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    Monday, October 11, 2021

    Elite Dangerous [DAILY Q&A] Ask and answer any questions you have about the game here!

    Elite Dangerous [DAILY Q&A] Ask and answer any questions you have about the game here!

    [DAILY Q&A] Ask and answer any questions you have about the game here!

    Posted: 11 Oct 2021 10:00 AM PDT

    Greetings, Commanders! This is the Daily Q&A post for /r/EliteDangerous

    If you have any questions about any topic, whether it be for the moderators, tips and tricks for piloting or general gameplay/development questions please post here!

    Please check new comments and help answer to the best of your ability so we can see this community flourish!

    Remember to check previous daily Q&A threads and the New Q&A FAQ.

    WikiCareer ChartLore (Brief) • ThargoidsSagittarius Eye MagazineThe Elite Squadron

    Game Update Summaries: CoreHorizonsBeyond2019-2020

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    I see your r/kraitsinfrontofthings and raise you r/kraitsbalancedonthings

    Posted: 11 Oct 2021 11:43 AM PDT

    I raise a glass to Zapp Brannigan , as I claim first footfall by standing on an occupied lifepod.

    Posted: 11 Oct 2021 03:10 AM PDT

    My tricked out Keelback. She’s a beauty.

    Posted: 11 Oct 2021 06:32 AM PDT

    Excuse me wtf?

    Posted: 11 Oct 2021 04:32 AM PDT

    Caves concept art in Elite Dangerous Odyssey

    Posted: 11 Oct 2021 05:13 AM PDT

    Resource Extraction Zone

    Posted: 11 Oct 2021 02:36 AM PDT

    Update on my LAKON T6 blueprints, this is still work in progress, exploration variant. I plan to do cargo and pax variants too.

    Posted: 11 Oct 2021 03:36 PM PDT

    I'm in the top 10 Commanders for the community goal !

    Posted: 11 Oct 2021 04:24 PM PDT

    I'm in the top 10 Commanders for the community goal !

    The community goal has ended and I made it in the top 10 commanders with a total amount of a 150,000T cargo delivered ! I am very happy that I can name my own megaship now ! I have grinded suprisingly hard for this , i thought it would have been easier to get top 10 .

    Also it was cool meeting so many new people in the 'ingame ' chat ! And a big shout out to the people who took care of the gankers xD . All by all it was a great effort by everyone that did their part !

    Now its finally time to store my cutter aka Spacetruck and get back to hunting some Thargoids !

    o7 and fly safe !

    -CMDR RbSh0tzz .


    submitted by /u/RBsh0tzz
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    Can anyone tell me what it is I found?

    Posted: 11 Oct 2021 07:25 AM PDT

    Joke pirates

    Posted: 11 Oct 2021 05:43 AM PDT

    Second star to the right and straight on til morning.

    Posted: 11 Oct 2021 12:32 PM PDT

    Carrier Tip from a long-time FC owning neckbeard

    Posted: 11 Oct 2021 01:38 PM PDT

    So, this event is going to give a pretty massive discount to carriers, and on the surface level that's pretty cool. However, if you have never had a carrier and see this as an opportunity to get in on one at a great price point please remember that these things require upkeep costs every single week and at the baseline I highly recommend a double buffer before purchase (ie, standard price don't look at a carrier until you have 10 bil, not 5). This is not at all gatekeeping, just making sure you don't make a mistake that'll diminish the fun of your game. General hints (fellow carrier bros, please add on):

    • Baseline cost is 5 million, plus 100k every time your carrier jumps
    • If you buy all modules, you more than triple your weekly costs (you don't need to buy all modules, but playing with friends makes it a necessity so that they can refit and store ships on it). Some of those modules are also more expensive than a cutter
    • Tritium seems fine but gets expensive and honestly is the worse hidden cost vs maintenance. If you want a dank deep space carrier a nice load is 20k tritium, it is going to set you back almost a billion if you buy it (~50k per tritium). Mining tritium is tedious and you're better off doing other high reward activity and then buying tritium straight up (but definitely throw a backup mining ship in your hold in case of emergencies)
    • When calculating jumps, the weight of your carrier is a factor, including all that tritium that you have in your hold. So, you fill up all awesome for a deep journey but that tritium is literally getting burnt at a higher rate because of the tritium in your hold
    • You cannot remotely load tritium from your hold to your fuel depot, so you can either have someone else (or a permanent carrier rescue/refuel alt) in your carrier if you are away from it (you can however schedule jumps from anywhere in the galaxy)
    • They are working on adding carrier interiors, which to me says they would also be working on adding a Vista Genomics vendor - HOWEVER this is not confirmed, so a carrier out in the deep black at this time is not "technically self-sufficient" as far as exploration (so you can get Universal Cartographics but can't die until you get back to the bubble at this time if you want to actually turn in your xenobiology)
    • Some of those dank carrier orders you see in the other subs take substantial legwork to set up and plan out (it's not just printing money and the margins are less than you might imagine)

    There's potentially more but I just want to throw this out for people who are on the fence about this. I absolutely have no regret about my decision to get one at 10 billion, but I just want everyone to be aware of the substantial costs that can be involved. Just make sure you don't get anxiety from thinking about keeping it around.

