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    Thursday, January 2, 2020

    Elite Dangerous [DAILY Q&A] Ask and answer any questions you have about the game here. (January 02, 2020)

    Elite Dangerous [DAILY Q&A] Ask and answer any questions you have about the game here. (January 02, 2020)

    [DAILY Q&A] Ask and answer any questions you have about the game here. (January 02, 2020)

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 08:49 AM PST

    Greetings, Commanders! This is the Daily Q&A post for /r/EliteDangerous

    If you have any questions about any topic, whether it be for the moderators, tips and tricks for piloting or general gameplay/development questions please post here!

    Please check new comments and help answer to the best of your ability so we can see this community flourish!

    Remember to check previous daily threads and the New Q&A FAQ.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Let’s talk setups

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 09:09 AM PST

    Might not be much to some of you out there but I broke a 100,000 LYs.

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 11:04 PM PST

    Annual Thargoid Report - 3305

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 05:21 AM PST

    Annual Thargoid Report - 3305

    Brought to you by the Anti-Xeno Initiative.

    Thargoid Report - 3305

    3305 started off a busy year for humanity, The Thargoids were actively attacking systems throughout the Bubble and the Pleiades Nebula, their primary hotspots. Squadrons and independent pilots worked hard to push back the enemy, meanwhile Operation Ida had been hard at work fixing up the mess and things were going steady.

    July 11, 3305 the Eagle Eye system abruptly ceased providing updates for the next weeks infestations, Indicating "NO ACTIVITY DETECTED". As CMDRs cleaned up the remaining Infestation systems the prior week on July 9, it became apparent something was going on, seemingly the Thargoids had retreated.

    The Enclave Interstellar Initiative

    Furthermore, Professor Alba Tesreau announced an initiative to locate additional Thargoid Barnacle sites outside the Pleiades Region, The initiative was known as "The Enclave". With the discovery of new Barnacles in the Witch Head Nebula all three superpowers quickly scrambled to deploy new Starports and Megaships to the region in order to make use of the new resources.

    July 18, 3305 The last Incursion systems (Previous Infestations) begin in the Pleiades Nebula, concurrently a Thargoid Assault on Professor Palin's Research Centre on Maia (A 3 A) forced the engineer to evacuate back to the bubble. Palin can now be found at his new facility in Abel Laboratory on Arque 4 E.

    July 25, 3305 The new Starports and Megaships arrive in the Witch Head Nebula, immediately coming under Thargoid Incursion. Calling upon independant pilots, the Thargoid assault was repelled and the systems are secured. Due to the great distances, repair efforts would be an arduous task. All systems were announced clear of incursion by July 27. The Witch Head Nebula has since expanded into a significant new hub attracting it's own engineer 'Chloe Sedesi' and several new settlements.

    August 1, 3305 Following the events in the Witch Head Nebula coming to a close, pilots eagerly awaited the next Eagle Eye report, unfortunately these came through empty, indicating "NO ACTIVITY DETECTED" in any system once more. Little did we know at the time, this was the beginning of a VERY long wait.

    At this point, all Infestation and Incursion systems have been cleared. The following week the next Eagle Eye update, the system broadcasts a set of Uninhabited systems. These systems are notably full of Thargoid vessels. However, AX pilots promptly notice that despite best efforts, these systems are never cleared and remain in their infested state from here on.

    August 25, 3305 CMDR Madkinghastur reported the first sighting of the Orthrus variant Thargoid Interceptor, being the first new interceptor variant spotted since the Hydra in August 3304, CMDRs scrambled to Professor Palins abandoned research centre (the location of the sighting). The new variant could be seen flying away from the research centre at breakneck speeds, opening a Thargoid wake and jumping to witch-space. Pilots of the AXI successfully pulled of a full xeno-scan and managed to collect a Tissue sample. As Indicated by some peculiar factors, it was apparent the new variant was simply a teaser and an indicator of more to come. The Orthrus interceptor prompty stopped appearing about one week later.

    During this time CMDR Tado Chip managed to pin the Interceptor to the ground and fill it with Shards until it went pop.... although this was a rather buggy and glitchy encounter... It was clear that this was not an intended behaviour.

