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    Saturday, April 11, 2020

    Elite Dangerous [DAILY Q&A] Ask and answer any questions you have about the game here. (April 11, 2020)

    Elite Dangerous [DAILY Q&A] Ask and answer any questions you have about the game here. (April 11, 2020)

    [DAILY Q&A] Ask and answer any questions you have about the game here. (April 11, 2020)

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 09:49 AM PDT

    Greetings, Commanders! This is the Daily Q&A post for /r/EliteDangerous

    If you have any questions about any topic, whether it be for the moderators, tips and tricks for piloting or general gameplay/development questions please post here!

    Please check new comments and help answer to the best of your ability so we can see this community flourish!

    Remember to check previous daily threads and the New Q&A FAQ.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Awesome hand-made Python model & diorama added to vECM raffle prizes (£3500 raised for charity so far!)

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 07:21 AM PDT

    As long as this game has upkeep costs that result in losses should I need a break, I won't be playing Elite.

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 11:46 AM PDT

    As a Premium Beta backer, I've gotten used to updates coming with a huge amount of caveats. And for the most part, have gone along for the ride. Take the good with the bad, etc.

    It's obvious that the biggest rub with Fleet Carriers is weekly upkeep costs, and there's already talk of reducing those upkeep costs. I won't be playing a game with weekly engagement requirements. Sorry, FDEv.

    Upkeep costs are some growth-hacking DAU-boosting nonsense. I will absolutely not play a game that teases a progression path for a bunch of toys, only to take them away should I need a break to take care of my real life. I'm an adult with a career, family, ailing parents, and so on. Sometimes I need to step away from gaming in general for weeks or months at a time. There is no way I'm checking in with your game every week just to make sure my progress isn't wiped out.

    If FDev gets away with this initial rollout of upkeep costs, you can bet that the paid update will only double down on tacky engagement hacks. I'm not sure if all of this is pressure from the Tencent overlords or what, but it's depressing to see.

    I know it has been said many times before, but I'm wondering how others are feeling about this game's long-term prospects given these desperate, shareholder-centric game mechanics. Feels bad to let go of this game.

    It's been fun, commanders! o7

    submitted by /u/cb_gb
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    Stanford Torus Interior (No Blurr)

    Posted: 10 Apr 2020 08:26 PM PDT

    200,000 CMDRs on /r/EliteDangerous! o7 ��‍������

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 12:43 PM PDT


    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 06:22 AM PDT

    As a long-time player who usually defends FDev's decisions, here are my thoughts, good and bad, on carriers

    Posted: 10 Apr 2020 11:28 PM PDT

    I have been playing Elite for nearly 4 years, and in that time I have gained around 2,500 hours of playtime. On the xbox, I was Elite/Elite/Deadly, King, Admiral, and had the Big 3 all fully engineered. I have been to Oevasy, I have fought Thargoids, I have engaged in PvP, I even discovered a real-world star, and travelled over 1 million light years. After transferring over to PC, I have once again gained Elite in exploration and trading, and I am sitting on 6.5 billion cash. I am, for all intents and purposes, a 'hardcore player'.
    I have also spent considerable time arguing for FDev's side, in arguments like them removing gold rushes, the grind, doing this thing, not doing that thing, etc etc. In regards to carriers, there are things that I find myself siding with FDev for, and things that have royally pissed me off.

    What I agree with, or at least will defend them on:

    • upfront cost. 5 billion is a perfect amount to buy one. I had thought it would be around that much. I was worried it would be as high as 10 billion, which, while an enormous amount of money, I believe could be justifiable, as it is a fucking space station. But 5 billion is perfect.
    • Having module costs is fine, I don't have too much of a problem with that. (with a disclaimer, see below)
    • not being taken to the bridge when jumping. This one I don't like, at all, but can understand. Think about it in term's of game mechanics. We literally can't even stand up in our own ship, how are we supposed to get to the bridge if we can't walk there? Being teleported there just doesn't make sense. The only way I can see this being implemented, short of space legs, is to have a video screen come down from the cockpit ceiling showing an outside camera view.

