• Breaking News

    Wednesday, January 26, 2022

    Elite Dangerous The view from up here is really something else

    Elite Dangerous The view from up here is really something else

    The view from up here is really something else

    Posted: 25 Jan 2022 10:42 PM PST

    Finally decided to visit the big string of stars that is NGC 7822

    Posted: 25 Jan 2022 11:05 PM PST

    PA/Beam Thermal Conduit Fix check [patch 10]

    Posted: 26 Jan 2022 12:54 AM PST

    Ended up at Betelgeuse and seen I was close enough to Bernard’s loop. A little disappointed that the horsehead is permit locked. Anyway some pictures of my trip.

    Posted: 26 Jan 2022 01:11 AM PST

    Thoughts on update 10

    Posted: 25 Jan 2022 07:57 PM PST

    I'll preface this by saying that my standards are VERY low. I run elite on linux using proton, and have an AMD rx550 (a little below recommended specs), and use the low graphics preset. On the surface if everything's running "smoothly" I get 20-25fps. Pre-update some surface settlements would drop to sub-10 fps if there was enough fire and smoke. I'd give windows a try for comparison but I don't have the disk space on that drive, oh well. Post-update, fps definitely seems to have improved in that regard, 20-25fps is more consistent aside from a couple rooms that threaten to become unplayable but certainly not as bad as before.

    I've been doing almost exclusively repair and restoration missions to unlock an engineer, and before they all needed fires extinguished. However both the ones I ran today had no fires, nor did the mission details mention it. Is it just new that it's potentially not needed for the mission? I'm unsure if that is the reason for my fps improvements, but there were definitely some smoke effects around that didn't seem to cause lag at all. I also encountered a couple bugs in the first mission. When I arrived some scavengers spawned UNDER the planet terrain, and they could shoot me but I couldn't shoot them. Didn't get to experiment too long with that though, because the game crashed when I drove my srv into something. If those bugs aren't new, I've been lucky enough to not encounter them. The settlement also loaded with a control point? Not sure what that's about; I thought that's related to conflict zones but there was also a reactor control panel on some cargo racks in the center of it. When I loaded back in, the settlement had no loot, just empty containers. Not sure if that's by design. My second mission was bug-free.

    I know there are other things in the update that I haven't experimented with yet, but overall I'm just glad for the better fps. Relatively speaking, sub-10 vs. 15-20 at the laggiest is a big improvement lol. What do you all think so far?

    submitted by /u/zixiken
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