    My ultimate advice is to calculate the cost of a full hold of tritium (remember to account for modules), the cost of extra modules (an easy 600+ mil extra right there), and then how much dosh you can deposit to keep your carrier online for 2 years so that you're not constantly thinking about it and can just consider that money "lost" (not lost because an FC is a great asset to your game, but just locked away money you shouldn't touch). In conjunction with all that, think about any ships you might still want with full A/D mods and what impact that will be if you don't already have everything you want as far as ships go. Then taking that into consideration, see how the full final cost will affect your wallet and enjoyment of the game/pursuit of things you want to do.

    To make this not so dour, here's bro stuff:

    • Trade. Find something selling for jack on the opposite side of the bubble, load up, and in almost always one jump go to a system where it sells for the highest
    • Mining deposits - park in the system and load it all up. No need to have alternate fits/backup t9 or cutter in the system to go back and forth
    • Trade and mining sales extra bonus: your hauler can be kitted out to absolute max cargo capacity because you don't have to worry about jump distance
    • Refuel/rearm in non-station systems if you're shooting rats
    • Deep space exploration and safety net
    • Trade events like this current one are made much easier
    • When they add interiors to the carrier it'll feel even more like player housing, except it's an awesome carrier out in space
    • You never have to worry about "which ship is where?"

    And to reiterate for whichever time it'll be, just make sure it feels like a super fun opportunity for opening up new avenues of gameplay and not something you're going to have to start grinding just to keep around.


    submitted by /u/AssGremlin
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    Anyone else wish for a music player in the right side panel?

    Posted: 10 Oct 2021 11:05 PM PDT

    Or in the crotch panel. One that accesses your personal music library on your pc. I know its easy enough to play music in the background, but it kind of takes me out of the immersion.

    submitted by /u/Different_Feature370
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    Me, a console peasant waiting for Odyssey but making do.

    Posted: 11 Oct 2021 09:23 AM PDT

    I know the HAT switch will need to be black with only a tiny bit in the middle glowing but my joystick replica sure looks pretty like this!

    Posted: 11 Oct 2021 01:19 PM PDT

    The beauty of this game cannot be overstated.

    Posted: 11 Oct 2021 02:56 AM PDT

    Idea: Settlement clusters.

    Posted: 11 Oct 2021 03:29 PM PDT

    Idea: Settlement clusters.

    Obsidian ant's recent video, has had me revisit an old post.


    Ok hear me out. (TLDR below) Fdev's efforts at patching odyssey has kept me around long enough to draw inspiration for the future of odyssey. I believe they have long-term plans for odyssey post the patch work.. Hoping to nurture this idea in hopes that maybe if there's enough commanders out there that agree, this can become part of the future of odyssey.


    Settlment clusters - Procedurely generated clusters of settlements scowered around planets. Each settlement is distant enough , that it will have no fps penalty. Potentially close enough to be visible, atleast after some travel. A journey for an srv. A easy quick apex ride. Or, a hippity hop's away with your own ship.

    Regions - Areas of the planets with multiple clusters of settlements. Potentially all controled by a super power or corporation/ faction. There can be multiple regions around a planet with various control from factions.. Or in galactic power dominated space, 1 power in control.



    Potential new srvs/vehicles - If odyssey were to head this way, it simply must bring a diverse set of srvs. We have a very diverse set of ships, fighters..

    A motorcycle like hovercraft, incapable of mining or dps, fast and nimble.

    A multi-personel vehicle, fast, cargo space, perhaps some multicrew.

    Slow moving srv, lots of cargo, heavy hull, good for trade. Perhaps some mining capabilities.

    A tank like srv, it can use ship weapons. Up to side medium. Good for conflicts.


    What could this mean? MISSIONS, Exploration!

    This could mean settlement on-planet cargo delivery missions, convoys, passenger missions, Conflicts, Trading, Commander races, stunt videos. Exploration. A npc that got robbed in a nearby settlement seeking revenge (covert mission), a local dictator that would like to settle politics (massacre), the list could go on and on...



    Cargo delivery - trading - Deliver the amazon packages at the main city or bring it to a settlement that needs goods delivered. Or simply visit the commodity market and do a little bit of trading on your downtime. Perhaps one settlement sells some illegal goods to another settlement. This could be data transfer.


    Convoys - A convoy needs to go through, become a hired gun and take either your ship, or a armored srv and try to help in getting the goods delivered. Help a person cross the barren wasteland. It's a volatile and dangerous place. So there is constant need for safe passage. Maybe there would be need to smuggle some VIPs.