    Things I don't agree with:

    Literally everything else. Seriously, the upkeep cost is fucking ridiculous. 140 million plus per week at max? And the fucker is decommissioned when you reach 300 million in debt? Get. Fucked. Or requiring the purchase of a half billion credit shipyard just so I can carry my fleet on my fleet carrier? Sigh.

    What fixes, in my opinion, would make them better:

    • you wanna make us buy a shipyard? Fine. But make it a shipyard that is just for buying ships. At least me me store my fucking ships, which is the entire purpose of the carrier.
    • Let me refuel, repair and rearm as standard. You could even have us buy fuel and ammunition in bulk for the carrier, then have us refuel/rearm for free from the carrier's stock, with a small fee for repair by the carrier's on-board mechanics.
    • Let me store modules, but make me buy an outfitting hub if I wanna buy more. Shit, you can even move the market into non-essential services.
    • abandon upkeep costs, completely and totally. 9 million a week just to buy fuel for my ship? 42 million just to keep my ships in storage?
    • Lower the jump and cooldown times. Travelling 500 light years is something my Anaconda can do in 5 minutes, and a battle-ready Corvette can do in under a half hour.

    I just...I have wanted these ever since they were announced, and every single new thing learned about them makes them worse and worse. By keeping them the way they currently are, FDev is ensuring the only people who will keep them are full-time grinders with tens of billions of credits. I understand these ships are not meant for everyone, and they are not supposed to be easy to get, but fuck me, why make it difficult to keep?

    submitted by /u/UnholyDemigod
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    Jumped a carrier to Skardee 1, things are mighty spicy here!

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 08:04 AM PDT

    For those who wandered exactly whats inside the front bridge in the anaconda... here it is

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 10:20 AM PDT

    For those who wandered exactly whats inside the front bridge in the anaconda... here it is

    using the bug i found in the camera suite, i can see in the thargoid crash site an old model for the anaconda, seems that multicrew seats were facing diagonally and theres a fully fletched cockpit in the front bridge, so i guess it was not really an observation deck. I-ll be posting more stuff related to this bug because it has so much potential, stay tuned

    Front Bridge cockpit in the anaconda

    submitted by /u/DavetheBarber24
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    200,000 CMDRs Celebratory Giveaway! o7

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 12:58 PM PDT

    Achievement Unlocked

    Congrats everyone on reaching 200k subscribers, and here's a giveaway for which twenty lucky CMDRs will win prizes!


    Each winner will receive one prize from this list:

    1. Frontier Mamba Paint Job
    2. Frontier Krait Phantom Paint Job
    3. Frontier Krait Mk2 Paint Job
    4. Explosive Prize Pack: Gamescom Cobra, PAX East Vulture, PAX South Sidewinder
    5. Wings Prize Pack: PAX East Vulture, PAX South Eagle, PAX Prime Vulture
    6. Adventure Prize Pack: Gamescom Asp, PAX East Sidewinder, PAX South Vulture
    7. Assassin Prize Pack: Gamescom Decal, Gamescom Vulture, PAX East Eagle
    8. PAX Prize Pack: EGX Cobra, PAX South Eagle, PAX Decal

    We have 2 or 3 of each prize, and they are valid for all platforms.

    How To Enter

    • Write a comment below!
    • In your comment include a prize ranking preference
    • E.g. "4, 7, 1, 3, 2, 8, 6, 5"
    • Good luck! o7


    • Comments must not break the rules of /r/EliteDangerous
    • Only top-level comments will be entered (i.e. replies to comments will not count)
    • One entry per Redditor (replies to other entries are perfectly okay but will not count)
    • Reddit accounts must have been an active contributor on /r/EliteDangerous for at least 2 months
    • Post will be locked in a few days
    • Modteam will randomly-select 20 comments as winners (#1 to #20)
    • Modteam will use ranking-preferences to distribute prizes in winner order (#1 to #20)
    • If no ranking-preference is given then a prize will be randomly chosen
    • Each winner will receive their prize code via private message
    • Modteam's decision is final
    submitted by /u/StuartGT
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    Just another day at the office!

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 12:36 PM PDT

    Honest Criticism for Fleet Carriers

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 11:33 AM PDT

    Being a long time fan of Elite Dangerous and an avid supporter of Frontier, participating in the games early days and being up to date with news and happenings in Elite, I believe that I must say something about Fleet Carriers.

