• Breaking News

    Thursday, April 1, 2021

    Elite Dangerous [DAILY Q&A] Ask and answer any questions you have about the game here!

    Elite Dangerous [DAILY Q&A] Ask and answer any questions you have about the game here!

    [DAILY Q&A] Ask and answer any questions you have about the game here!


    Greetings, Commanders! This is the Daily Q&A post for /r/EliteDangerous

    If you have any questions about any topic, whether it be for the moderators, tips and tricks for piloting or general gameplay/development questions please post here!

    Please check new comments and help answer to the best of your ability so we can see this community flourish!

    Remember to check previous daily Q&A threads and the New Q&A FAQ.

    WikiCareer ChartLore (Brief) • ThargoidsSagittarius Eye MagazineThe Elite Squadron

    Game Update Summaries: CoreHorizonsBeyond2019-2020

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Odyssey Alpha - Phase One - Thread #5 "ARC Cutter go brrrr"


    Community Goals: Battle rages in the Mudhrid system! Will you side with the Neo-Marlinists or the Empire? Double-Engineered Module Rewards

    Previous Megathreads: #1, #2, #3, #4

    Alpha is now available for testing and feedback

    Please mark any new Odyssey Alpha posts as spoilers

    If you see a spoilery-post that should be flagged, remind the CMDR in a comment


    Odyssey Alpha Rollout schedule (Image)

    Odyssey details known so far: Buurpit's video, Barking Mad's blog


    Phase One: First Steps

    • New Commander issued for every participant
    • In a single star system to maximise player interaction
    • Remlok Maverick scavenger suit available for purchase
    • Access to Takada and Kinematic weapon sets
    • Apex Interstellar available for player travel
    • Variety of activities available including salvage and collect/delivery missions.
    • (No buying ships until Phase 2)

    Phase 2 is potentially starting next Wednesday, with a video of Frontline Solutions too


    Known Issues

    • New Commanders will need to log out to the main menu and back into game after travelling via Apex Interstellar to interact with other players.
    • [EPILEPSY WARNING] Opening the on-foot comms menu for the first time causes the UI to rapidly flicker.
    • When a crime has been cleared it will still show in the authority contact at the social space terminal.
    • Oculus Rift HMD does not display the game (disabling super sampling may fix this).
    • Black Adder error when confirming transaction with bartender.
    • Performing melee or grenade throws may result in graphical disruption that may block your visor
    • Players may experience graphical artefacting when visor is down.
    • While using the "Default Context" preset on the Xbox One Controller, the "Hold" button mode for crouch does not work as expected.
    • Players may find missions may not be able to be completed due to scripting issues.


    Known Workarounds

    See any other good workarounds? Upvote them of course, and also link them below for inclusion in the next megathread.


    General Help & Tips

    Ask below, not in a new post. Or search the subreddit.


    Bug Reports

    If you encounter any issues during your Alpha experience please report them as soon as possible via the Issue Tracker where Frontier's development team will be actively investigating reports.



    Post your feedback below and in the official feedback forum

    Odyssey Alpha - Initial Feedback Response


    Patch Notes


    PC Specifications

    Please note that as this is an Alpha phase, a large amount of optimisation work for the final release is yet to be completed. These specifications are subject to change as Frontier move toward release.

    Recommended Specs (High Settings at 1080p)

    • Intel Core i5-8600K / AMD Ryzen 5 1600 (above 4 GHz recommended)
    • 12GB RAM
    • NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 / AMD Radeon RX 5500
    • 60GB available space

    Minimum Specs (Low Settings at 720p)

    • Intel Core i5-4590 / AMD FX-4350
    • 8GB RAM
    • NVIDIA GeForce GTX 770 / AMD Radeon R9 280X
    • 60GB available space

    Please note, the VR implementations are not currently optimised and not ready for testing at this time.


    Livestream recording with Producer Samantha Marsh talking about Odyssey's Starports: Twitch, Youtube

    Sandra Marsh Q&A Quick Notes

    submitted by /u/StuartGT
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    If the paint on your DBX isn’t peeling off at the end of the day, you haven’t flown it far enough.


    Finally got my Star Destroyer.


    Change my mind


    Reminder: Don't planet watch and drive


    Only reason i stay in open play


    My Elite Dangerous Drawings


    Boarding Beluga - My version on how I'd like boarding animation to look like


    Took me hour and a half to reach this mountain peak. Safe to say, the view is amazing!


    Enjoying two great games at once.


    Finally after 600 hours of playing I come across my first biological signals, some 10k LY from the bubble.


    Thargoid inspection


    I was just "playtesting" the new Odyssey Alpha and I think I may have done something I'm not supposed to yet. I found some alien plants on Adityan A 9 B at around 60 Latitude and 19 Longitude. Feel free to take a look!


