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    Friday, April 3, 2020

    Elite Dangerous [DAILY Q&A] Ask and answer any questions you have about the game here. (April 03, 2020)

    Elite Dangerous [DAILY Q&A] Ask and answer any questions you have about the game here. (April 03, 2020)

    [DAILY Q&A] Ask and answer any questions you have about the game here. (April 03, 2020)

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 09:49 AM PDT

    Greetings, Commanders! This is the Daily Q&A post for /r/EliteDangerous

    If you have any questions about any topic, whether it be for the moderators, tips and tricks for piloting or general gameplay/development questions please post here!

    Please check new comments and help answer to the best of your ability so we can see this community flourish!

    Remember to check previous daily threads and the New Q&A FAQ.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Structured Feedback - your opinions on Fleet Carriers: price, upkeep, jump cooldown, and Stellar Cartography

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 03:29 AM PDT

    So it's easier for FDev to review feedback, due to the high volume of posts and replies, please comment your choices/opinions below on the following Fleet Carrier sub-topics (the most discussed so far):

    • As they currently stand, do you think FCs are good/bad for you and/or your Squadron? Why?
    • Purchase price of 5 billion credits - too high, too low, or just right?
    • Basic upkeep cost of 10 million credits - too high, too low, or just right?
    • Jump cooldown of 2 hours (incl. 1 hour spoolup) - too high, too low, just right?
    • Should it have Stellar Cartography for selling data - yes, or no?
    • If your choices are implemented, do you think FCs will be good/bad for you and/or your Squadron? Why?

    We'll have more of these Structured Feedback posts in future.



    Recent news:

    submitted by /u/StuartGT
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    Once again, Fleet Carriers have revealed the core (and by now unfixable) problem with Elite

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 02:38 AM PDT

    The outrage for the price and maintenance cost, in my opinion, is misguided. If the FCs were designed properly – as flexible cogs in a truly dynamic economy -- a new way for money to leave the economy would have been a good thing.

    The problem is another: as usual, FCs are a new addition to the game that is almost completely separate from anything else. At their core, they are nothing other than "personal" starports (that you need to fund). And the few new elements sound cool on paper, but are utterly useless when considered in the context of the game as a whole.

    This mainly for two reasons:

    1. the game itself by now is so structured as to make it almost impossible to add new and "dynamic" gameplay elements – at least not without breaking something else (the economy, the BGS, monetary rewards…).
    2. Frontier still want to avoid to give players real economic agency. The absolute and inflexible proscription of player-to-player exchange of money is only apparently broken by the possibility of buying directly from a player, if for no other reason than there is no real incentive to do so. All that it will be possible to do is buy and then sell at a higher price, something made useless by how easy it is to open INARA and find a station offering a cheaper price. No supply chain, no manufacturing of goods (imagine: FC parked in a ring system in deep space, owner mines asteroids for raw materials than the FC's refinery can then transform into materials for the synthesis of heatsinks…or indeed heatsinks themselves. Or again, FC parked in a system near Palin, mining and then processing ores for the manufacturing of pharmaceutical isolators).

    In general: Frontier keeps adding minigames to the game, rather than well-integrated mechanics. Gameplay loops that are maybe entertaining for a few hours, but that soon become stale and useless because they do not propel the collective gameplay forward, offering opportunities for emergent gameplay, but simply offer yet another way to make the credits counter go up (or, in this case, down). Essentially, it is really like old arcade games, like Space Invaders. You play to see a number go up, credits being the new "High Score". In 2020, it is reasonable to expect something more involving from an MMO, a game offering players means to interact and create a vibrant virtual world.

    I think it is pretty clear by now that Elite will never be that. It'll remain this static, enormous galaxy to fly your ship from A to B in.

    If I was already sceptical about the 2020 update's miraculous ability to completely change and refresh the game before this FC reveal, now I'm pretty sure that short of completely rethinking the game (i.e. making an Elite Dangerous 2), no amount of new features will ever fix the core problem of the game: it has been built without a clear and synoptic view of how all the elements would fit together and could create a positive feedback loop. Rather, it has been created by piecemeal addition of self-contained elements (according to the utterly bankrupt design philosophy "if players use it we will develop it further, if not we'll let it die") that somehow were expected to magically fit together.