    The Orthrus Interceptor

    This brings us to now, the Thargoid race has been notably silent, Eagle Eye is still reporting the same few uninhabited systems every week and the Incursions/Infestations have ceased. While the Thargoids can still be found in great number throughout the Pleiades Nebula and Witch Head Nebula, it was a quiet christmas.

    Thankfully/unfortunately (depending on how you look at it) this means that there are currently no more:

    • Anti-Xeno Conflict Zones
    • Burning Stations
    • Thargoid Combat Missions

    Side Note: Some pilots may have noticed Thargoid damaged megaships in various heavily populated system (Kamadhenu, Deciat, etc). Some may mistake these as "new attacks" however unfortunately these are in-fact leftovers from previous attacks prior to the July 11 silence. After these incursions were cleared and stations repaired, the Megaships have been left behind to burn in the cold silence of space.

    Anti-Xeno Combat

    The Anti-Xeno Initiative, The Hive and many other brave independant pilots and squadrons have been hard at work keeping the Thargoid population down across the current known hotspots. Pilots continue to push the limits of what is possible and refine techniques as they become more and more efficient and squashing bugs. Some notable examples are:

    First Double Hydra Solo: https://youtu.be/53qSkz2VuJc By CMDR Maligno

    First Hydra + Triple Basilisk Solo: https://youtu.be/4BRM02Cke3E By CMDR Aranionros Stormrage

    Hydra + Double Medusa Solo (XBox): https://youtu.be/6gIA5NNO8-s By CMDR EuanAB

    Meanwhile the Mentoring and Science teams of AXI (with the help of Canonn) have compiled and release a brand new Knowledgebase of information covering everything Anti-Xeno. Statistics, Combat Guides, Ship builds and more are provided to all pilots via the new Anti-Xeno Knowledgebase.

    For pilots interested in taking up Anti-Xeno Combat operations, all are welcome to join the Anti-Xeno Initiative Discord, where you can find resources, mentors and wing members to group up with!

    3306 and What's Next?

    With the extended absence of the Thargoid Infestations and Incrusions, Operation Ida is looking forward to more respite as they furiously work to bring the remaining stations back online. If you are interested in helping them out, click here.

    The upcoming January update shows some promising new fixes to Anti-Xeno Combat, as such the Anti-Xeno Initiative is looking forward to smoother wing-combat experiences and more bug-free bug hunts!

    Currently we can only speculate further Thargoid content in the future, with the upcoming Carrier update we wait in anticipation of perhaps (fingerscrossed) Thargoid Motherships, and hopefully something new and exciting with the 2020 paid update in Q4.

    Nevertheless, whether you are taking up arms or putting out fires, the Anti-Xeno Initiative looks forward to seeing you out in the black, Have a Happy New year and of course.... o7 Glory, to Mankind!

    Happy New Year from the Anti-Xeno Initiative!

    Huge thank you to the Anti-Xeno Initiative Team who helped put together the information for this report.

    submitted by /u/Bregirn
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    Happy New Year and a nice type-10 base raid!

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 05:12 AM PST

    I feel like E:D ruined my expectations for No Man's Sky

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 07:32 AM PST

    Bought NMS last weekend and am trying my best to get into it. But man, after playing Elite for the better part of 5 years I'm finding it exceedingly difficult to get past the cartoonishness of everything, the fact that most planets are inhabited, the lack of visual details, the physics, ship controls (UGHHH) and the artificial scale etc.

    I get that it is a different game but I guess I'm just hoping that feeling passes with a little bit of time. The scale & general game-wide realism was the biggest draw that kept me onboard with Elite for so long.

    submitted by /u/lookslikeyoureSOL
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    PSA: Ignore the people who tell you that you could be making more doing another in-game activity.

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 05:51 PM PST

    We all know that void opal mining is where the big credits are, and that running outbreak basic medicine routes in a cutter is a constant stream of money.

    It seems like every time I see a screenshot of a newly found trade route or someone cashing in exploration data after a long trip there is someone there to tell them they aren't making as much as they could have been doing something else.

    My best advice, money is so easy to come by in this game it's almost broken. Just do whatever you feel like doing and don't worry about the payout unless you are saving for some goal in particular.

    Bounty hunting, salvage, planetary raids, surface mining, running missions, thargoid hunting, exploration... it's all fun! Just go do it and let the haters make it rain with their piles of credits if that what they like. You do you.

    submitted by /u/Incraigulous
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    Only took me 4 years of on and off flying..