    Lego Federal Dropship


    Lego Asp and iEagle Complete. Thanks to u/beef1213 for the designs!


    Space Jail.


    Community Goals: Battle rages in the Mudhrid system! Will you side with the Neo-Marlinists or the Empire? Double-Engineered Module Rewards


    Community Goals/r/EliteCGInara

    Galnet: "Empire Attacks Neo-Marlinist Faction"

    Conflict has erupted between the Epsilon Fornacis Empire Group and the Neo-Marlinist Order of Mudhrid.

    An investigation by ACT in the Mudhrid system confirmed that the Order of Mudhrid provided logistical support for the NMLA's starport attacks. Their agents infiltrated other local factions to transport enzyme bombs to their targets.

    The faction has now renamed itself the Neo-Marlinist Order of Mudhrid. Landgrave Arastin Delacroix, its leader, has declared a revolution against the Imperial Family. From his flagship, the Steel Majesty, he announced:

    "The corrupt Duvals will never give up their power, so we must take it from them. All those who seek to change the established order – join us!"

    The Epsilon Fornacis Empire Group responded by engaging their forces in battle. Senator Denton Patreus has ordered them to "take revenge for the 'Nine Martyrs' atrocities."

    This is the first instance of a faction openly adopting Neo-Marlinism, although it has not been officially recognised by the Marlinist Colonies. Minister Aaron Whyte commented:

    "It's a lost opportunity that Landgrave Delacroix chose to aid extremists, rather than provide a political platform to the Neo-Marlinist community. I hope we can soon replace the cycle of violence with meaningful communication."

    Fight For The Epsilon Fornacis Empire Group Against The Neo-Marlinists

    Senator Denton Patreus stated that pilots who support their just cause by handing in Combat Bonds at Payne-Scott City in the Mudhrid system will be well rewarded.

    If Tier 1 is reached, the top 10% of participants will receive a fully engineered class 2 rating B long range and high capacity railgun with feedback cascade.

    Should the Epsilon Fornacis Empire Group be victorious the top 75% of participants will receive the module.

    The module will be placed in storage at Payne-Scott City in the Mudhrid system by Friday the 9th of April 3307.

    • System = Mudhrid
    • Station = Payne-Scott City
    • Objective = Combat bonds
    • Commodity List = Combat bonds
    • Current / Target = 0 / 300000000000
    • Expires = in 7 days

    Fight For The Neo-Marlinist Order Of Mudhrid Against The Empire

    Landgrave Delacroix has stated that all pilots willing to support the revolution by handing in Combat Bonds at the Steel Majesty in the Mudhrid system will be rewarded.

    If Tier 1 is reached, the top 10% of participants will receive a uniquely augmented class 2 rating B increased caustic damage and capacity enzyme missile rack.

    Should the Neo-Marlinist Order of Mudhrid be victorious the top 75% of participants will receive the module.

    The module will be placed in storage at the Steel Majesty in the Mudhrid system by Friday the 9th of April 3307.

    • System = Mudhrid
    • Station = Steel Majesty
    • Objective = Combat bonds
    • Commodity List = Combat bonds
    • Current / Target = 0 / 300000000000
    • Expires = in 7 days
    submitted by /u/StuartGT
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    You want to burn the bubble? Nows your chance.


    Open conflict has erupted between NMLA forces and the Empire. The Order of Mudhrid has rebreanded themselves as the Neo-Marlinist Order of Mudhrid, and sent out a call for aid. Remember the slaughter of dissidents by the hand of the Empire after the fall of the Imperium? All the cruelty and injustices delt out in spades by Arissa Lavigny-Duval and her cronies? Now is the time for change, and retribution! If the Neo-Marlinist Order of Mudhrid can successfully defend themselves from the Empire, real change may actually come about! No more cowering in the shadows, hoping talks will change the mind of an iron-fisted ruler and her power-hungry compatriots. Should the Neo-Marlinist Order of Mudhrid win, it may serve as a symbol to other dissidents that these so-called superpowers can be defeated!

    With the corruption of the Federation coming to the public eye, alongside thier blatant transgressions against the privacy and rights of thier people, it is only a matter of time before Reformationists rise up! With "Prime Minister" Mahon illegally delaying elections and showing no sign of relenting his grip over the Alliance, rebellions will occur! But before that, these people need an example! To see that a "Superpower" can be beaten!

    So lets give them one! Rise, compatriots, rise! The bubble and all its corruption shall burn in the flames of those it has oppressed and slaughtered, starting with the Empire! We are the change the galaxy needs, so let us bring change! NO MORE EMPIRE, NO MORE EMPERORS!.

    submitted by /u/Flyboy16013111
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    I finally bought a coffe maker for 45 mill !!