    You know how we say that something is "more than the sum of its parts"? Well, Elite will never be. Many players enjoy the single parts: enthusiastic explorers, keen miners, PvPers… Good for them. But this collection of minigames is far, far less than this game could have been.

    EDIT: I truly wasn't expecting gold. Thank you :) Although it is also quite sad how many of us feel this way.

    EDIT 2: ..and thanks for the Silver, the Platinum, and the rest of the unexpected awards.

    submitted by /u/WilfridSephiroth
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    Trio of ringed planets

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 10:55 AM PDT

    A little blue-radar-spot investigation in front of Big Blue

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 11:17 AM PDT

    Ill say this again hoping that FDev actually sees this and consider it: PLEASE consider rebalancing other activities to pay more than they do now.

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 05:02 AM PDT

    If mining can earn you upwards of 400 millions per hour, why are combat and xeno hunting still limited to no more than 100 million per hour? Would it take more than just tweaking a few numbers here and there to make it so both combat and mining can earn you 200+million per hour if you do them in a very skilled way?

    So many people on this sub seem to be against this idea and i just don't understand why.

    submitted by /u/Capi9800
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    Helped another player get there FSD booster. He was so excited about it!

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 12:48 PM PDT

    AXI Unofficial Carrier Survey

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 07:37 AM PDT

    Having watched the carrier reveal stream I've seen a wide range of reactions from different parts of community. But no matter what I myself feel, it is our opinion as a community that matters most, and for this end I've devised a (completely anonymous) survey that I ask you to complete. The more people complete it, the more accurate picture will be. Results will be sent directly to FDev and posted a couple days later on the forums.


    Initially it was intended for AXI, but many people approached me with requests to share it around. Feel free to skip AXI-related questions.

    submitted by /u/100rub
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    ObsidianAnt - Fleet Carriers: Thoughts, Impressions and Concerns "The Good, The Bad, The Okay"

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 10:34 AM PDT

    Had an idea for this poster one of the many times I forget to deploy my landing gear.

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 07:20 AM PDT

    Raxxla location hint in Fleet Carriers livestream??

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 12:54 PM PDT

    Fleet Carriers Update - Beta 1 Patch Notes

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 09:20 AM PDT

    Finally got my cutter!

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 04:01 PM PDT

    Found something really cool today

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 09:24 AM PDT

    "Don't buy without a refly"

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 07:34 AM PDT

    For all CMDRs complaining about the upkeep cost of FC, doesn't this fall into the same category as "don't fly without a rebuy"?
    If you are afraid you will lose your FC because you can't afford the upkeep then it's maybe not the best idea to buy one.

    submitted by /u/Loopios7
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    Finally got the founders world permit!

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 02:16 PM PDT

    The 10mill Credit weekly upkeep for carriers is not a big deal, and there are way bigger problems with the carrier.

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 01:31 AM PDT

    After looking around youtube and Reddit it seems like this will be a very unpopular opinion. One I'm willing to defend though.
    I personally think the 10 Mill Credit weekly base upkeep is blown way out of proportions by YouTubers and the community itself. People begin to compare it to a real job. Complaints of grind begin to resurface, some with merit others not.

    Ok, let's start basics. The carrier costs 5Bill Credits. That's a shit load of money. Most people seem to think this is fair. I didn't hear a lot of complaints about this price in and by itself.

    5 Bill is not something the average player will obtain with average money-making techniques. Nearly everyone who is grinding for this carrier is using Borann LTD mining. If you mine in a cutter you can easily make 150 LTD/hr which equates to roughly 200mill/hr if LTD is sold a 1.3 Mill current selling price.

    This means it will take 25-30 hrs of pure non-stop grind to get enough credits for the carrier. A bit steep but clearly durable.

