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    Sunday, July 25, 2021

    Elite Dangerous [DAILY Q&A] Ask and answer any questions you have about the game here!

    Elite Dangerous [DAILY Q&A] Ask and answer any questions you have about the game here!

    [DAILY Q&A] Ask and answer any questions you have about the game here!

    Posted: 25 Jul 2021 08:50 AM PDT

    Greetings, Commanders! This is the Daily Q&A post for /r/EliteDangerous

    If you have any questions about any topic, whether it be for the moderators, tips and tricks for piloting or general gameplay/development questions please post here!

    Please check new comments and help answer to the best of your ability so we can see this community flourish!

    Remember to check previous daily Q&A threads and the New Q&A FAQ.

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    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Oops! All Icy Bodies

    Posted: 25 Jul 2021 11:01 AM PDT

    I'll never get tired of this view. o7

    Posted: 25 Jul 2021 10:33 AM PDT

    [Bug] Mission failed because of a building stuck in a big rock...

    Posted: 25 Jul 2021 02:16 AM PDT

    Planetary Eclipse

    Posted: 25 Jul 2021 07:58 AM PDT

    I didnt want to spend alot of money for a seat. So I drilled out part of my desk and glued magnets to each foot. Now its secure, easy to store and my desk pad goes over them when I dont need them. Also they do not effect my mouse at all.

    Posted: 24 Jul 2021 07:51 PM PDT

    I'm starting to enjoy some of the simpler parts of exploration

    Posted: 25 Jul 2021 08:08 AM PDT

    2 x Dangerous Anacondas VS 28mj Shield Eagle - Only 5% hull damage!

    Posted: 25 Jul 2021 08:10 AM PDT

    Just a nav beacon in the Pleiades. Sometimes its the simple things that make playing this game so enjoyable :)

    Posted: 25 Jul 2021 10:47 AM PDT

    To all others that have the 'wrong kind of office chair'....... I bring hope. And ratchet straps.

    Posted: 25 Jul 2021 09:43 AM PDT

    Beginner's Guide to Farming Engineering Mats

    Posted: 25 Jul 2021 02:52 AM PDT

    I wrote most of this up as an off-topic response in another post. And it seemed important enough for new players to warrant its own post. I do not have Odyssey so cannot provide any information on farming Odyssey mats.

    Note that these are the "optimal" ways to farm engineering mats. There is nothing wrong with doing different methods of farming if you don't care about being optimal.

    • I did Dav's Hope a lot (Hyades Sector DR-V c2-23 A 5) when I first started playing. It was fun and tremendously helpful in teaching me to become a better SRV driver, as you can time yourself as you make each circuit. The story at Dav's Hope is heartbreaking too.
    • I highly recommend everyone visit the Bug Killer crashed Anaconda site (HIP 16613 1 A) at least once. Preferably at night for the creepy ambiance and story ;).

    1. Why engineer?

    Engineering lets you make upgrades to your ship's modules to improve them, in many cases doubling their performance. A full description is beyond the scope of this guide. I suggest Fox's guide for unlocking the engineers for a procedural guide. And Inara's engineer page as a quick reference for the available engineering upgrades, which modules each engineer can upgrade, as well as the engineering mat cost. Note that each column of engineers on that page represents an unlock chain. The engineers above unlock the engineers below. The down arrow between portraits means you must unlock the above engineer to access the ones below. The square between portraits means that engineer is at the same unlock tier as the one above (unlocked by the engineer above the down arrow).

    Warning: The way engineering works in the game was completely revamped several years ago (2017 I think?). So a Google or YouTube search may turn up old guides and videos which are no longer relevant. Be sure any reference you find dates from within the last ~3 years.

    2. What are engineering mats?

    Engineering materials (mats) are the currency you use to pay for engineering upgrades on a module. They're also used to pay for modules from technology brokers. These are mostly modules from human technology brokers which have been added to the game. Notably, a double-engineered 5A FSD (better jump range than if you fully engineer a 5A FSD yourself), and a detailed surface scanner with 2x the probe radius. But a few of the Guardian modules require a few engineering mats.

    You can get mats from shooting geological and biological features on planets and moons, shooting cargo racks at crash sites, gathering debris lying around settlements, from mining, scanning radios and beacons, scanning other ships, in combat debris, and as mission rewards. There are three types - raw, manufactured, and encoded - and several families within each type of varying grades (G1-G5). They have their own separate section in your inventory (right side menu), and do not take up any weight or space. Although there is a maximum limit to how much of each mat you can have (300 of G1, 250 of G2, 200 of G3, 150 of G4, and 100 of G5). Unfortunately the wiki page on materials is rather poor. The best reference for all the materials is actually the wiki page on material traders.