    Things that I am okay with:

    - Upfront Prices: I believe that it is a good idea to have a high upfront cost to fleet carriers and their modules. This creates an end-goal for players and allows for players to have a clear and direct goal in the game. I believe that the high prices of the carrier and the additional modules are fair and promote good gameplay and a positive game loop for players.

    - Services: In my opinion, the services that carriers provide allow for players to customize their carriers towards their needs. I am an explorer so if I get a carrier I would suit it to my needs and outfit it with only the modules that I require. This creates varied gameplay for each player and allows for customization and personalization of carriers. With modules such as the outfitting station, a redemption office, and a secure warehouse all being desired services by players of varying gameplay styles. Overall, Frontier has done an outstanding job choosing what services the carriers would be able to provide.

    - Tariffs & Player Market: Allowing us, the players, to contribute to the market and have a player market, with our prices on commodities is, in my opinion, a good move for the game. Opening up the market to players would provide additional gameplay and strategy for traders and non-traders alike.

    There are obviously other positives about fleet carriers that I will not be mentioned as other Redditors and youtube content creators have mentioned, and I do not see the need in repeating what others have said much better than I could ever say. So I believe it is appropriate to move on to what I think is flawed with Fleet Carriers.

    Before the negatives, I believe it is important to put Fleet Carriers into context. Fleet carriers were originally announced to be a part of Horizons phase 4 alongside Squadrons on December 11th, 2018. It has been 2 years since and only now Fleet Carriers are being released. It is important to understand this when considering the negatives of Fleet Carriers.

    Things I am not okay with:

    - Weekly Upkeep Costs: Fleet carriers should not have a weekly upkeep cost. Period. This enforces negative gameplay stimulus, where players play the game because they have to in order to maintain their carrier. This makes the game a chore and promotes further grinding in a game that already has a grinding issue. I do not want to feel obligated to play a game. I want to play a game because I like it and enjoy it. I have been looking forward to getting a fleet carrier and I remember fantasizing about what I would do with it with my friends, but now it seems that I will not be getting one because of this weekly upkeep cost. I have a job, I have college, and other responsibilities that come before Elite Dangerous. No matter what those will take priority over this game, and the fact that Frontier is trying to state that this game should require a weekly commitment is appalling and unfair to players. This game is not a chore that we have to play every week just to maintain the things we purchased with fake money in a game with space ships. I play this game on and off, often taking several month-long breaks when I feel like I have gotten burnt out on the game. The decision to have a weekly upkeep cost is unfair to players like me, who take breaks, who have priorities that rank above this game.
    I do partially understand Frontier's decision on having a weekly upkeep cost though, and I do have some alternative solutions to the problem they are trying to avoid. Frontier is trying to make fleet carriers be an endgame and an endgame that keeps players playing. By having weekly upkeep costs, you maintain player attention. This, however, comes with the major downside of the game just not being fun anymore. When a player is given no option but to play the game or lose risking something that they spent a lot of time to get (5 billion credits is no laughing matter) then it reinforces a negative feeling towards the game, and eventually, players will get fed up with this meta of playing the game weekly just to sustain a carrier that they have spent so long trying to get. To get around this I believe that the elimination of weekly upkeep costs and instead focusing on creating interesting gameplay around these carriers would be more valuable to the player. Make it a weekly mission that the player has the option to complete for some great reward or upgrade for their fleet carrier. This way the player doesn't feel obligated to play the game weekly, but it rewards players who do play weekly and participate in these missions.

    - The Cooldowns on Jumps: Cooldowns of 1 hour are absurd in the current context of the game. With ships such as the Anaconda and Diamondback Explorer in the game, this eliminates one of the advertised features of the Carriers. In the original promotion material we were told that carriers can be outfitted for exploration, this is unreasonable now with this cooldown due to the prior mentioned ships being much more efficient and much more capable of traveling 500 light-years in under an hour. Instead, I would suggest that Frontier allow the player to lighten their carrier, allowing it to jump further at the expense of having fewer modules available, just like conventional means of long-distance travel in-game. This combined with shortening the wait time would give the carriers an actual exploration role that was originally promised to players.

