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    Thursday, September 30, 2021

    Elite Dangerous [DAILY Q&A] Ask and answer any questions you have about the game here!

    Elite Dangerous [DAILY Q&A] Ask and answer any questions you have about the game here!

    [DAILY Q&A] Ask and answer any questions you have about the game here!

    Posted: 30 Sep 2021 10:00 AM PDT

    Greetings, Commanders! This is the Daily Q&A post for /r/EliteDangerous

    If you have any questions about any topic, whether it be for the moderators, tips and tricks for piloting or general gameplay/development questions please post here!

    Please check new comments and help answer to the best of your ability so we can see this community flourish!

    Remember to check previous daily Q&A threads and the New Q&A FAQ.

    WikiCareer ChartLore (Brief) • ThargoidsSagittarius Eye MagazineThe Elite Squadron

    Game Update Summaries: CoreHorizonsBeyond2019-2020

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Oh....excuse me, am I intruding?

    Posted: 30 Sep 2021 06:57 AM PDT

    Exo moon < Exo moon on a high inclination orbit, around a ringed planet, within a nebula caused by a supernova, of a dead star that presents its remaining core as a neutron star. // Natural colors.

    Posted: 30 Sep 2021 06:05 AM PDT

    By the Void, I've just realized that Anaconda is lighter than F.A.S or even Type-7

    Posted: 29 Sep 2021 10:53 PM PDT

    E:D Odyssey, for that Mary Poppins moment.

    Posted: 30 Sep 2021 12:10 PM PDT

    I may have gone somewhat overboard with the tourist beacon competition.

    Posted: 30 Sep 2021 06:13 AM PDT

    Old man Elite Fan, should I drop back in?

    Posted: 30 Sep 2021 11:10 AM PDT

    Just wanted to ask how accessible is Elite now? I used to play back in the 80s and now have a PC that should run it very nicely and VR headset (Rift S if anyone knows about this kinda thing). Thoughts anyone?

    submitted by /u/downturnbiscuits
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    A tip from an experienced explorer to those looking to get into it.

    Posted: 30 Sep 2021 04:50 AM PDT

    If you want to start exploring, don't jump into the deep end. Start by taking a trip to either the Pleiades, California, or Veil nebulae while using the economical jump configuration. This way you get the opportunity to get used to long trips while still allowing for a relatively quick return if you get space madness.

    submitted by /u/Initforthememe
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    The Imperial Cutter is a delightful mining vessel, but I think it could use one more small hardpoint. This just feels silly.

    Posted: 30 Sep 2021 03:22 AM PDT

    Picture Perfect

    Posted: 30 Sep 2021 09:35 AM PDT

    In Horizons I used to see a yellow ring around stars/white dwarves to indicate their "collision zone", however in Odyssey they only show up on "normal" stars. "Orbit Lines" are enabled. Is this intentional? Makes supercharging a lot harder.

    Posted: 30 Sep 2021 01:51 PM PDT

    My first visit. Also bought a mug.

    Posted: 30 Sep 2021 05:50 AM PDT

    Discount imperial cutter

    Posted: 30 Sep 2021 11:05 AM PDT

    Just a bit of scavenging :)

    Posted: 30 Sep 2021 03:35 AM PDT

    Performance survey

    Posted: 30 Sep 2021 09:02 AM PDT

    Hello commander I hope you are having a nice day. I noticed that a lot of people have issues with Elite Dangerous Odyssey. There are people like myself who are running usual 1200-1500$ PCs with no issues and there are people with 4000$ monster PCs and have some pure trash performance. I have made this survey to see if there are any connections with issues or is it just random. Please answer with honesty and If you don't know anything you can usually skip the answer. Let's help each other out. Share this with your fellow commanders. Thank you!

    Here is the link: https://forms.gle/eCDg4zSDB8bhSi9i9

    submitted by /u/kartul-kaalikas
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    Feels good man.

    Posted: 29 Sep 2021 08:44 PM PDT

    would it be possible to create a 3th bubble with only fleet carriers?

    Posted: 30 Sep 2021 04:13 AM PDT

    i had this random tought, would it be possible if you we get 50 orso fleet carriers together and create a 3th bubble out there somewere. fc dont have mission board so it would be market only so mostly mining but could also be commodity's brought from the bubble. maybe, if it last long enough frontier would give a option to build real stations there.

    submitted by /u/boertje1999
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    2.5 years, give or take, on the road to Beagle Point.

    Posted: 30 Sep 2021 03:34 PM PDT

    https://i.imgur.com/yZDZWoX.png - moments before "realization"

    So, here I am, finally at Beagle Point. Started my roadtrip about 2.5 years ago (give or take) just for funsies, played intermittedly. Long pauses between sessions, listened several podcasts to completion on my way, scanned so many worlds...

    And I honestly thought there'd be a station in Beagle Point. By my count, there's 3 fleet carriers which I'm hesitant to get closer to (am I being too cautious?).

    My grand plan was to scan everything on my way to Beagle, sell maps & cash it in there, then head home, cash in again. Profit... Except there is no station at Beagle Point, no idea where I got the idea there would be. I was so not prepared for this mentally. Apart from major hull damage to my ship (hull at 41%, one drunken landing on high G planet on the way here was near disasterous), my ship is fine.

    As far as I've understood, Colonia has the closest station to land, am I reading this right?

    And a word of warning to those preparing to go to Beagle Point: don't be me, do your homework.

    Here's a toast for who knows how long it takes me to get back. Fly safe, fly smart, don't be a dummy like me. o7

    submitted by /u/Malix82
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    Hello, i’m playing on Xbox one, who wants to join ?

    Posted: 30 Sep 2021 03:19 PM PDT

    My gamertag is RITONXIX

    submitted by /u/RitonXIX
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    Is there a valid way to map a position using the constellations?

    Posted: 30 Sep 2021 03:17 PM PDT

    So I'm looking at trying to triangulate a small area of space using 3 constellations, and I know that the constellations are only visible from sol on the galaxy map.

    The issue is that because the constellations are so faded and the galaxy map is in 3d, the constellations become skewed and distorted as you move towards them (to within the limits of the distance from sol before they vanish at least)

    So has anyone found a suitable way to map by the constellations? I have a feeling that if I'm at a certain elevation and perspective I may be able to find a particular star.

    yes its a bit of a raxxlafoil post

    submitted by /u/an_achronist
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    Posted: 30 Sep 2021 03:33 AM PDT

    PSA: Fight for Delta Pavonis Galactic Interstellar in current CG (9/30) to increase Fed Rank - but be sure to take missions!

    Posted: 30 Sep 2021 10:40 AM PDT

    If you've been looking to increase your Federation rank, there's a decent opportunity with the current CG. It might not be better than some locations, but it's especially good if you want to CG and gain rank.


    However, be sure to take massacre missions from Delta Pavonis (and if you know of nearby Fed factions to stack these, post them in the comments!) with a focus on Rep+++ to get the most out of it. Just doing combat bonds on their own will not get your rank up. You need Rep+ rewards (even if Rep+++ isn't listed as a focus reward, the default reward is almost certainly going to give at least Rep+)!

    Sorry Yuri, but it's all about the Corvette for many of us.

    submitted by /u/pulppoet
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    Where to purchase horizons and odyssey on Series X?

    Posted: 30 Sep 2021 03:10 PM PDT

    The only thing I'm seeing is base game thru game pass

    submitted by /u/SSbooog
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