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    Wednesday, April 8, 2020

    Elite Dangerous [DAILY Q&A] Ask and answer any questions you have about the game here. (April 08, 2020)

    Elite Dangerous [DAILY Q&A] Ask and answer any questions you have about the game here. (April 08, 2020)

    [DAILY Q&A] Ask and answer any questions you have about the game here. (April 08, 2020)

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 09:49 AM PDT

    Greetings, Commanders! This is the Daily Q&A post for /r/EliteDangerous

    If you have any questions about any topic, whether it be for the moderators, tips and tricks for piloting or general gameplay/development questions please post here!

    Please check new comments and help answer to the best of your ability so we can see this community flourish!

    Remember to check previous daily threads and the New Q&A FAQ.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    I present the Natomis VI, flying out of Boston Base for the past year delivering only for the Hutton Orbital Truckers Co-operative. It aint much but its honest work.

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 10:13 AM PDT


    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 08:56 AM PDT


    submitted by /u/marnixah
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    You gotta give yourself a high value

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 12:06 PM PDT

    I'm greeted by a very nice message when I dock to my beta carrier. ;)

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 05:12 PM PDT

    How I play out of VR

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 12:07 PM PDT

    A Brief History of Fleet Carriers

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 03:31 AM PDT

    • October 7th, 2017: during the Frontier Expo FCs are announced to a jubilant crowd, as an integral part of the Squadrons package, a pillar of the forthcoming Beyond update -- due Q4 2018. [https://youtu.be/5MYuX9vrP_o?t=1308]

    • August 23rd, 2019 - at Gamescom, Frontier officially presents the FC "reveal" trailer, along with some details, including the introduction of specialized "support vessels" meant to differentiate the kind of activities doable with FCs and introducing new gameplay loops: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gjfIv9_Yr-A]

    • October 22nd, 2019 - in a new "Community Update", Frontier announces that "[a]s a result of our updated plans, we have made the difficult decision to defer the release of Fleet Carriers. We are now planning for Fleet Carriers to be released in an update in the second quarter of 2020, rather than in December 2019 as previously stated". [https://forums.frontier.co.uk/threads/community-update-22-10.527123/]

    • March 26th, 2020 - a pre-recorded livestream is announced, when all the details about Fleet Carriers will finally be revealed.

    • April 2nd, 2020 - an hour-long livestream explains everything about FCs. No more support vessels, but price, upkeep, jump-range, and al possible services are revealed. Open betas to open soon, and launch scheduled for June 2020. [ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8BJqDJp525k ]

    • April 7th, 2020 - the first wave of public beta opens, for all players to test Fleet Carriers.

    It is up to every one of us to draw conclusions from this rather complex timeline.

    My opinion? We have waited around 32 months -- from announcement to delivery -- to receive an extremely expensive "personal Gnosis". Remember that the Gnosis was "launched" in May 2017. This means that a big slice of the work for carriers (at the very least when it comes to server coding) was already there, ready to be copied and pasted. Does the bespoke UI interface and the introduction of the (highly constrained) CMDR-controlled "market" justify this timeframe and the two delays? I find it hard to believe it.

    Now, although it is very likely that some things will be changed/tweaked after the overwhelmingly negative opinions about the operating costs of the FCs, it is also very unlikely that the final "version" of FCs will be radically different from the one available in the beta. Some of the most creative (and richest!) of CMDRs will probably find a way to use FCs in some interesting way, but the rather inaccessible price and, most importantly, the lack of really new gameplay opportunities will make the novelty wear out pretty quickly, and FCs will likely end up taking their place next to Multicrew and the "thargoid invasion" in the drawer of botched features.

    As I said before: if this is any indication of Frontier's current attitude towards Elite, and a clue of what's to come in the Jesus Update of Q4 2020, I see no reason to be optimistic about what that will offer, or about its ability to inject a new lease of life into a frankly quite declining game.

    A shame, really.

    submitted by /u/WilfridSephiroth
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    Elite - Hellscape

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 03:36 PM PDT

    Fleet Carrier proposal - Squadron carriers and smaller, personal carriers

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 06:57 AM PDT

    TL:DR revert the current carriers to squadron only, and create smaller personal carriers for sole commander use

    Disclaimer: This is just an idea I'm throwing out there, I've no idea how feasible/complex/time consuming this would be to implement.

