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    Thursday, January 21, 2021

    Elite Dangerous [DAILY Q&A] Ask and answer any questions you have about the game here!

    Elite Dangerous [DAILY Q&A] Ask and answer any questions you have about the game here!

    [DAILY Q&A] Ask and answer any questions you have about the game here!

    Posted: 21 Jan 2021 08:50 AM PST

    Greetings, Commanders! This is the Daily Q&A post for /r/EliteDangerous

    If you have any questions about any topic, whether it be for the moderators, tips and tricks for piloting or general gameplay/development questions please post here!

    Please check new comments and help answer to the best of your ability so we can see this community flourish!

    Remember to check previous daily Q&A threads and the New Q&A FAQ.

    WikiCareer ChartLore (Brief) • ThargoidsSagittarius Eye MagazineThe Elite Squadron

    Game Update Summaries: CoreHorizonsBeyond2019-2020

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Competitive Community Goals: Help either Sirius Corporation or Utopia in their bids to host the next Galactic Summit

    Posted: 21 Jan 2021 05:07 AM PST

    Community Goals

    Rival initiatives to arrange a diplomatic conference have been launched by Sirius Corporation and the Utopia commune.

    The Alliance Assembly, Federal Congress and Imperial Senate have each provisionally agreed to send delegates to the first tri-superpower Galactic Summit. This political gathering will also be attended by representatives from independent systems.

    All parties have specified that their participation depends upon the event being successfully organised in neutral territory, and with sufficient resources and security in place.

    Sirius Corporation and Utopia have begun to gather supplies to host the conference. Both have requested assistance from the galactic community to provide data for their security services.


    Support Utopia's Bid to Host the Galactic Summit

    Simguru Pranav Antal has called upon all pilots who support Utopia's proposal to deliver Anomalous Bulk Scan Data, Atypical Disrupted Wake Echoes, Exceptional Scrambled Emission Data and Unusual Encrypted Files to Tanner Settlement in the Polevnic system.

    The initiative begins on the 21st of January 3307 and will run for one week. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.

    Should both initiatives be completed to the same tier, the one with the highest contribution will be designated the victor.

    To earn rewards, you must sign up as an active participant before handing in Anomalous Bulk Scan Data, Atypical Disrupted Wake Echoes, Exceptional Scrambled Emission Data and Unusual Encrypted Files to Tanner Settlement in the Polevnic system.

    Be aware that faction-state changes and other disruptive events can negatively impact markets and station services, and could prevent the initiative from running smoothly.

    • System = Polevnic
    • Station = Tanner Settlement
    • Objective = Unusual Encrypted Files, Anomalous Bulk Scan Data, Atypical Disrupted Wake Echoes, Exceptional Scrambled Emission Data
    • Commodity List = Unusual Encrypted Files, Anomalous Bulk Scan Data, Atypical Disrupted Wake Echoes, Exceptional Scrambled Emission Data
    • Current / Target = 0 / 312500000
    • Expires = in 7 days


    Support Sirius Corporation's Bid to Host the Galactic Summit

    CEO Li Yong-Rui has asked all those who believe Sirius Corporation to be a more suitable host to deliver Anomalous Bulk Scan Data, Atypical Disrupted Wake Echoes, Exceptional Scrambled Emission Data and Unusual Encrypted Files to Goldsteing Port in the Lembava system.

    The initiative begins on the 21st of January 3307 and will run for one week. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.

    Should both initiatives be completed to the same tire the one with the highest contribution will be designated the victor.

    To earn rewards, you must sign up as an active participant before handing in Anomalous Bulk Scan Data, Atypical Disrupted Wake Echoes, Exceptional Scrambled Emission Data and Unusual Encrypted Files to Goldsteing Port in the Lembava system.

    Be aware that faction-state changes and other disruptive events can negatively impact markets and station services, and could prevent the initiative from running smoothly.

