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    Sunday, July 18, 2021

    Elite Dangerous [DAILY Q&A] Ask and answer any questions you have about the game here!

    Elite Dangerous [DAILY Q&A] Ask and answer any questions you have about the game here!

    [DAILY Q&A] Ask and answer any questions you have about the game here!

    Posted: 18 Jul 2021 08:50 AM PDT

    Greetings, Commanders! This is the Daily Q&A post for /r/EliteDangerous

    If you have any questions about any topic, whether it be for the moderators, tips and tricks for piloting or general gameplay/development questions please post here!

    Please check new comments and help answer to the best of your ability so we can see this community flourish!

    Remember to check previous daily Q&A threads and the New Q&A FAQ.

    WikiCareer ChartLore (Brief) • ThargoidsSagittarius Eye MagazineThe Elite Squadron

    Game Update Summaries: CoreHorizonsBeyond2019-2020

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Three pictures of a Cobra and a Coriolis

    Posted: 18 Jul 2021 11:42 AM PDT

    Some stations are worth a little internal tour

    Posted: 18 Jul 2021 12:11 AM PDT

    I need advice on maneuvering in combat. What are some good maneuvering techniques and tactics that I should practice so I can break out of these frustrating and seemingly endless jousting matches?

    Posted: 18 Jul 2021 01:29 AM PDT

    Left = Guardian oblique farming site. Right = Brain tree bio sites. Contrast + Mysteries = Priceless.

    Posted: 18 Jul 2021 06:55 AM PDT

    Here me out

    Posted: 18 Jul 2021 12:02 PM PDT

    My SK Orca EXPLORER variant blueprints update. Deck C is done 99%. So now we have decks A B C, 4 more left. Upper decks will have some crew areas deck D the rest will have labs, science stations etc.

    Posted: 18 Jul 2021 09:29 AM PDT

    Krait Fan Art

    Posted: 18 Jul 2021 02:14 PM PDT

    Well, this just gave me a heart attack

    Posted: 18 Jul 2021 11:26 AM PDT

    A pic of whatever the hell this is

    Posted: 18 Jul 2021 11:01 AM PDT

    How To Make Elite Dangerous Odyssey Successful - A WIP Planning Doc. (The ships I brainstormed in about an hour using some concept art. Imgur links included.) Please be kind.

    Posted: 18 Jul 2021 03:04 PM PDT

    Please keep in mind I'm not a professional game designer and many of these ideas may not be as viable as I'd like. Also, this is just my opinion. Hope you all enjoy.

    How to Make Elite Dangerous Odyssey Successful

    Hire More Writers. Add Actual Prewritten Stories. Curate Your Content.

    (Odysseus's journey wasn't notable just because of his misfortunes. It was also because he encountered many interesting characters who had their own stories that became a part of his.)

    Start with Superpower Factions. Each should follow their own theme and should last many hours (the gameplay itself, not actual written/scripted content.) Each will also lead to unlocking ships within that respective faction; no more 20+ hour real world mindless grind for a few ships! Also, incorporate these into Powers and as an intro to Powerplay.

    (These would be presented like the tutorials are/have been.)

    Federation –

    Zachary Hudson - Weaponry and Power; Militarization and Cold, Hard Credits;

    Felicia Winters - Haves vs Have Nots, Encouraging Stability for the sake of Increased Profits for All

    Empire –

    Zemina Torval - Wealth, Status, and Imp Slavery,

    Denton Patreus - Power and Honor;

    Arrisa Lavigny-Duval - Patronage and Service to the Empire;

    Aisling Duval – Privilege, the Imperial Media, and Imp Slavery

    Alliance –

    Edmund Mahon - Travel and Contacts; Cooperation and Protection; How to Lead a Broken Mess of Systems

    Aegis –

    Ram Tah - Exploration of Thargoid and Guardian Sites. Visiting Eagle Eye sites, Conducting humanitarian operations/rescues, learning to fight Thargoids, etc.

    Raider/Bandit –

    Archon Delaine - Betrayal, Infighting, Loot, Intimidation of Targets, How to deal with civilians, etc.

    Smugglers – How to Smuggle, What to Smuggle where, How to deal with Slavery (ethically or "professionally", etc)

    Independent – Ship Progression; Tourism; Meeting Engineers and Powers; leading you through signal sources, etc.

    Stories can be connected with existing mechanics and transitions in game. (You already have chained missions in game!)