    NOW the upkeep. If you are using Borann LTD mining you make 200mill/hr, maybe a bit less if selling station is far away. This means that you are able to keep your fleet carrier up for 20 weeks, nearly half a year.

    This means if you want to have a carrier you need to grind LTD Borann mining for 2hours 36minutes to afford A YEAR of upkeep A WHOLE FUCKING YEAR. Let's say 3-4 hr if we include travel. This is seriously not at all hard. I don't understand how people seem to be freaking out about being forced to grind 3 HOURS each year in order to keep their carrier. I just don't!

    Being forced to grind about 3 hours each year in order to not lose the carrier you spend 30 hr's grinding for is not a job. If so, you have a very strange definition of a job. And I wonder what you think about EVE online where stations have upkeep, league of legends where if you are high rank you decay down the ladder if you don't play. Are they jobs too?

    There are plenty of other issues with the carrier, that is far more pressing, like how long does it take to gather enough tritium to jump the carrier? or what about the jump warmup? and why there is no BGS?All valid and good questions to be debating more.

    submitted by /u/Jechto
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    Grind: Dangerous - Fleet Carriers

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 03:05 PM PDT

    Elite Dangerous Lore Tour Episode 1

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 12:10 PM PDT

    The youtube upload of Episode 1 of my #EliteDangerous #LoreTour2020 is up - "So it begins" The early history of the Federation.


    submitted by /u/drewwagar
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    I just want rare trading to be cool again

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 12:42 PM PDT

    I just want to see rare goods sales limits upscaled with your trade rank and friendliness with the selling faction so pirating in Lave and Leesti can be cool again

    submitted by /u/suchdownvotes
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    There are two types of people right now

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 05:00 AM PDT

    10 Changes that I think will make Fleet Carrier better...

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 12:03 PM PDT

    I watched the Fleet Carrier live stream. I read through the forum threads and reddit posts. As it stands I think Fleet Carriers are dead on arrival. Only around 3% of CMDRs have enough credits to buy a fleet carrier (source), so fleet carriers need to offer something of value for the 97% of players who can't afford to buy one. Here are several changes that I think would make them not only viable but also valuable to both fleet carrier owners, and players who use these carriers.