    It seems fairly obvious to me that the current carrier implementation was originally conceived for squadron use, but was changed to allow single commanders to purchase due to demand from the community, at a time when we had very little info on their actual functionality. I think the current dissatisfaction stems from everyone's desire to own a carrier (not unreasonable, it's new content and we all want to play it) and the disparity between the current facilities/costs and many commanders credit balance/desired use.

    I, myself, wish for a personal carrier to use as a personal mobile base to locate and transport my fleet of ships and stored modules to wherever my game session takes me, and to not be tied to a static home station. I suspect many other commanders have the same wishes. Any commander with the finances for a carrier WILL have a fleet of ships and many stored modules.

    To that end, I propose that the current carriers are reverted back to their original use case - squadron only carriers - and a smaller, cheaper personal carrier be created, possibly using the discarded support vessel assets, with the minimum functionality to perform as a personal operations base.


    • purchased and owned by a squadron
    • facilities and costs to stay roughly as they are currently
    • funded by a squadron bank and/or squadron member contributions to the carrier bank (deposits only, no withdrawals)
    • squadron leaders to determine whether upkeep is by current tariffs on services or by voluntary contributions
    • squadron members should be ok with paying a (small?) premium for services to help maintain their squadron's carrier.

    I think a squadron working together could quite easily maintain a full carrier, and would have use cases for it's full market and shipyard/module facilities.


    • purchased by a single commander
    • cost 2 billion credits
    • upkeep 5-10 million/week
    • upkeep can be covered by 'normal' non-mining game-play loops (1-2 hours/wk?)
    • owner access only
    • 1 large pad - we can only fly 1 ship at a time, so 1 large pad will cover all ships
    • included facilities - owner ship docking, transfer and storage, module transfer and storage, refuel, rearm, repair and cartographics storage (but not sale)
    • facilities not customisable, but can be shut down if not used to reduce upkeep
    • fuel for ship refuel to be taken from the carrier main fuel tank
    • re-arm and repair facilities could be funded by buying, mining or surface collecting certain metals and then donating to the carrier (as per tritium currently)
    • no market, shipyard or module sales facilities
    • jump range of 250ly, prep/cool down of 15-30 mins, maybe with an 'initiate jump' button to actually perform the jump when commander is ready, jump prep could be done ahead of time (No point in having a super funky jump animation if the owner has logged off and never sees it!)
    • can also be jumped remotely via carrier management screen?
    • fuel tank capacity 500t
    • carrier refueling by purchasing or mining tritium, or remaining in parking orbit around a gas giant (and/or star) for 24 hours (maybe?)

    I've no idea what state the support vessel assets got to before they were dropped, whether they were actual 3D models, or merely photoshop pictures, but it seems from the original reveal we had that the carriers are modular in concept, so maybe smaller personal carriers could be created fairly easily from existing modular pieces of carriers and support vessels. 4 support vessel types might suggest that we could get 4 visual variations of personal carrier?

    The above would allow many more commanders to own their own carrier, and allow squadrons to benefit from the full facilities that a larger carrier provides. Squadrons would benefit from the expanded co-operative game-play required to support a large carrier's upkeep costs. I suspect this was one of FDev's original design intentions.

    It also wouldn't prevent the galaxy's uber-rich from having and running a large carrier for themselves if they had the finances, and really wanted to, by creating their own 1 man squadron. Or they could have a personal carrier AND contribute to a squadron's carrier if they so wished.

    Anyway, these are just my thoughts (whilst out doing my daily social distancing exercise!) for a possible solution that may solve a lot of the current unhappiness.

    submitted by /u/albt12x
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    Have seen better days...

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 02:10 PM PDT

    Replace weekly running costs with a "parking fee" only in inhabited systems

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 08:37 AM PDT

    The parking fee would only start applying if you leave the carrier in-system for over a day (or whatever time limit makes sense)

    -It makes sense lore wise, by parking your carrier in an inhabited system you are taking advantage of the major factions security and benefiting from the in-system commerce and traffic.

    -It also discourages players from congregating their carriers in heavily populated/high traffic and then forgetting about it for months, reducing the system map clutter and possibly server load(?).

