't make your choice blindly.

    submitted by /u/Sir_Tortoise
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    New Info: First Or Third Person? New "Currency", Upgrades And More!

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 12:54 PM PDT

    @EliteDangerous: "Join Arthur & Stephen as they break down the second Elite Dangerous: Odyssey Dev Diary with special guests to talk design & animation! 18:00 UTC - twitch.tv/elitedangerous"

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 10:03 AM PDT

    Why you should fight for the Empire Vs. Liz Ryder: an analysis.

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 11:15 AM PDT

    Okay, so my thoughts/analysis on the developments with the NMLA and the combat CG:

    Background for those who are unaware: The Empire is claiming that they have evidence that Liz Ryder gave/made the bombs that destroyed the stations to/for the terrorists. Liz Ryder denies those accusations. There is currently a combat CG ongoing where CMDRs can fight for either side.

    A lot of people are siding with Liz Ryder because she's offering a "fully engineered lightweight and high capacity Class 2 Seeker Missile Rack with Thermal Cascade" for the top 75% of CMDRs who help her if she wins against the Empire. CMDRs seek this engineered module; additionally, some are afraid that the Empire controlling access to her workshop (which will happen if the Empire is victorious, although the announcement states that services will stay the same) will have a negative effect. Now, while I understand the reluctance to side with a large government, I believe that this reasoning is fundamentally flawed and CMDRs should fight for the Empire. Why? Well, the biggest reason that comes to mind is that the Empire has no reason to lie, while Liz Ryder dies. What do I mean? Well, think about it. Some people believe that Liz Ryder is innocent and is just being scapegoated. But if the Empire wanted to scapegoat someone, why would they choose someone known and beloved by the Galactic Community? It seems much more likely that they would choose some random person from a Marlinist system rather than an Engineer they had to know that at least some CMDRs would fight for. So, there's really no reason to believe that the Empire is lying regarding their belief that Ms. Ryder may be involved. However, Liz Ryder could very easily be lying about not being involved. I mean, think about it. If Imperial Capital ships suddenly started appearing in your system to ask you some questions, would you be like, "oh, yeah, I made the bombs for those guys, why?" or would you be like, "uh, no, I totally didn't do that!" Of course, you're not going to say that you made those bombs. The truth is that Liz may have made them without knowing what they were going to be used for; if that's the case, I'm sure the Imperial Investigation Services will find out the truth.

    Some people are fighting for Liz not because they believe she's innocent, but because they feel all the Imperials should burn in hell. If you're of that belief, I'd just like to remind you that not all Imperials are lumped together. Take Aisling Duval, for example. She has been the most targeted by these attacks (2 stations were in her territory, her father was murdered), but she's also an abolitionist. When she takes the throne from Arissa, she will end slavery in the entire Empire. If you're fighting for Ms. Ruder because you believe that all Imperials are evil, remember that that's not true. Also remember that the NMLA, if successful, has no plans to end Imperial slavery, at least from what I've heard. Whether or not you agree with the ideals of Marlinism (in my opinion, an England-like democracy with royal family executive sounds cool), you have to see that a) the NMLA are terrorists, not freedom fighters, and b) that the Empire isn't lying about needing to question Liz Ryder with regards to these matters.

    TL;DR: The Empire has no reason to lie about needing to question Liz Ryder, so they probably believe she's involved. Liz Ryder would of course deny accusations against her, regardless of if she's innocent or guilty. Because of this, you should help the Empire apprehend Liz Ryder, not help her evade capture.

    A note: One, I'd personally like to be on the side of the Majestic-Class Interdictor when I hear "Capital Class Signature Detected," rather than on the other side.

    I hope this helped some of you to at least think more about the situation, even if you disagree with my analysis. o7, CMDRs.

    – CMDR JStarK25 out.

    submitted by /u/Kerbalstar
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    Enhanced close-up of computer screen seen in Dev Diary 2

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 08:06 AM PDT

    I reckon I must spend at least 50% of my game time just trying to line up pretty pictures. Here I am visiting a space-pumpkin-farm...

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 04:41 PM PDT

    Jumped my carrier thousands of light years out into the black. Don't plan to return. Have all this stuff in the cargo hold.

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 04:47 PM PDT

    What a journey, but glad I made it! So many sights to see on the way... the mug and the hidden anaconda were just the icing on the cake. For the mug!

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 01:14 PM PDT

    To hell with the Dark Wheel, I want to up this factions influence.

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 05:12 AM PDT

    Wow, it must be the smallest planet I've ever discovered

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 03:39 PM PDT

    The Crab Nebula would look really beautiful if it just rendered properly

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 10:48 AM PDT

    Fantastic is the Fuel Rat

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 09:16 PM PDT

    Im never one to post anything, i just browse. However because of my experience with the Fuel Rats from last night i felt compelled to.

    I was on my way to Hughes Enterprise in the Kunti system to sell 100 million worth of painite. I have a fuel scoop but i wasnt paying attention to fuel wile i was jumping. Next thing i know im stuck in a tauri star system and completely out of fuel. This wasn't my first time stranded however this was a first with this much cargo so i wasnt about to self destruct. So now im left with contacting the Fuel Rats for service.

    Now i figured since it was ps4, at 8 in the morning, I would have to wait at least an hour. I couldn't be more wrong. Withis 10 seconds im connected with online support. In about 5 minutes I have 2 units in my vicinity and fuling me up past half fuel, note i have an anaconda. The only one who made the process take longer was myself for not responding and reacting fast enough. I could have jumped the rest of the way but they suggested i find a neighboring star to refuel completely. To wich I did to make sure i didnt have to deal with being stranded again.

    The Fuel Rats are truly great people who go out of their way to help you. All for free as well wich is a huge plus! Thank you guys sooo much! Hopefully one day i can repay the kindness given to me.

    Fly safe Commanders

    submitted by /u/GeneralELee
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