    • System = Lembava
    • Station = Goldstein Port
    • Objective = Unusual Encrypted Files, Anomalous Bulk Scan Data, Atypical Disrupted Wake Echoes, Exceptional Scrambled Emission Data
    • Commodity List = Unusual Encrypted Files, Anomalous Bulk Scan Data, Atypical Disrupted Wake Echoes, Exceptional Scrambled Emission Data
    • Current / Target = 0 / 312500000
    • Expires = in 7 days
    submitted by /u/StuartGT
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    Lego Cobra Mk. 3

    Posted: 21 Jan 2021 12:47 PM PST

    Looking forward to actually using these stairs on my cutter. o7

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 11:46 PM PST

    Today I returned home after a long journey. Here is my Phantom paintjob after and before

    Posted: 21 Jan 2021 06:08 AM PST


    Posted: 21 Jan 2021 02:44 AM PST

    Love this shot of my Krait.

    Posted: 21 Jan 2021 05:16 AM PST

    I have found a pod of mating space mollusks. They were also making weird sounds too.

    Posted: 21 Jan 2021 05:46 AM PST

    Theres not a more relaxing and satisfying game and community than this one.

    Posted: 21 Jan 2021 09:46 AM PST

    Dropped the kids off at school, did a short hike alone around pikes peak, and now listening to The Expanse audiobooks while on a circumnavigation exploration run around our galaxy. PTSD completely absent...wifes honey-do list isnt going to be even looked at. Best day off in a loooong time. Thanks to this game and the lack of toxicity in this community to bring about the small victories in life.

    submitted by /u/Space_Captainface
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    Upgraded my x52 to an x56. My 4 year old will be inheriting the x52 and learning to command his own ship soon.

    Posted: 21 Jan 2021 06:19 AM PST

    Does that count as multicrew?

    Posted: 21 Jan 2021 07:53 AM PST

    Sunrise on my first undiscovered Earth-Like World

    Posted: 21 Jan 2021 06:24 AM PST

    Killed my first thargoid today, its a lot more challening than a CZ thats for sure!

    Posted: 21 Jan 2021 11:58 AM PST

    I couldn't have possibly picked a brighter paintjob

    Posted: 21 Jan 2021 04:40 AM PST

    Don’t forget...

    Posted: 21 Jan 2021 09:03 AM PST

    April fools idea for the Free Anaconda at Hutton

    Posted: 21 Jan 2021 10:06 AM PST

    When you get to Hutton, you get a free anaconda bobblehead to acquire in your livery. This anaconda looks like it was carved by an 8th grader in shop class and has the words 'free' painted on it.

    submitted by /u/PurgeTheXeno
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    Technicolor Massjump

    Posted: 21 Jan 2021 05:15 AM PST

    Welp, if there is one thing that I know is that im NEVER running my cutter without shields no more... wait for it...

    Posted: 21 Jan 2021 04:39 AM PST


    Posted: 21 Jan 2021 10:13 AM PST

    Sunset Balcony view at Robigo

    Posted: 21 Jan 2021 01:56 PM PST

    Robigo tourist runs: the major benefit rarely mentioned

    Posted: 21 Jan 2021 01:41 AM PST

    Robigo tourist runs: the major benefit rarely mentioned

    When people ask how to make money fast, Robigo usually comes up. As of January 2021, if your all-cabins Python can jump ~30.5Ly you can rake in 100-120Mcr per hour by taking tourists from Robigo Mines to Sirius Atmospherics in Sothis, once your rep with the three factions is maxed out. This is, in my and others' experience, highly reliable. A return trip takes about 10 minutes.

    Also often mentioned:

    • you can substitute some cash rewards for G5 materials (Biotech Conductors, Exquisite Focus Crystals, Modified Embedded Firmware)
    • you gain Explorer rank
    • you gain Imperial superpower rank from one faction (thanks u/Datavh)
    • it is very simple gameplay
    • it is not affected by supply/demand

    I value Robigo running for all of these reasons, but for me the most valuable quality in Robigo, compared with mining, trading, massacre stacking or any other high cr/h activity is this:

    • your risk-reward cycle is 10 minutes long

    (I am using the phrase 'risk-reward cycle' to mean the time from when you take on the risk - missions, cargo or mined minerals on board, exploration data not yet turned in etc - to when you can transform that into a reward. Economists or people who've had more coffee than me might know a better term.)