    -It allows deep-space explorers to utilize their carriers without worrying about losing money while out in the black.

    Of course all this assumes that the developers don't want to remove the running costs entirely for some reason, I think this would make a fair compromise.

    submitted by /u/TruthBeThyDower
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    My thoughts on Fleet Carriers.

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 06:41 AM PDT

    The main question is: Who are FCs for?

    1) If frontier's answer is for everyone:

    1a) Who in the name of god is gonna pay that much to get a fleet carrier? Some people may argue that we don't have to pay all the upkeeps, but oh please, it's called the fleet CARRIER! At least we need a shipyard, an armory and a refueling station just to cover the name's sake alright? -So, weekly upkeep needs to be DRASTICALLY reduced or even cancelled, otherwise it's just impractical for people to buy it. -I don't disagree with the upfront cost, I get it. It's a big investment.

    1b) What about explorers? Exploring has always been extremely underpaid, and now an 1hr cooldown, 1hr spin up and no universial cartographics has been shoved deep down into our throats. Not to mention ONE TON OF TITRIUM PER LIGHT YEAR??? This is just a big fuxku from Frontier about the 500ly jump range, and completely ruins the possibilities that comes with a jump range this high. The current highest jump range I believe is still held by Mini's 337.32ly...? Imagine what's possible with 500ly without the help of a neutron star! *In the video I recall the synthesis at that time was +200% distance, but now it's +100%. Don't know what happened there, but if I'm decoding that, I would say that Frontier hates explorers reaching the distant stars, which is unironically the game's best feature. Great job there. Haha. -So, jump time is just ridiculous. I need to go to a system right next door, 1hour. I need to go to a system 500ly away, 1hr. I need to go to a system 501ly away, 2hrs. This needs to go. -Fuel cost needs to be cut down, for more possibilities and ultimately, the spirit of this game. An increase in fuel capacity will not do, as we already can store them in the main storage.

    1c) Depreciation after 3 months = 67%?? I'm sorry, am I buying some crappy fake video cards from wish? I thought it was a "lucrative investment" as you said in the content reveal announcement! -First hand worth 100%, second-hand worth 80%, just like the real ships. We're done here.

    1d) After not paying for the fc, the fc will be sold away. Am I paying a mortgage or what? Am I not paying for the carrier when I bought it? In my house, if I don't pay the utility bills, people cut my power or water out, instead of taking my house away alright! Because I paid for the house! Same for the fleet carrier! If I can't pay the utility bills, you people don't have to serve me. However, you can't just take my asset away! *At least they don't take my house away in my country if I paid full for it. Don't know how that works in the UK though. I heard that manholes explode everywhere there, so the British might be different lmao. -Suspend all services after the fund runs out instead of penalizing the player for buying the fleet carrier. Only way to go.

    1e) Buying modules and ships in bulk? No, thank you. Who in their right mind will say: no, I don't want a D-rated sensor but a E, C or B rated will be great for me!? Are there really going to be many people saying: no, an ASP explorer will just not do for me, I think an ASP scout will be amazing!? Also, what can we do with those unsold modules and ships? -Add FDL and Mamba to the shipyard. -Stop forcing us to buy modules and ships in bulk.

    1f) Commodity market is now avaliable for players to transfer money to each other? Get out. If you want players to transfer money, just make fleet carriers avaliable to whole of player groups or squadrons. If you don't want players to transfer money, fix the market so it makes sense! -Lowest 1cr/5%avg needs to be gone, and 1000% is just as ridiculous.

    1g) All the previous stuff need to be changed, but the followings are nice to have: -Tech brokers -Mat traders -Mission board for bgs -Passenger lounge? -WE NEED GALNET BACK!

    2) If the fleet carrier is not for the majority of players: Where is the content we've been waiting for? This is not content that we can get, which does not help us! 3 years, frontier. Round of applause plz.

    If you read my rant all the way here, o7 and thank you.

    submitted by /u/Ich__liebe__dich
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    A View from Moon onto Water World

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 09:40 AM PDT

    Okay, I've bragged up my miner builds, so here's a demo of the speed

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 03:44 PM PDT

    Fleet Carrier April Beta - ALL The Numbers

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 04:49 PM PDT

    After seeing the fleet carriers in action. And their cost/upkeep, do you plan on getting one come full release?