    Each engineering upgrade costs different mats, which you have to pay each time you perform the upgrade (for a random amount of improvement). It is a PITA keeping track of all of them. People seem to use two ways to figure out how many mats to gather.

    • Build out a ship on coriolis.io or edsy.org. After you add the engineering mods you want, both sites will estimate the type and number of engineering mats you will need to create that ship. Then go and collect those mats.
      • In coriolis.io, click the gear icon in the upper right.
      • In edsy.org, click Analysis at the top, then click on Generate Retrofit Report.
      • Tools like EDEngineer can help you keep track. ED Discovery has a page which shows you your current engineering mat inventory at a glance (no need to dig through the right hand menu).
    • Just max out on top-tier G5 mats, and use material traders to convert a bunch of those to lower grade mats so you have a bunch of everything. When you need more lower grade mats, visit a material trader and trade in more G5 mats. When you run low on G5 mats, go farm some more.

    3. How do I use material traders?

    A material trader is one of the contacts at certain starports who will let you trade one engineering mat for another. Each one only deals with one type of mat (raw, manufactured, or encoded). Use Inara's nearest station search to find the material traders closest to your position. eddb.io can search for them too, but does not tell you the type. So you must use Inara.

    The trade ratio is most favorable when trading within the same family (a row in the material traders wiki page), and when trading down from high-grade to low-grade (towards the left on the material traders wiki page).

    • When you trade down in grade within a family, you trade at a 1:3 ratio for each grade. e.g. Trading 1 G5 mat gets you 3 G4 mats, 9 G3 mats, 27 G2 mats, or 81 G1 mats. Due to this steep ratio, it's generally not worth farming G1, G2, or G3 mats. Most people farm G5 and just trade those down.
    • Trading up within a family happens at a 6:1 ratio (if you trade down and back up, you lose half the mats). e.g. You need to trade 6 G1 mats to get 1 G2 mat. 36 G1 mats to get 1 G3 mat, 216 G1 mats to get 1 G4 mats, and (if you had the capacity) 1296 G1 mats to get 1 G5 mat. Don't trade up unless you absolutely have to.
    • Trading from one family to another also happens at a 6:1 ratio at the same grade. e.g. You need 6 biotech conductors (G5) to get 1 pharmaceutical isolators (G5). Or 6 conductive components (G2) to get 1 chemical processor (G2). Don't trade between families unless you absolutely have to, although sometimes it will be a better option than farming the other mat. It's also the only way to get rid of excess lower tier mats if you don't need any more mats within that family.

    4. Where can I get G5 mats?

    This is the quick reference sheet I use. The author still updates it occasionally.

    Encoded mats

    • Go to Jameson Crash Site at HIP 12099 1 B. Scan the four beacons there. Most people do it in an SRV, but it can be done from your ship if you're OK with 2-axis rotations. Then logout to the menu and login again, and repeat (this is the part everyone hates). That gets you encoded mats in the adaptive encryptors capture family, most of them G5. Trade those to other G5 families. The 6:1 ratio sucks, but it's usually the fastest way.
    • Video guide
    • Use a frame shift wake scanner, and sit outside a starport scanning wakes. I haven't had much luck with this, but some people swear by it. You can engineer the wake scanner as long range to reduce the amount of moving around you need to do. (This increases the power needed by a lot, so make sure you have a big enough power plant.)
    • Video guide
    • You can also do missions which give modified embedded firmware (G5) as a reward, then trade those as needed. The higher rep you have with a faction, the more of these missions appear, and the more G5 mats you get as a reward.