    Almost all other get-rich-quick schemes have not only upfront costs (like you need a fleet carrier, or a well-engineered ship) but your risk-reward cycle is at least an hour, and more like several hours for most activities.

    Why is this important to me? I have a 9-5 job. I have a family including a toddler. I live in a place with an only-okay internet connection. All of these things mean that I can't often spend 8 hours mining, or even a couple of hours killing pirates for 24-hour missions. I can't play every day. I don't want to play every day. And when I do play there's a near-constant risk of interruption by things more important to me than Elite Dangerous (or my unreliable internet connection).

    So if I have a credit goal I will ALWAYS choose Robigo.

    • I get paid every 10 minutes - there's satisfaction and security in the frequent rewards
    • I can do other things at the same time, like listen to podcasts and watch TV, because after practice you can do it on autopilot
    • I'm not constantly checking eddb or Inara for price fluctuations; but most importantly:
    • my risk in lost potential earnings is never more than 30M credits, even if I just have to quit without notice for a couple of days in the middle of a run

    Yes, it's boring. No, you'll never be earning a billion credits an hour layering three different exploits. Yes, the cheese of a never-ending stream of well-paying tourists wanting to look at a pretty normal Earthlike 60Ly away is very pungent.

    But for me, credits are just a barrier to fun. Especially as I rarely have the chance to engage in the high effort, high time-commitment, high reward gameplay that takes you to 200Mcr+.

    As a casualish player with other life commitments, in the brief and interruptible periods of time I can play, if I need credits: I choose Robigo.

    EDIT: I am really glad this has sparked comment and debate! Thanks for all the contributions so far. By way of illustration, I just had 35 mins between finishing work and my daughter getting home from nursery. I used it at Robigo:


    The screenshot from the excellent tool EDDiscovery shows my mission log for the 32 minutes I was playing. Nearly 70M credits from 26 missions (across three runs) completed in 32 minutes. That includes my traditional first run bug where Sirius Atmospherics doesn't appear as a location until you drop out of supercruise. This was perhaps a better than average run but not completely exceptional.

    My point is that this is self-contained; it is done. I have 70M more credits in the bank. I don't have to sell ore before demand drops, or hand in massacre missions before the timer expires, or await a visit from a pirate scanning my hold next time I log in.

    submitted by /u/JonSatriani
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    Why can't we see our carriers enter hyperspace from the carrier management view?

    Posted: 21 Jan 2021 01:07 PM PST

    There's a super awesome animation for it already in place, but you can only see it from an outside perspective. We should be able to watch our carriers enter the portal and jump from Carrier Management!

    submitted by /u/Leap_Kill_Reset
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    PSA for quickly farming this week's CG

    Posted: 21 Jan 2021 05:19 AM PST

    PSA for anyone looking to farm the commodities materials:

    Go to HIP 12099 1 B with a DSS & SRV, scan it for Jameson's crashed Cobra. Land. There will be four scannable data points, position your SRV so that you can scan them all without moving. Hop in your SRV turret, scan the data points.
    Relog & repeat until you're full of Adaptive Encryptor Captures (a G5 data mat).

    Next, fly to Ray Gateway in Diaguandri and use the mat trader to trade for the CG mats. Alternatively: use Inara to find the nearest mat trader to the CG system, dock there before you fly to Jameson's Cobra, and simply self destruct from the Cobra to instantly respawn in the mat trader system.

    Edit: it seems both CG stations have a data trader in them. You can simply dock there before flying to Jameson's Cobra and self destruct right back to the CG. Engaging gameplay.

    submitted by /u/CMDR_Rivertide
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    These cities are pretty cool, Can’t wait to walk around !

    Posted: 21 Jan 2021 05:52 AM PST

    Ready to lift off

    Posted: 21 Jan 2021 05:37 AM PST

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