    - Carriers are not a part of Horizons: The fact of the matter is that Horizons originally promised carriers being a part of the DLC but instead were delayed for so long that that promise was unfulfilled and instead is just being given for free. There is no real solution to this, but it is an extra punch in the gut to dedicated players who originally purchased the Horizons expansion in desire for personal carriers.

    This is a game that many dedicated players feel very passionate about, but at the end of the day, it is just that, a game. Players should not feel committed to playing the game in order to maintain in-game assets that they have worked hard on getting, and punishing players for not playing is a negative stigma that I believe Frontier is above. I still have hope that the criticism and complaints listed above get to Frontier and that they take the time to reassess their decisions for the long-awaited Fleet Carriers.

    submitted by /u/SovietShrew
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    inside the cockpit of a crashed old version anaconda

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 10:53 AM PDT

    FINALLY Ranked. Found this just sitting by an exploded Capital ship.

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 12:57 PM PDT

    Jumping a carrier but better

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 10:10 AM PDT

    In all honesty, the current jumping system is garbage. Though i commend FDev for figuring out how to allow on-demand jumps and actually have the system map update accordingly (as wierd as a 2km chain of carriers is to see), waiting a full hour to jump only to be allowed to wait another hour to be permitted to wait another hour to jump is bullshit.

    Here's my proposal for jumping:

    • Jumprange stays as is.
    • Oh my god add cartographics what the fuck ? Make the explorers sell at a loss for all they care, they just need to have some way of gaining money to actually pay for the damn thing.
    • Fuel needs to change drastically. For instance, fuel shouldn't be a 100/hr laser mining commodity. Not only is tritium radioactive so mining it is bullshit in that regard, since it'd all have decayed by the time commanders arrive to mine it, needing to mine both LTDs to pay for the ship AND Tritium to fuel it is a bit fucking much. Carrier owners would probably just mine LTD's and scurry around the bubble buying fuel instead, and explorers are just SOL since they'll spend more time mining tritium than exploring. There's already a nice suggestion on scooping it.In addition, you shouldn't need to babysit your fuel tank all time. Even a fully laden carrier should be able to jump 7-10 times before requiring another scooping.
    • You can now plot a carrier route obeying the same system regular route plotting does.The system should also be extended from a checkbox system of either saving fuel or saving time to a slider system allowing you to pick how many jumps you'd like to make at the cost of waiting longer for the route to be executed. You should be able to get to colonia in one tank if you're willing to wait whole weeks for your carrier to do it in tiny increments.
    • Fleet Carriers can now be in one of two states: Deployed and Mobile.
    • When a carrier is in the Deployed state, it behaves exactly as it does right now if the carrier in question had no jump scheduled. In order to start jumping, the player can initiate a transition into mobile state, which would take a full hour, as we have it now. During the transition, services onboard the carrier will gradually become unavailable. Canonically, this is the period of time the crew would need to stash away loose objects, fixate furniture and double check it all.
    • Once the timer elapses, the carrier enters Mobile state. In mobile state, all services with the exception of the tritium depot and non-suspendables become suspended and unavailable. While the carrier is in mobile state, the owner can always, and from anywhere select plot a jumping destination from the galaxy map exactly as we can do now. Once a destination is set, the carrier starts a 10 minute timer, after 6 minutes the pads go into lockdown, then the whole jump phase stuff takes place and at the end of the 10 minutes the carrier pops into existence at the destination. After a 5 minute FSD cooldown, the owner can select another location (or the carrier automatically targets the next system in the route) and start the 10 minute timer again. Repeat ad infinitum, 15 minutes per jump.
    • Once the carrier is in a desired location, the owner can order the carrier to enter the transition into the Deployed state again. Same thing as before, except it now takes an hour for all the services to come back online and the carrier essentially becomes a station again.
    • The capital class FSD on board of every Fleet Carrier now becomes a major factor for upkeep. While deployed, the FSD is dormant and costs very little or nothing to maintain, essentially just dusting it every once in a while. The services are the main thing you're paying for while the carrier is deployed. Once the carrier goes mobile, however, the situation reverses: the suspended optional services now cost very little or nothing to maintain, and keeping the massive FSD in working condition becomes the main budget chugger.
    • Incurring a wear and tear cost should only have a chance of occuring, based on how heavy your ship is and how far you're jumping at once. Jumping through thargoid territory should pretty much guarantee damage since you'd constantly have danger flowers trying to tow you out of witchspace.
    • and finally, unrelated to jumping really, the current weekly upkeep figure should be monthly. A billion every year for a complete, fully maxxed carrier sounds much more reasonable than the bullshit we have now. Bulk buy discount for modules and ships too, you dont buy in bulk at retail prices. And instead of decommissioning a carrier that is past its debt limit, they'd be mothballed instead. Mothballed carriers have no upkeep at all but lose all functionality and are essentially turned into colossal paperweights that are invisible to anyone other than the owner. That owner can pay off the debt to resume carrier operation at any point they choose, losing nothing in the process. (No, don't fucking forclose the services and sell off the modules, ships and commodities to pay for debt instead.) You should also be able to manually mothball your carrier if you're taking a hiatus from the game, with an accompanying safeguard to make sure people dont abuse it, like needing to wait at least until the next BGM tick to unmothball it again at a significant cost. And cut the percentage loss for decommissioning, too. Who the hell thought that was a great idea? Keep it a flat rate of loss.