    Example, A salvage job can turn into an ambush where you fight and/or flee. Upon return to settlement, a ground CZ has erupted due to a mass attack by the faction that ambushed you. Together with the base's troops, you fight back to reclaim the settlement. Upon doing so, you find out the salvaged item contains intel that needs to be delivered out of system. Upon delivery and decryption at an outpost, the intel exposes a local politician who's been selling secrets to an enemy superpower. You're then tasked with assassinating them while they're flying in system. You do so, only to find out the ship they were on was a decoy. The enemy superpower retaliates with a space CZ. Upon successful completion, your command lets you know they've tracked down the politician at a small settlement. You're then tasked with killing them in person once and for all via assassination. You do so. Upon return to the outpost, you're awarded your choice of a small ship for services rendered. (At every step, CMDRs are rewarded for their efforts. Credits, Mats, etc. There are no time limits for these missions.) Note how this one thing is hours of gameplay. It's epic, it's immersive, it's rewarding!)

    Stories should be Instanced so as to protect the integrity of CMDR's individual choices.

    Stop the Abhorrent Grind

    10 CZs for one engineer invite? 10 Restores for one engineer invite? This isn't rewarding and is honestly boring after the first couple.

    Instead, weave Engineer progression into main faction stories. (They're usually allied with a faction of some sort anyway, so this makes sense.) As players do the Stories, they unlock/accrue the items needed to progress their Engineering. This will increase engagement while lessening the grind.

    Put loot on individual bodies. Destroyed ships can be looted, individual people should be too. Let us upgrade our suits and weapons with mats we've acquired by using our suits and weapons. (Again, this will lessen the grind and makes sense from a gameplay perspective.

    Implement Actual Characters

    Think SWTOR, Mass Effect, etc. Create Crew Members with unique backstories and motivations that players can recruit at specific places. (You know how Engineers are unique? Like that.)

    In addition, rework the current Crew system. Add more procedural generation to these so they aren't the same dozen or so presets. Put Crew Members in the damn chairs beside you in your ship. Again, not hard to do. (You already do this for Apex and Frontline.)

    *If you can't/won't create Crew Members for us, Let us do it ourselves with Holo Me. (Think Dragon's Dogma; add voice options for these similar to Apex and Frontline.)

    Create unique Stations for Power Headquarters. Put the Power Leaders in those places. These should be impressive stations that surprise and delight the player with how much different they are from more mundane stations. (Let your art team have fun with these.) Roll them out over time via GALNET events, such as an introduction to these new stations, or as a some sort of public address or broadcast after a successful CG. In keeping with the lore of ED, don't let/have players be personally addressed by the Power leaders. They're still much too busy to get to know each and every pilot under their employ. Or even pretend to care about them in some cases. (Think World of Warcraft Faction Leaders; people will come just to "meet" them.)

    Rework Costs (Including ARX)

    If a ship costs 300,000K, a suit or small arm should NOT cost even close to that. Make it make sense.

    As far as ARX, why does one weapon skin cost as much as a 30 piece clothing set? Why does one 30 piece clothing set cost three times more than another 30 piece clothing set? Be consistent! Not being consistent is pretty infuriating!

    Create Earnable Cosmetics In Game

    Selling Ship Kits, Paint Jobs are Fine.
    But STOP Making Suits/Clothing Buyable

    Suits, Components, Clothing, etc Should be Craftable and/or Farmable

    There should be Suits and Clothing that fit Lore and Factions. Thousands of CMDRs with none of them wearing Imp, Fed,, Alli, Indy, or Raider attire is a waste of worldbuilding and roleplaying opportunities.

    Also, STOP pushing out/advertising weapon/ship skins when your base game is broke af. This is tone deaf to an insulting degree.


    Where are Hutton Orbital Mugs for Dashboards? That is not hard to implement. Make it available in the ARX Market. Make it free for anyone who makes the trip.

    Offer Lavian Brandy in at the damn bar in Lave. Hell, offer drinks of any kind at every bar throughout the galaxy. Create emotes for CMDRs. Let them sit on chairs and stools.


    Start with small ships only. Make them all have the same preset bunk/sleeping area according to manufacturer. Charge money for them a la Ship Kits. You WILL make bank off of this. Over time, design bigger and better interiors for the bigger ships. Charge money for them a la Ship Kits. You WILL make More bank off of this.


    IMGUR LINK https://imgur.com/a/RlaodJS

    While I personally enjoy Space Legs and ground gameplay more than most, I realize that most players are probably here for the ships, as they are the true focal point of ED. While Odyssey is impressive from a technical standpoint, the "larger" preexisting world of ED suffers from the lack of any new ships. There are "holes" in the current roster that could be filled. A few ideas follow:

    First, a new category – following the convention of S, M, L, H hardpoints, now there are Huge ships.