    1. Change the upkeep cost model. The proposed flat 10M+/wk upkeep model has received a lot of backlash. This is understandable. Players don't know how much money fleet carriers will make (and many predict they won't make anything). As such the flat "rent" upkeep payment doesn't feel good. This is easily fixed. Change the upkeep to a "tax" model -- say 10% of fleet carrier profits. This aligns with the current model of NPC crew taking a fixed percentage of CMDR profits, which admittedly isn't popular, but at least it means that CMDRs don't feel like they'll lose their investment if they get interested in another game for a few months and neglect to login to Elite to top off their Fleet Carrier's bank balance. SOLUTION: change upkeep from rent to a tax on profits. This should go a long way to reducing the stress for fleet carrier owners. No need to worry about debt and decommissioning.
    2. Lack of BGS integration is a problem. There's been an uproar over the lack of Universal Cartographics on Fleet Carriers. The reason for this isn't lore, it's because it would require integration with the BGS (selling cartographic data increases the influence of the faction that owns the station). There's also been an outcry from players who support Player Minor Factions... a fleet carrier would be a great way to win at conflict zones which are a long way from a system's main star -- drop a fleet carrier near the conflict zones, win battles, etc. But those players will also want to grab massacre missions so that they can get both combat bonds AND mission rewards. With no mission giver on a Fleet Carrier, there's no ability to get those missions. SOLUTION: Allow a fleet carrier owner to pledge his/her carrier to a minor faction. Have a minor faction representative on board the fleet carrier who offers missions from that minor faction to be offered on-board the fleet carrier. Apply the influence from cartographic data sold on the fleet carrier to the minor faction's home system (for an un-pledged fleet carrier, send the influence to the Pilots Federation). Have a long cool-down on the ability to switch which minor faction a fleet carrier is pledged to (perhaps only allow the pledged faction to change at the weekly server tick).
    3. Having outfitting and a shipyard on a fleet carrier is great. However, as presented the fleet carrier owner will have to stock his/her shipyard and outfitting facilities with ships and modules purchased at retail prices. The only hope he/she has of turning a profit from sales in the shipyard and outfitting facilities is to charge a tariff. This is a problem since most commanders have access to Shinrarta Dhezhra (10% discount), or they can use external tools like inara.cz to find any ship / module at a 15% discount in Li Yong-Rui space. So this basically makes fleet carrier outfitting and shipyard facilities useless inside the bubble (although they might be useful in Colonia where A-rated modules are less common). As for shipyard and outfitting facilities WAY out in the black, there's little value there too... sure you could sell A-rated fuel scoops at Beagle Point for a premium, but a) you won't see many visitors since you're all the way out at Beagle Point, and b) for anybody who makes it to Beagle Point, they probably already have an A-rated fuel scoop. SOLUTION: Allow fleet carrier owners to purchase ships and modules for resale in their shipyard and outfitting facilities at "wholesale prices" (i.e. 20% less than standard station retail). Then fleet carrier owners can offer those modules at a discount that can't be found anywhere else, or they can charge a higher tariff and compete on selection and location. This model is good for both owners (profits) and players (discounts and convenience).
    4. Further to point #3 above about the prices for ships and modules available in the shipyard and outfitting facilities on fleet carriers. I think it would make sense to have the limited inventory of these items be managed by NPCs rather than by the fleet carrier owner (this wasn't clear in the presentation, so perhaps this is already the case). Let's say I'm parked out at Beagle Point selling 8A fuel scoops and I have three in stock... after I sell those three, I don't think I should have to a) manually restock my inventory, or b) jump back to the bubble to re-supply. However, I do think it's fair that it should cost me more to re-fill my inventory if I'm a long way away from civilization. If the solution from #3 above is implemented, then SOLUTION: the "wholesale" cost for ships & modules for resale on fleet carriers should increase depending on how far my fleet carrier is parked from the bubble (buying a combat Vulture at Beagle Point should be WAY more expense than buying one at Ray Gateway).
    5. The player to player (p2p) market feels half baked. I understand the reasons for the quantity limited buy / sell orders in the p2p market on fleet carriers (you have limited storage and limited credits in the bank). But since commodities in Elite can't be used for crafting (i.e. you can't buy bismuth, strontium, calcium, copper and produce superconductors), there are basically only three use cases for the p2p market: a) a standing buy order for Tritium fuel, b) a standing buy order for LTDs at a price a little below the max price they can be sold to NPC markets, so that the fleet carrier can act as a middle man, and c) a market where the East India Company can help players turn credits into the commodities they need for engineering unlocks (looking at you Marco Quent), and this final use case is eroded by the fact that rare goods can't be traded in p2p markets. SOLUTION: None. Let's see what emergent game play develops, but consider loosening the restrictions on rare and power play commodities.
