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    Monday, May 31, 2021

    Elite Dangerous [DAILY Q&A] Ask and answer any questions you have about the game here!

    Elite Dangerous [DAILY Q&A] Ask and answer any questions you have about the game here!

    [DAILY Q&A] Ask and answer any questions you have about the game here!

    Posted: 31 May 2021 08:50 AM PDT

    Greetings, Commanders! This is the Daily Q&A post for /r/EliteDangerous

    If you have any questions about any topic, whether it be for the moderators, tips and tricks for piloting or general gameplay/development questions please post here!

    Please check new comments and help answer to the best of your ability so we can see this community flourish!

    Remember to check previous daily Q&A threads and the New Q&A FAQ.

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    Game Update Summaries: CoreHorizonsBeyond2019-2020

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    I had no idea that I could feel as immersed in a game as I do playing in VR with real flight sticks. Just got them today and it blew my mind

    Posted: 31 May 2021 03:10 AM PDT

    What Obsidian Ants video gets right, and this community gets wrong

    Posted: 31 May 2021 01:47 PM PDT

    Before you even start reading this please consider your own stance on ED in this moment. Would you be content to see it crash and burn, get no more updates and eventually shut it's servers down in 2-3 years, or would you rather that the issues get fixed and development continues? I'm very serious about this, and while I have my own opinion I do understand both sides. It is very frustrating when you wait so long for something only for the devs to release something half-baked.

    The reason I want you to answer this question for yourself before getting into my main argument is that if you are content to write the game off as a lost cause, then nothing I can say will sway you. This instead goes out to the people on this reddit who are very passionate about this game, and while very frustrated (to put it mildly) with FDev would like the game to improve and and strive to reach it's potential.

    I'm writing this because of the absolute fury that has manifested here, on the official forums, steam and on almost every youtube video about ED since Odysseys launch. If you want the game to improve, then exaggerating the issues or doom-saying the games future is counter-productive. We all know that the current state of Odyssey is not ideal, there are several issues (my main gripe is the performance, though if I was an explorer the random POIs in the black would kill my immersion) but the game is not broken or dead.

    The server issues have improved drastically the last week, the first week saw 3-4 hotfixes and the first patchlog was as long as my arm. Should this have been necessary? No. Of course not, but these things give me hope for the future of ED. What, however, gives me cause for concern is the reaction of the community, and the counter-productiveness of this was really clear when watching ObsidianAnts latest video and the comments about it.

    In the video OA clearly lays out the issues, doesn't sugarcoat them but then gives constructive ways to move forward with clear examples. However, many in this community seems to not have gotten that point, instead focusing on the fact that an all-around positive guy as OA is now delivering criticism - which in turn feeds their feeling of righteous fury at FDev.

    This is what we as a community need to work on. The Odyssey DLC is not the end of the world, and there have been several games just the last few years that have released in a much worse state. Instead of doom-posting we should be productive, report issues, give real feedback, post suggestions etc. That is, if we want the game to improve. If we just want to feel justified in our anger at FDev then we are certainly on the right path - but it will cost us the potential future of ED.

    TL:DR - Doom-saying is helping nobody, even if it feels good. Be constructive.

    submitted by /u/drbunji
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    I think, this is my best screenshot

    Posted: 31 May 2021 12:22 PM PDT

    90 hours in and sometimes I still forget to request docking...

    Posted: 31 May 2021 02:04 AM PDT

    CMDR Savage Gardener visits a botanic point of interest

    Posted: 31 May 2021 09:06 AM PDT

    Legacy modules are not labelled as such in Odyssey and cause errors when trying to engineer them further

    Posted: 31 May 2021 04:49 AM PDT

    With the Pentagon UFO (UAP) report due next month I'd like to put forward my own theory on an images of one of these alleged UFOs - Obviously a Closed Beta for Atmospheric World landings is taking place.

    Posted: 31 May 2021 06:20 AM PDT

    About 32,000 ly from Sol

    Posted: 31 May 2021 09:21 AM PDT

    I don't think sticking to Horizons for a while is a bad idea.

    Posted: 31 May 2021 07:24 AM PDT

    Found this amazing planet

    Posted: 31 May 2021 02:03 PM PDT

    The potential of the new planet-tech is insane, because when it works, it really does...

    Posted: 31 May 2021 06:05 AM PDT

    It's like a science fiction novel cover.

    Posted: 30 May 2021 06:45 PM PDT

    If you want to see some blue stuff, you should definitely visit this planet.

    Posted: 31 May 2021 09:38 AM PDT

    A shattered dream

    Posted: 31 May 2021 01:28 PM PDT

    Atmospheric Planet

    Posted: 31 May 2021 08:05 AM PDT

    After 2.5 years of playing this game, I am proud to say I finally made the trip to Colonia!

    Posted: 31 May 2021 07:16 AM PDT

    A friend brought me this print yesterday. Stay tuned for the complete painted model.

    Posted: 31 May 2021 09:42 AM PDT

    Space Truckin while working. Shhh don't tell on me! :D

    Posted: 31 May 2021 02:01 AM PDT

    Obsidian Ant - FDEV needs to change their approach

    Posted: 30 May 2021 02:04 PM PDT

    Look what I found, not sure if its suppose to be pink though???

    Posted: 31 May 2021 01:22 AM PDT

    Recorded Security Footage of Idiot succumbing to Space Madness

    Posted: 31 May 2021 06:39 AM PDT

    And now, nearly 10 years late, dear Frontier management, what did you do not poorly?

    Posted: 31 May 2021 05:27 AM PDT

    So you can do this with your SRVs now

    Posted: 30 May 2021 11:22 PM PDT

    Captured a pretty cool solar flare while exploring!

    Posted: 31 May 2021 01:01 PM PDT

    Maybe on-foot weapons should be nerfed against ships?

    Posted: 30 May 2021 04:01 PM PDT

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