    Sure, I can run Odyssey Alpha smoothly


    Video on Frontline Solutions coming next week: 12vs12 control-point gameplay in combat zones


    From this evening's livestream: https://clips.twitch.tv/WonderfulHedonisticAnteaterEagleEye-K9CPCpmeIS0dKNfq

    • 12vs12 mix of AI & human players
    • Various combat zones around the galaxy
    • Controls point gameplay
    • War of attrition to wear down tickets
    • Killing players and holding control points
    • Deploy in & respawn via dropship
    • Coming in Odyssey Alpha Phase 2 (potentially starting next Wednesday)
    submitted by /u/StuartGT
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    Some nice comedic touches FDev, this scavenged item from an abandoned base habitat locker made me giggle


    Throwback Thursday ... Quick look a few months back, when I was still on the fancy side with Saud Kruger and grabbed this pretty shot. Damn this game can be pretty.


    Apex Shuttle Service improvement suggestions


    Generally I find myself strangely loving the shuttle service. Its a bit of laid back fun and has some really nice touches of flair. Some suggested polish...

    • I preferred the previous iteration of the Apex shuttles that I think I saw some time ago that showed the them as a brighter yellow colour - more real-world immediately recognisable and visible (to anyone anywhere who has watched a Hollywood movie/show with a NY city taxi in it). No offence to London taxi cabs but you're too dark for space.
    • The kiosks and Apex (as well as Frontline) elevators should also retain the brighter matching yellow colour schemes and floor markings, again to make knowing where to go way easier... took a while to realise which elevators were for what...
    • ... and even on other station layout types/colour schemes, the Apex elevator, counter and floor marking colour scheme should always be maintained (as should the Frontline stuff) - the company would require their brand be strictly maintained -- just like Starbucks and McDs everywhere in the universe
    • The elevators should take a little longer, just a few seconds more or so. Currently they feel like you haven't gone anywhere. And maybe a little inertia bump affecting your character when the elevator stops.
    • After booking the messaging is incorrect too, The confirmation message says 'Ship Departure in 2 minutes'... it should say 'Board your shuttle WITHIN 2 Minutes'.
    • The waiting time for the shuttles should be a little longer say 5 minutes --- because who doesn't like strolling around the ship exterior for screenshots and to kick the tyres so to speak - this does NOT mean you have to wait to depart. It will still depart as soon as you board.
    • Move the Inventory Management to onboard the shuttle for an activity to do during transit- not before boarding (also because it is unnecessarily limited by the countdown timer), it should appear as a menu on the bottom panel
    • Additional onboard activity on the bottom panel idea, a simple overview schematic of the landing location to get familiar with the layout before commencing mission, but gives no indication of where specific things are... this would also not be available on players ships, giving the Apex shuttles an additional benefit
    • Lighting onboard the shuttle should be brighter... it's too dark.
    • Enable Apex service to drop off at bodies without settlements... if I wanted to be a tourist just hopping around on the surface for a while by a massive crater or mountain and then book another from the surface before my power runs out I ought to be able to. I should just be able to click and hold anywhere on a body and select that as my destination... or make these types of locations as tourist or science "missions"
    • The Apex landable location icon shown in system map is both too obtrusive and is same colour as the current location pin, making that also hard to see. The apex compatible logo should be small, yellow (for colour theme everything for Apex) and not overlaid but to the side of the body instead similar to the settlement icon
    • The Apex counter assistants voice feedback is a little too quiet (maybe make an additional voice volume option specific to on foot npcs?), and probably needs an extra .5 second delay after exiting menu screen for confirmations
    • When approaching the destination, the landing authorisation confirmed message from the base/settlement appears a few seconds before the pilot does his voice request for landing
    • As someone else suggested, make the ship descend nose first far longer, and the final approach a little slower, to give the passenger another opportunity to get situational awareness and layout familiarisation
    • Landing back at the return station, the pilot gives the "thanks" voice message before the ship has descended to the hanger... it should always happen just before the disembark button is made available.

    PS. I am glad Fdev are not looking to make the shuttles magically faster than other in-game ships equiped with supercruise assist or automatic docking. It's just a case of needing more activities onboard as suggested. :)

    submitted by /u/DisillusionedBook
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    Cool Odyssey Idea: Whilst in transit as an Apex Passenger, let me play the full Original 1984 Elite version inlaid on the lower middle screen :P


    Yeah yeah, ik - I can just go on Frontier's website and get the original 1984 Elite for free and open it in another window or even overlay it if I like. But it'd be really neat/humorous to have a full on 1984 save I can play through on the screen in my lap between Apex travel times lol.

    Though I'm not sure how it'd work lore-wise having a 4th wall wireframe Elite installed as standard on all passenger Adders, even so...

    It is quite the dreamy and cheery thought to me :)

    submitted by /u/Blazestar1000
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