    6. The Secure Market feels like a really strange inclusion with Fleet Carriers. If we're talking about player numbers, how many are stealing commodities from NPCs (few) and how many are stealing commodities from players, aka role playing piracy (fewer). Maybe I'm wrong, but it feels like there are a lot more players looking for a way to sell cartographic data than are looking for a place to hoard stolen goods. SOLUTION: Consider changing the secure market to an NPC run black market. This facility should only be available if the fleet carrier is pledged to a minor faction with a home system/station that has a black market (prices in the black market would need to be mapped from this home system/station too). All influence for selling at the fleet carrier's black market should be funneled to the pledged minor faction's home system and station. This would make fleet carriers more valuable for owners (profit from tariff on NPC black market), and players (convenient access to black market).
    7. The jump spin-up and cool-down feel like they're too long. It's been pointed out many times that it will take weeks for the first fleet carrier to jump all the way to Beagle Point due to the 250ly/hr speed (ignoring the time required to mine for fuel). I can't see a good player / play style based reason for the long spin-up / cool-down. If fleet carriers are supposed to be a good way for carrying your fleet around (as the name would suggest), then they fail. It's quicker to use a bubble bus and travel 500 light-years in a few minutes and then go to a shipyard and transfer all your ships to your new location (you could do this a lot before you'd burn through 5B credits and the weekly upkeep of a fleet carrier). My guess is that the long spin-up / cool down time is so that there's enough time for system state changes to propagate across all FDev servers (kind of like how changes to DNS servers take a while to propagate). If this is the reality, it sucks... SOLUTION: If there's no server/software hard limit due to server propagation then I think the spin-up / cool-down time should be dramatically reduced. This would increase the value of the fleet carrier to the owner moving his/her ships around the bubble, but also to players who land on a carrier as a taxi service. There's also an interesting situation that could happen if somebody has landed a short range ship on your fleet carrier, you could maroon them by jumping to a system in sparse space where they could never jump out (assuming that players re-spawn on fleet the fleet carrier they were last docked at even if they self destruct). If this is true and Harry Potter ever lands on my fleet carrier, I'll be making a b-line for HD 76133.
    8. The lack of material traders feels like a missing feature. For CMDRs who are grinding raw mats at the crystal sites, it would be great to have a fleet carrier nearby with a material trader. Likewise, it would be nice to have a fleet carrier with large pads, and a mat trader in a system with a good HazRes or CNB. It would also be nice to have manufactured material traders way out in the black for explorers to trade for the materials to synth things like heat sinks. I think it makes sense that these traders wouldn't offer trade ratios that are as favourable as those offered in stations. SOLUTION: Allow fleet carriers to equip a material trader who trades at 8:1 up/across and 1:2 down (instead of 6:1 up/across and 1:3 down for normal material traders). This would make fleet carriers really useful to players, and also to the fleet carrier owner, since any material trades completed on the carrier produce a profit in materials because the trade ratios are less player favourable than at stations. I propose that these material profits be converted into CR (there's already a ratio of CR to Materials from mission rewards, Grade 5 mats are equal to 500,000CR, etc...), and the fleet carrier owner would claim their tariff percentage of these credits.
    9. I think Guardian and experimental (AX) modules should be available in fleet carrier outfitting. There's a strong use case here for anti-xeno players who don't have Tech Broker access in the Thargoid space. I'm not proposing an end-run around the fetch quest unlock personal narrative that players have to go through to gain access to these weapons and modules, just a way for fleet carriers to be more useful to players out on the front lines fighting bugs. SOLUTION: if a player has unlocked specific guardian modules, then they should be able to buy them from a fleet carrier that has them stocked. Perhaps for "lore" purposes we could say there's no "wholesale" discount on Guardian & Experimental modules, so these modules would always sell at a premium compared to at stations with tech brokers.
    10. Finally, I think Guardian and Thargoid materials should be able to be traded on fleet carriers. Hear me out... So far everything we've see about fleet carriers (with the exception of the p2p market) has been what you'd get on a station, but a little worse (higher price, limited stock, etc...). Basically, no new game play / functionality. I very much doubt FDev would allow this kind of free player market, but I'd like to see if it could work (perhaps just in the beta). EXPERIMENT: Allow fleet carrier owners to trade Guardian and Thargoid materials for other materials. I have a few extra Guardian blueprints, I'd happily trade them for Guardian mats for synthesis. Likewise, I'm sure many AXI players would be happy to trade credits for the Guardian materials used for gause cannon ammo synthesis. There is the potential for a meta-economy that's efficient for grind time and material drop rates.

    What do you think of these proposals? Have I missed anything that's a deal breaker for your play style?

    submitted by /u/petehudso
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    I don't think it fits....

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 01:36 PM PDT

    Does my rover make my ship look to big ?

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 07:17 AM PDT

    PSA: Don't drink and fly, not even once.

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 04:01 PM PDT

    I had to rebuy my Anaconda because of some alcohol powered poor judgement, thankfully I had enough wits about me to rebuy my super-engineered cargo scow and not think it was a good idea to go with a vanilla cobra.

    submitted by /u/zynix
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