    Essentially, this would allow carriers to alternate between being forward operating bases and actually mobile carriers. However, a very conscious decision is not to allow people to rearm, restock, refuel, switch ships or outfit unless the carrier is deployed, because if those services were available mobile, there would be little to no reason to ever deploy your carrier. Carriers need to feel heavy and clunky like the big ol spacealloy bricks they are, otherwise you'd just have a bigger jumpconda. They should be treated with a plan in mind ahead of time, i.e., you don't just stop in the middle of a cross-galaxy jump chain to wait a full hour to quickly repair yourself because you had to smash into a stellar phenomena on the way, you fly the carrier into a central location in the area you'd like to explore and use it as an anchor point. If you're exploring with a permanently mobile carrier, it shouldn't be any different from exploring without a carrier at all, except for the massive jump range and the ability to take people with you, of course.By doing it this way, trading station carriers (lol), mining hauler carriers and combat resupply carriers see very little change from their current situation. Ideally, you'd position your carrier exactly one jump outside of your target combat system for an easy highwake retreat anyway. Miners will only jump every once in a while, with the carrier being parked very close to the next borann until a good selling station appears and Traders are also pretty likely to just leave it parked near shinrarta dezhra, so no problem there. Only now, exploring using carriers is actually possible.

    At least that's my view of it. I don't think upkeep should be cut entirely, it would turn carriers into another brainless one-time upgrade, and i also don't think it should cut into all your profit margins like current NPC crew does (which is why i fire them immediately after i dont need them anymore) but i also don't think it should be this brutally punishing for not playing. You should be able to freeze your carrier if you know you're not returning for a while so i added that into there.

    submitted by /u/adac70
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    After all the grind, I finally got the cutter!

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 02:03 PM PDT

    Fastest Cyclops kill ever (88 seconds)

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 05:47 AM PDT

    Journey to Sag-A

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 10:47 AM PDT

    I followed my Fleet Carrier through the Jump Cloud

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 08:02 AM PDT

    That was a close call!

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 12:33 PM PDT

    Special Effect Krait Given to Special Effect Charity at vECM by Hutton Truckers

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 02:37 PM PDT

    Creepy planet

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 01:43 AM PDT

    How I love this sight���� ... PLEASE ENTER THE ATMOSPHERE��

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 11:52 AM PDT

    Fujin is in Infrastructure Failure

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 06:56 AM PDT

    The system of Fujin is currently in the Infrastructure Failure state

    What this means is that no commodities market is selling anything, but will buy food and machinery at increased prices.

    You can't have your tea until the state is resolved, which will happen automatically over time, but will speed up with deliveries of food and machinery.

    The system is not bugged. There is no coding issue with you not being able to buy tea.

    If you can't wait, groups like the East India Company will sell you stuff if they have it in stock.

    submitted by /u/TharrickLawson
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    Little stop somewhere, on the way back to the bubble

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 11:40 AM PDT

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