    Zorgon Peterson – Panther Clipper LX – 232,000,000

    Niche – Trade/Combat Freighter

    Struggles to steer left or right but excels at pitching up and down (think Type 7 but faster). Heavy and not easily turned, but adept enough at barrel rolls. Uses asset from concept art. Longer and flatter than Type 9/10, much stronger shield, in line with other ZP offerings. Oversized engines much like FDL and Mamba. Oversized slots intended for cargo. Not "fast" due to size and weight, but faster than expected considering. Slightly undersized Fuel Tank. Jump Range – similar to but less than Anaconda. Single Small ship Hangar included. (Small ship, not Fighters)

    Cockpit emphasizes technical readouts (similar to Mamba) related to size and weight with some personal amenities. Windows/canopy more similar to FDL. 3 Seats

    Hardpoint Example – 1 H (Center Dorsal, behind cockpit) , 2 L (One on each "wing", below cockpit), 4 M (2 on Dorsal Midline beside engines, 2 on each side of nose) (See Edit.)

    Alternate – 2 H (Center Ventral (orbital weapons), 2 L (toward rear Dorsal) 4 M (2 on each side of nose, 2 on each "wing" below cockpit.) (See Edit.)

    Saud Kruger – Narwhal Liner – 281,000,000

    Niche – Multipurpose/Exploration

    Similar to SK lineup, rolls well but struggles to turn. Slower than SK lineup, but better armored. Massive fuel tank. As far as aesthetic, think more catamaran or littoral combined with cruise ship. (The Feds bought these for their president to project power as much as prestige.) Cockpit not in front like other SK ships, but in the middle of the ship; the idea is the bridge is less exposed there. Normal shield, Efficiently sized Engines, Massive Fuel tank. Healthy jump range. A mix of many modules, about half are large and the other half smaller. This is essentially an all in one armored transport that can fulfill any mission; vehicle hangars, passenger bays, etc. Fighter Hangar enabled.

    Cockpit emphasizes Federal efficiency and hardness with SK's clean curves and minimalism. Windows still blacked out. 3 Seats

    Hardpoint Example – 1H (Center Dorsal, rear of the ship.) 2 L (Center Dorsal, both along the length of the ship. 3 M (Near Nose and Center Ventral near Nose), 2 S ( Center Ventral Near Nose.)

    Medium Ships

    Core Dynamics – the Harrier – 59,000,000

    Niche – Multipurpose/Combat

    Essentially the Asp/DBX to the Asp/DBScout, the Harrier is a longer, better powered, better armed version of the Vulture. Originally sidelined as being considered too expensive for mass production, CD administrators marketed it as a no-nonsense specialized armored transport to more results-oriented and less cost-averse units in the Federal Navy and for Frontline Solutions. Similar in size to the FDL. Thrusters are oversized, esp lateral thrusters. Heavily armored hull tank, but with an appropriately sized power plant this time. Basically a more manuverable, more armored and slower FDL; a Hunter-Killer focused on firepower. Heavily overspecialized. Poor jump range due to heavy armor/mass (less than FDL). Fighter Hanger enabled.

    Cockpit emphasizes Federal strength mixed with functional militarism. Multicrew actually useful here. 2 Seats.

    Hardpoint Example – 1H (Center Dorsal, behind cockpit, 2 L (on each side, just behind cockpit, essentially where they are on Vulture. 2 M (one on each side of cockpit, on either dorsal or ventral side of "pincers.") (See Edit)

    Example 2 - 3 L (on each side, just behind cockpit, essentially where they are on Vulture) 2 M (one on each side of cockpit, on either dorsal or ventral side of "pincers.) (See Edit)

    Core Dynamics – the Hawk – 64,000,000

    Niche – Combat

    The next generation of Core Dynamics firepower, originally prototyped by Jupiter Division as a surgical strike craft designed to operate in "wolf packs" as blades in the dark, more akin to a scalpel than the hammer that is the Harrier. Meant to destroy targets, acquire intel, and disappear. Reverse engineered from FDL with armored technology pioneered on the Vulture. Well armored (prob on par with Challenger) with a shield comparable to FDL. Slower than FDL, but more manuverable. Appropriately sized power plant, very good heat dispersion, very low heat profile, less good heat capacity. Basically no cargo capacity except for limpets.