    Raw mats

    • Max is G4, not G5. Though some are incorrectly labeled in the game as G5.
    • Farm the crystalline shard spires at HIP 36601 and Outotz LS-K D8-3. Note that the moons are about 150k ls and 300k ls from the primary star, so be prepared to spend some time in supercruise. Fortunately once you get out that far, all the moons in that system are near each other. Land at one of the biological sites listed in the quick reference guide (they're the flattest). And shoot the shards off the crystalline spires to gather G4 raw mats.
    • These are currently broken under Odyssey - login via Horizons to access them.
    • Note that there's a bug which sometimes limits you to collecting only 100 G4 raw mats. If this happens, just logout and back in again, and your inventory limit should correctly reset to 150.
    • Video guide
    • These systems are about 1500 ly from the Bubble. Fleet carriers regularly make the trip out there. You can join the Fleet Carrier Owner's Club discord for trip announcements and schedules. (For some reason everyone takes their carrier to HIP 36601 first, when it makes more sense to go to Outotz LS-K D8-3 first. That way anyone wanting to jump to the other system ahead of schedule, or wishing to meet up with the carrier for the trip back to the Bubble, only needs to fly 150k ls in supercruise. If the carrier goes to HIP 36601 first, they need to fly 300k ls.)
    • The crystalline shard spires are present on other worlds around the galaxy too. Everyone just goes to these two systems because they're nearby, and have 6 of the 7 G4 raw mats.
    • There are no selenium crystalline shard spires. Selenium was originally coded as a lower tier mat (G2 I think), and spires can only give G4 mats. Shortly after the game was released, raw materials were overhauled (why some of them incorrectly show up as G5). Selenium was upgraded to G4. But the game still thinks they're G2 - from what I understand, fixing that would alter the procedural generation, and change the entire galaxy.
    • Instead, use edtools' selenium finder. Use it to find a nearby system with high selenium share (percent of common raw mats which are selenium). Go to that world, scan it with the DSS, find a geological site which is relatively flat and land there. Scurry around in your SRV shooting up crystalline fragments - these will yield selenium in proportion to the selenium share (typically 50%-70%). When you can't find more fragments, lift off and go to a different site. I timed it and it's about 2-3x faster than farming crystalline shards and trading for selenium. It's also a lot more fun since you can drive the SRV at full speed. And because the sites are in the Bubble, you can do it on a whim and only need to gather as much selenium as you need.
    • Note that needle crystals frequently give other G4 mats, so shoot any of those you see too.
    • There's a report that laser mining osmium now can also yield selenium. If his time (90 minutes to fill up) is accurate, that would be faster than shooting crystalline fragments.
    • Sometimes you get a tip-off of a crashed ship. A rare version of this will have three cargo racks. Shooting each cargo rack yields 1-2 G4 raw mats each.

    Manufactured mats

    • Farm high grade emissions (HGEs). Equip collector limpets and a cargo rack. Fly into a system, scan the nav beacon (drop in on it, target it, and point at it within 1.5 km for about 10 seconds), jump back to supercruise, and check the signal sources in the nav panel for HGEs. Fly out to one and there will be a few G5 mats. The type of mat depends on the system and faction state (check the quick reference). Now the part everyone hates: Completely exit the game. Logging out is not enough, you need to completely close the game. Then restart it. Login, jump to supercruise. Check around, and the HGE will be nearby. Drop back into it and there will be more G5 mats.
    • Video guide
    • You can also do missions which give biotech conductors and exquisite focus crystals (G5) as a reward, and trade those for other mats. Pharmaceutical isolators and military supercapacitors are the rare G5s from HGEs. Proto radiolic alloys are also a pain because they share a drop table with other G5 mats, and you always seem to get the wrong ones. You will probably want to trade for these G5s rather than farm HGEs. The higher rep you have with a faction, the more of these missions appear, and the more G5 mats you get as a reward.
    • In general, it's not worth stopping to collect the mats you get from combat kills - they're mostly lower grade mats which take too long to collect. If you specifically target a G5 mat, the limpet suicides after collecting just the one mat. You'll get mats more quickly by stacking a bunch of RES massacre bounty missions which give biotech conductors and exquisite focus crystals as a reward. Completing those missions as quickly as possible (i.e. not stopping to collect mats from kills) usually gives you manufactured mats quicker, even if you have to trade at a 6:1 ratio. (A commenter says it's worth it for high-end combat kills of the larger ships like Anacondas.)
    • Several people have mentioned farming Imperial Shielding. I have not done this. I'll edit this section when they provide more details. But you may wish to search the replies for "imperial shielding" until I do.
    submitted by /u/Makaira69
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    Seeing as ED was the reason I started gaming again, it only seemed fair that the PC I built for it got an appropriate mascot. O7 CMDRs.

    Posted: 25 Jul 2021 04:48 AM PDT

    After a month of traveling, I finally reached the center of it all

    Posted: 24 Jul 2021 09:54 PM PDT

    Thought I'd put a shot through a bit of filtering and add a single panel narrative! Enjoy! ��

    Posted: 25 Jul 2021 02:47 AM PDT

    Meta Alloy - The Purist Way to Find Them?

    Posted: 25 Jul 2021 08:46 AM PDT

    Hi All!

    I'm one of those players that never really found the way to make oodles of money, etc. I know there are guides and databases, etc. - but I'm just too much of a purist to use them. I'm just trying to play the game as though I have to go through a discovery process as part of the game. Mind you - is it an expectation to use the extra tools and discoveries that others share? Is that supposed to be part of the game as well?