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 01:27 PM PST

    Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You stole my baked greebles. Prepare to die

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 02:19 AM PST

    Wouldn't vendetta missions be excellent and exciting?

    Yesterday an NPC called Marauder Shields (great name btw but he's still a bastard) attacked my unarmed Type-7. I barely escaped. Plus he stole cargo which had taken me hours to accumulate. Plus he was impatient, rude and had generally poor people skills (which is probably why he chose a career in piracy instead of e.g. diplomacy, or relationship counselling)

    Thing is, now I have a Type-10, and I would very much like to meet Mr Marauder Shields again. I calculate that with my gazillion lasers and cannons I'd have at least a 41% chance of defeating him in his Viper.

    But he's gone, literally like a thief in the night. If Elite Dangerous had a vendetta system like some other games then I would jump at the chance to hunt him down and have a stern conversation. With lasers. I'd happily e.g. gather clues to his whereabouts, search rings and extraction sites, bribe informants etc. It would be a good mission and I'd be personally invested in it.

    So it's probably pie in the sky wishful thinking, but I think it'd be a fun addition to the game.

    submitted by /u/GrowCastler
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    QO6-type anomoly encounter.

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 05:37 AM PST

    Quick guide on how to fully color grade the game yourself by using Reshade + lut

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 07:06 AM PST

    Quick guide on how to fully color grade the game yourself by using Reshade + lut

    So it's about how to adjust the graphic to your own liking, not some preset sharing(which are plenty out there already), so you will need some basic photo editing skill and software at hand :)

    Because you will be customize yourself, you can therefore get the best and most suitable adjustment that fit your ship and play style. E.g. you most likely won't have the same bloom/brightness level set for a imperial ship that's full of white and blue light VS the federal dark grey interior ship.

    Before After

    First, you will need to install Reshade of course.

    Install it to your ED directory. If you are using steam it will most likely be here:
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Elite Dangerous\Products\elite-dangerous-64

    After install it will auto run with Elite whenever you start the game, and it won't got any performance drag when you don't activate it in game. Depends on the effect you turn on, the performance hit is minimal and perfectly worth the effort to me.

    Using it is easy.
    -Press HOME key on keyboard and a menu will show up
    -Select any effects you want to activate
    -Untick the performance Mode at lower right to get into each effect's parameter and make changes, tick it back when done
    -Press Shift+Home to turn the whole thing on/ off


    Just try all the effect yourself, as you can see the effect in real time so not gonna explain.

    The only one we need for now here is this:
    LUT [LUT.fx]

    Basically it's referring to a PNG at your folder:
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Elite Dangerous\Products\elite-dangerous-64\reshade-shaders\Textures\lut.png


    Whatever change you do to this graphic, like boost saturation, make it brighter, make it more bluish, the exact same change will be reflect back to your game graphic.

    As always, make a backup of it first since you will be playing with it a lot.
    Then do some screen cap/ video recording of various scenes, especially places you hang around a lot. Especially the darkest and brightest place like dark side of the asteroid belt, nav beacon, station docking area, mission menu screen etc. So your change won't be too extreme that only fit for one scene but not any other. i.e. you may over brighten the screen if you just adjust using dark side of the asteroid belt as reference.

    Since I do video editing I am using After Effects. But the theory apply to any other software. make adjustment to your screen caps until you happy with it, then apply the same adjustment to that color bar. Profit.


    Say I like the game look more scifi-ish so add some blue-green tone, while making the black fade a bit for some filmic look and feel.


    Check if it looks ok as well in different environment.

    Then apply the same color adjustment to the lut.png
    then save it WITHOUT any png compression.

    Turning it from the original



    probably not much different you can see here but you will see in game.

    You can totally go over a bit here, as you can adjust how much you want to apply this color adjustment with a slider, which leave you more freedom to fine tune in game. If it didn't update just press the Reload button at the very bottom.
    And if you make any name changes, just update the name as shown in the picture as long as it's in the same folder.