    Combat - There is always conflict and the struggle for power. A entire settlement cluster can be in conflict with another. Tanks being sent, military goods to be delivered. Air offense. A small settlement can retaliate and there can be a war waged throughout the entire cluster, bit by bit the whole cluster can fall under different control. Or the main city's politics can put an end to it fast. All tied to the background sim, factions and powerplay.



    Exploration - A srv that can travel quicker or be less prone to bumping rocks (like a hoverbike) , could give the commander a better way to explore the ground on the ground, no more simply orbiting a planet looking for only a cool mountain or canyon. You can land some planet and just go for a long and fast ride.


    Races - If there is anything i know about this community, is that commanders are dedicated and creative. I can see groups finding canyons to race in, which would require a fast and durable srv that could get them through to the finish line. I see it already, the youtube videos posted on this subreddit :')


    Biology: As mentioned by OA's video. Some settlements can be dedicated to 1 thing, life. Why not have sample/ sequencing missions available in these. Perhaps this is a research facility that will now need to deliver it's data at the main city! Take a srv, or simply your ship, etc.



    Apex - Would serve a greater more integrated purpose. If a commander were to stay and roleplay as a mercenary in a region of a planet.. Apex would definitely come to serve as a viable option to your ship (IMO). And if you're caught in some illegal activity, just be sent to jail as a different nearby settlement.. No need to have to travel across many systems.


    IMO, all of this would help integrate odyssey into elite. I do not know where odyssey is going in the future, where it is today will be far different from where it will be in maybe a year or two's time. I think we'll see it fully realized by then. And if it were to include some of the stuff i mentioned above... I think this would bring much needed integration and content for elite and odyssey. I can't speak for everyone but i know i'd be stoked :v)

    I've mentioned in my older post. That this could be a new means of a new commander start.. > spawn in a small settlement > do gang/illegal activities to get some cash-money > afford a broken down ship, giving you access to travel around settlements quickly, access the main city, get your supercruise working. Now have access to other regions of the planet much faster , able to travel to other worlds > Visit the main system port > Get your FSD fixed > Finally escape your starting system, explore the galaxy. Etc. It's ambitious, but i think it'd be a great new way to experience the start of elite..

    As of now, odyssey is good. But the settlements leave more to be desired. They in a way just feel like a storm trooper in a star wars movie. Just there to be shot at. I'm not sure what fdevs have in the future for us.. One can only hope it's something fun.

    As i mentioned in my older post, as of now. You can't "play elite without a ship" with the current state of odyssey. The moment. you're forced to use apex to travel to a required location.. You just have to sit back and literally do nothing for minutes on end.. You're immediately encouraged to get your own ship and completely skip this feature. "play elite without a ship" is incredibly challenging in the worst of ways. Wait to FSD to another system.., Sometimes a mission can be in a distant star in the same system, i've literally gone to eat some food while on a apex ride only to get back and not be at my destination yet.

    With settlement clusters, that wait is far less. You could be in your next location in seconds! Same gameplay. Heck MORE gameplay would be possible, given the mission type oppertunities something like this would bring. A world can sustain you enough with activities, and in a pure odyssey fashion.. When you're bored. You can just go to the next planet or get back to your ship and skip the next system even!

    Take on a planet with a group of friends, crew or squadron, playing politics and combat zones. Etc.

    TLDR: This is only an idea; a procedurely generated cluster of settlements, on each populated planet. (More in denser populated systems),Where the next settlement could take you 10-15 minutes to get to by srv. Causing you to go through the terrains. A massive journy on foot. But an easy and quick apex ride.

    IMO this would bring more depth to odyssey, giving way to new mission types, think trade, smuggling, data delivery, civil war. Etc.

    This would give way to new srv types that serve specific purposes. Fast, resource gathering, exploration.. Etc.

    And for fdevs... Cosmetic oppertunities.


    I gotta finish for now, so i might edit this later to fix/add anything later on. Let me know what your ideas are!

    submitted by /u/BrightenedGold
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    just some rings

    Posted: 11 Oct 2021 05:28 AM PDT

    Been flying since 2015 and today, I finally made it!

    Posted: 11 Oct 2021 02:43 PM PDT

    Been flying since 2015 and today, I finally made it!

    Staved off Space Madness for a while and finally made the trip. Found some ELW and WW along the way... found a new respect for FSS over the Old Way of having to honk then fly up to it.

    So close!

    Bit of a walk home...

    Hmmm.... maybe a side trip?

    Uhhhhh.... maybe?

    submitted by /u/CMDR_deckroid
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    Excuse me but, >> I << chose death?

    Posted: 11 Oct 2021 04:03 PM PDT

    visiting the guardians but nobody was home

    Posted: 11 Oct 2021 09:43 AM PDT

    On the Moon of Guardian planet

    Posted: 11 Oct 2021 04:19 PM PDT

    Wanted to do some exploring in my T10. I'm going to need bigger guns.

    Posted: 11 Oct 2021 10:13 AM PDT

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