    Here is my main question. One of my engineers wants me to get a Meta-Alloy. I know there is only one place that sells it, and there is another where you can cultivate it. I could go down that Internet search path.

    However, is there a path I should go down where this information is volunteered to me? Is there a purist method for finding the meta alloy jackpot that is part of the game? OR, am I really supposed to proceed according to what others have discovered before me?

    submitted by /u/Enterfrize
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    Finding a Star

    Posted: 25 Jul 2021 01:05 PM PDT

    Hey guys,

    I need some help. My father passed away recently and someone did one of those Star Registry things in his honour. I know that they aren't official in any way however I'd love to make a journey to my fathers star. All I have is the RA and DEC coordinates but I haven't been able to find a way to translate them onto the Galactic Map. Please help I've been wanting to make this journey for a long time.


    submitted by /u/Benno212
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    Hello Commanders, does any of you know why I can't set a crewate as active? Currently I'm flying with a AspX and it's buy-menu says it's a mutli-crew ship

    Posted: 25 Jul 2021 10:32 AM PDT

    Few screenshots from my first trip to Pleiades

    Posted: 25 Jul 2021 10:52 AM PDT

    Trip to unlock Farseer

    Posted: 25 Jul 2021 12:44 PM PDT

    First big objective accomplished!

    Posted: 25 Jul 2021 03:45 PM PDT

    Help, I have a problem... (Cobra vs Krait)

    Posted: 25 Jul 2021 11:53 AM PDT

    I wouldn't call myself an "Elite Dangerous Veteran", especially when compared to the vast amount of time some of you have been playing. With only about 1,000 hours played (a feat that would be a lot for any other game but somehow falls short here), I've spent just enough time to touch on the target activities that a solo pilot can.

    But, I've got a problem..

    After having gone through all of the ships, up to the Anaconda (excluding Imperial ships, because I'm a filthy low ranked surf). Since doing that, I've decided I don't like big ships. The problem I have is that the ships I do like aren't winning me any awards.

    I've narrowed my perfect ship down to two: The Cobra Mk III and the Krait Mk II. At first glance, you might immediately leap at one or the other, no question. But hear me out.

    The Cobra Mk III is a wonderful ship to me. It's so agile and fun to fly, it can do a little bit of everything, and that's right up my alley. But the hardpoint placement just kills me. And since I'm not a E:D Veteran, The Cobra Mk IV isn't an option (although some might argue that it would never have been anyway). I love that I can get a 40ish Ly jump range out of a tiny ship, that I can hit and fade in fights, and that I can go anywhere. I love its design. I love how iconic it is. I love that feeling I get when I see one, and when I fly one. I love that it can defy expectations.

    Then there's the Krait Mk II. From an "all-purpose" ship, this is just the Medium version of the Cobra Mk III. It has more sensible hardpoint placements, retains some of the Phantom's agility, has that cool SLF, and has a Coffee machine.

    Now logic tells me that the Krait is a better ship. It performs better in every situation that I put it into that I'd also put the Cobra into. But something in me misses the Cobra when I'm not flying it.

    It's like that girl that was terrible for you that you dated for so long, and even though everything and everyone says its time to let it go, you secretly don't want to. Is it love? Is it an unhealthy attachment?

    TL;DR: The Krait Mk II is an overall better ship than the Cobra Mk III, but I just can't seem to let the Cobra go. I'm a "main ship" kinda player, so I'd prefer to stick to one. What are your thoughts?

    submitted by /u/maybek
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    The verdict is in...

    Posted: 25 Jul 2021 03:33 PM PDT

    The verdict is in...

    I just got back to Fort Harrison (Arcturus) and collected my promotion to Explorer Elite after an epic journey 8300LY clockwise to the Traikeou Nebula!

    Really enjoyed it but got really bored at the end of the trip back.

    Here's my battered, tired, 0% integrity Exploraconda just about to dock home.




    submitted by /u/Stonelaughter66
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    What does this mean? I bought the game

    Posted: 24 Jul 2021 03:35 PM PDT

    Uhh, guys...

    Posted: 25 Jul 2021 11:20 AM PDT

    Just bought a Fleet Carrier and got to experience an extremely short supercruise to a Station. Absolute boner giving experience right here

    Posted: 24 Jul 2021 05:34 PM PDT

    Found a massive ring around this gas giant! Look at the distance I am away from it in the picture. Near the cats paw nebula!

    Posted: 25 Jul 2021 03:29 PM PDT

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