    So your everyday bounty hunt in Haz Res can become something like a star wars scene


    Or something crazy like limbo


    some most useful fx that I turn on as well FYI:
    self explanatory

    Chromatic Aberration:
    make the edge blur and color fringe. Not for everyone as I play in 21:9 with eye tracker. But it certainly add more to that filmic feel

    standard contrast saturation adjustment

    must have, the bloom is way better than the in game one, plus you can add lens dirt on top of it as well, which give you a much stronger feeling you are wearing helmet as you should in space fight. The dirt is personal preference but the bloom is a must.

    Only problem is when you are fuel scooping or reading mission board the white part of it will get serious bloom as well. might need to shift+home to turn this off.

    it auto adjust brightness to a small degree, turn the dark scene brighter, bright scene darker.
    but my main use of it is to get that enemy explode right in front of you, your screen will go darker for a short while as you just look at that flash bang. just personal taste.


    the easiest way to adjust the black and white point. Especially important if you are using OLED display which can display true black. Otherwise you can also use this as a retro fade film look, black is never true black but dark greyish. personal taste.

    submitted by /u/maximilianyuen
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    The eye is always watching

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 05:13 AM PST

    A friend who just started to play sent me this

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 04:36 AM PST

    Had this screenshot set as my background for a year and I might aswell share it

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 08:05 AM PST

    Babbys' first station dock on PC, after playing on console since right after the April Update

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 01:11 PM PST

    Happy New Year Commanders! Finally made it to Sag A* on the first day of the new year!

    Posted: 01 Jan 2020 07:43 PM PST

    Can't run it but I can run Sony Vegas (flash warning)

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 03:50 AM PST

    The Diamondback Explorer is the Toyota Echo/Yaris of ED

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 05:30 AM PST

    • It runs on the smell of an oily rag. Has unbelievable mileage. • Is a great run about town. • It's cheap to buy. • Costs hardly anything to maintain. • Every man and his dog has one.

    submitted by /u/seanknicholls
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    What’s your naming scheme for ships?

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 09:24 AM PST

    For example, even though I'm new and only have two ships, I'm naming them after swords from the Lord of the Rings (my main ship is the Anduril and the miner is the Orcrist).

    Do other people have patterns like this or is it just me?

    submitted by /u/BermudaRhombus1
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    Coming Back to ED after 1+ years...

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 12:51 PM PST

    Coming Back to ED after 1+ years...

    ....and hot damn!!! Is this the type of thing you commanders like to see? The last time I played I'd spend days just to make a few million credits. The 3.3 mining system is so much better than that dull old laser. Finally hitting my credit-farming stride after a 1+/- year break of playing. Also rapidly learning that Collector Limpit pathing can be hot garbage...

    Happy hunting Commanders!



    submitted by /u/PhantomSamurai47
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    FDev, Please Increase the Maximum Bookmark Limit!

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 05:26 AM PST

    There are a max number of 128 bookmarks allowed. That's it. WTF. It's such a small number for explorers, and bookmarks are vital for us. How hard is it to do that? It's as simple as changing one or maybe even three lines of code. I'm not even asking for a complete redesign of bookmarks adding folders and color-coding (which would be amazing and is quite overdue). Players have requested an increase ever since bookmarks were first released years ago and Frontier still hasn't done something so simple, yet greatly beneficial to explorers.

    EDIT: Look at this amazing bookmark concept art made over a year ago. This should already be in the game.

    submitted by /u/Hundred_Year_War
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    Well I missed it

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 12:07 PM PST

    Just sharing the fact that I somehow missed buying this game yet again during the winter sale. I kept waiting for my buddy to get back to me to tell me if he still plays it. I finally decided to just buy it today... 20 mins after the sale ended. Just wonderful. Asked steam support if they'll honor the sale price but I highly doubt it. Guess I'll have to wait for the next sale. Won't be 80% off again but oh well.

    submitted by /u/Munda1
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    New here. HOTUS and VR questions

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 01:21 PM PST

    Hi! I recently picked up the game and want to dive right in with a HOTUS and my Valve Index.

    I'm thinking of picking up the Thrustmaster T-Flight Hotas X Flight Stick. Will this one be sufficient for someone like me who is brand new to flight sim games? Will I be able to bind all the buttons on to it so I don't need to use the Keyboard with my VR goggles on? Anything else to consider? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Tmorr
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    I am only double elite but today I am triple 69

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 01:00 PM PST

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