    Cockpit emphasizes state of the art militarized stealth technology. Blister cockpit similar to Mamba. 2 Seats

    Hardpoint Example – 3 L (2 on sides of ship horizontal to cockpit, 1 in front of cockpit) 2 M (on sides of ship, just behind nose, 1 tucked between armor panels on ship nose.) (See Edit)

    Example 2 – 1 H (Just behind Cockpit, similar to Fed Corvette) 2 L (on sides of ship horizontal to cockpit) 2 M on sides of ship, just behind nose.) (See Edit)

    Gutamaya – Imperial Seer – 39,000,000

    Niche – Combat

    The only Imperial medium ship, specifically built for combat due to the Nine Martyrs incident. Designed to be a heavily shielded attack craft that can deliver sustained amounts of damage before evading. Meant to defend Imperial Clippers and Cutters by way of preemptive attacks on larger targets that Imperial Eagles may struggle with. Great power plant and capacitor. Shield better than FDL. Armor less than Chieftain. Faster and more maneuverable than most.

    Cockpit emphasizes usual Gutamay aesthetic mixed with "stricter," more military Imperial aesthetic than less stringent Gutamaya ships. 1 Seat.

    Hardpoint Example – 2 L, 3 M.

    submitted by /u/KokiriWolf
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    Rook Platoon Explores the Land Down Under - Expedition Mass launch. You can still join us. Details bellow.

    Posted: 18 Jul 2021 12:42 PM PDT

    Just in time

    Posted: 18 Jul 2021 10:23 AM PDT

    Erm. Question, how am I going to feasibly make 4.5 billion credits, and what do I mine to get that money?

    Posted: 18 Jul 2021 11:12 AM PDT

    I want a carrier as a personal goal but I'm not sure how to actually raise the funds. I'm assuming mining is still profitable? (Haven't played since march) And if it is, what do I mine, I just used T Painite, but is there something better for creds that isn't core mining? And if it isn't mining, I'm terrible at combat so I don't think I can do that. And I don't own odyssey so whatever hoo ha goes on in that dlc I can't participate.

    Thankies in advance

    submitted by /u/Fae_Genovia
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    We can only hope frontier would listen to a simple dream

    Posted: 18 Jul 2021 12:04 PM PDT

    Am I wrong for bringing My friends who are new players to this system? �� it's Lhs1044 really close to the Pilots Fed Space.

    Posted: 18 Jul 2021 10:17 AM PDT

    Seeking like-minded Commanders for deep space exploration and discovery.

    Posted: 18 Jul 2021 08:40 AM PDT

    Just on my ride :D SK Dolphin

    Posted: 18 Jul 2021 11:18 AM PDT

    Check the Elite Dangerous Bundle including EVE: Valkyrie warzone and war thunder USA and Japanese Campaigns

    Posted: 18 Jul 2021 03:31 PM PDT

    Even 712 hours in, this game still takes my breath away.

    Posted: 17 Jul 2021 10:59 PM PDT

    I've been playing almost a year and finally gathered enough patience to make my first $10m. Halfway to getting a chieftan!

    Posted: 17 Jul 2021 09:43 PM PDT

    Crash sites not showing up on Detailed Surface Scans

    Posted: 18 Jul 2021 01:04 PM PDT

    Has anyone done a Salvage from Wreckage recently? past few I've done the crash site is not targetable at the indicated planet making completion rather tedious? is this a bug or some new mechanic i missed?

    submitted by /u/Bitter-Marsupial
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    Console player looking for some encouraging words

    Posted: 18 Jul 2021 08:35 AM PDT

    PS4. Nearly 2000 hours. King, Admiral, Triple Elite, Fleet Carrier owner.

    Love love love this game but the toxicity of the last few months and the news that consoles will be delayed has left me depressed.

    Hyping myself up for the future of the game has been what I have clinged to for a few years, but the hype seems to be momentarily dead;

    self induced

    • hype for on foot stuff to do
    • hype for Thargoid ground-based combat
    • hype for new SRVs and stuff to do with them
    • hype for ship interiors (yes, I know FDev says nah)
    • hype for a roadmap beyond 'fix current state of Odyssey'

    I know this period of gloom will pass and FDev will fix their game and the eventual console release will be great…

    Right now I need to hear:

    • What are you be most excited to do in Elite in a couple years time when all the new features (that have yet to be even mentioned) are in place and the game is in its full glory?

    Dream away Commanders


    submitted by /u/MrYummy05
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    Now that's a sunrise.

    Posted: 18 Jul 2021 11:03 AM PDT

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