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 10:46 AM PDT

    This applies to consoles and PC. We're all apart of the big space family so I'm curious to see your comments and the results to this.

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/Kamakazi09
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    I just want to say "thanks" to everyone.

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 05:26 PM PDT

    I have posted at least 100 times in this sub, with at least 90 questions, and i always get really helpful, nice answers from really kind people. This is the best and the most friendly sub on Reddit hands down for me. Everyone is so nice, always willing to help someone, i have never encounter one bad person on this sub, even when i ask really stupid question or when i make grammatical mistakes because i am not native, everyone is always nice and helpful.

    I really wanted to thanks this community and every other community related like r/eliteminers, r/eliteexplorers etc. Whitout this sub i'll still be learning how to play the game. So a BIG thank you to everyone, and stay safe. o7

    submitted by /u/Eraxxy
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    Under present circumstances I don't see the benefit in relation to the fuss in owning a fleet carrier

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 10:04 AM PDT

    1. a well fitted and engineered Phantom, DBX or Anaconda, just to name a few, easily reaches a jump distance of more than 70 ly. Let's assume a jump takes about 4 min which brings me to 15 jumps per hour covering at least 1000 ly meaning in 2 hours I could travel twice as far as a FC without the hassle of grinding/buying Tritium.
    2. assuming I'm an explorer, why would I bother to make my journey in a FC if I still have to hand in my cartography data to a distant station in order to make money, money I desperately need to upkeep my FC?
    3. I will be forced - for now - to pay a fee, not monthly or per year, but per week. The only reason I see the developer doing this is that they are trying to make me log in more often - otherwise any larger period would have done as well.
      I'm aware of the fact that with enough credits the upkeep will be charged automatically from my FC bank account - making my inactive FC a moneysink only, since the services I offer on it are not meant to make any significant profit.

    Although I do have more than enough credits to purchase a FC these are 3 reasons that presently keep me from even being interested in owning one. Hopefully FD will reconsider a few decisions before going live with the FCs.
    Cause presently I simply don't see the benefit(s) in relation to the commotion it would bring to me...just my 5 cents

    submitted by /u/Naveseya
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    I'm missing a mining boom in the bubble, apparently, but I found this today so that makes up for it.

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 11:19 AM PDT

    How does this concept even make it into a Beta? 67% loss on Decommission of your Fleet Carrier

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 09:10 PM PDT

    Letting Players Sell Engineered Modules and Ships on their Carriers Could Have Been Huge

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 07:38 AM PDT

    Does anyone agree? Disagree? And let carrier pilots set their own prices for stuff. Super important.

    If you agree, please contact FDEV. Apparently explorers are getting universal cartographics as a service, so why can't people sell their engineered ships and modules to players at any price they think is fair?

    submitted by /u/CMDR_Swift_Arrow
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    How wedded to elite are you?

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 08:13 AM PDT

    I was thinking today that for everything fdev got perfect in elite, they also regularly make huge mistakes.

    I play despite the mistakes because i enjoy the game, i love sci-fi, space and the first person view.

    But i also play because no other game comes close to offering what elite does. At least for me. But i know that in my heart of hearts i would leave elite in a flash if another game could offer me everything elite does and more done better.

    So i wonder who else would drop elite like a hot potato if someone else brought the right game to the table?

    submitted by /u/DreamWoven
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    I was hoping fleet carriers would’ve been more like capital ships

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 06:13 AM PDT

    Let me start by saying I was very excited about FC's but as I watch some of the videos from the beta. It's less like owning a giant ship and more like maneuvering through menu's and selecting items.

    The thought I had in my head was they were going to be more akin to capital ships. With combat capability. Hangars. The ability to independently maneuver.

    FC's just don't feel like owning a ship. Would've been much happier if they introduced slightly smaller and cheaper capital ships.

    submitted by /u/ACrispPickle
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    Broke down and finally went mining. I don't enjoy it, but it'll fund all the things I do enjoy

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 03:07 PM PDT

    I almost died getting this screen shot

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 04:27 PM PDT

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