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    Monday, May 24, 2021

    Elite Dangerous [DAILY Q&A] Ask and answer any questions you have about the game here!

    Elite Dangerous [DAILY Q&A] Ask and answer any questions you have about the game here!

    [DAILY Q&A] Ask and answer any questions you have about the game here!

    Posted: 24 May 2021 08:50 AM PDT

    Greetings, Commanders! This is the Daily Q&A post for /r/EliteDangerous

    If you have any questions about any topic, whether it be for the moderators, tips and tricks for piloting or general gameplay/development questions please post here!

    Please check new comments and help answer to the best of your ability so we can see this community flourish!

    Remember to check previous daily Q&A threads and the New Q&A FAQ.

    WikiCareer ChartLore (Brief) • ThargoidsSagittarius Eye MagazineThe Elite Squadron

    Game Update Summaries: CoreHorizonsBeyond2019-2020

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Elite Dangerous Odyssey - Megathread #6 "Hunting blue cobras, orange sidewinders, purple pythons"

    Posted: 24 May 2021 04:05 AM PDT

    Community Goals: Prime Minister Edmund Mahon And Councillor Nakato Kaine Have Launched Rival Delivery Initiatives In Alliance Space

    Previous megathreads: #1, #2, #3, #4, #5


    Elite Dangerous Odyssey has arrived!


    Official Messaging


    "Odyssey Progress": Statement from CEO & Founder David Braben

    Elite Dangerous Odyssey Launch Trailer

    Elite Dangerous Odyssey Patch Notes

    Horizons/Odyssey Compatibility - Further Details

    Elite is breaking its all-time concurrent players records on Steam

    Elite Dangerous: Odyssey BGS and crime details

    Elite Dangerous Community Schedule W/C 24 May 2021

    Tobii: "Celebrate the imminent launch of Elite Dangerous Odyssey with us by entering our sweepstakes where we're giving away a Tobii Eye Tracker 5 and five copies of the expansion!"


    Known Workarounds

    • For Lifetime Expansion Pass owners on Steam, Odyssey will show up in your launcher. "Install" will be greyed out, simply select Odyssey and press the enter key to begin installing, or run EDLaunch.exe outside of Steam.
    • Nvidia GeForce: installing the latest drivers, v466.47 (UK version here) helps boost performance for some CMDRs. (thanks /u/Scholander)
    • AMD Radeon: installing the latest drivers, v21.5.2 (direct link), helps boost performance for some CMDRs. (thanks /u/Dannyl_Tellen)
    • Resetting the game's graphics configuration files helps boost performance for some CMDRs. Backup then delete all files in this folder, which will reset all settings files to defaults: C:\Users\your_user_name\AppData\Local\Frontier Developments\Elite Dangerous\Options\Graphics (thanks /u/Pyran)


    General Help & Tips

    Ask below or in the stickied Q&A thread, not in a new post. Or search the subreddit.


    Bug Reports

    If you encounter any issues during your playing experience please report them as soon as possible via the Issue Tracker where Frontier's development team will be actively investigating reports.



    Post your quick feedback comments below.


    Patch Notes


    PC Specifications

    submitted by /u/StuartGT
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    The human brain is excellent at pattern recognition. That's why the new planet tech is failing so hard.

    Posted: 24 May 2021 04:32 AM PDT

    is it just me or did earth look better in horizons

    Posted: 24 May 2021 05:12 AM PDT

    reports of fuel rats ganking.

    Posted: 24 May 2021 06:43 AM PDT

    CMDR ThunderBuns935 of the fuel rats here.

    we've been getting reports that people are ganking, and then using the excuse "I'm a fuel rat" to justify their actions. I'd like to make it very clear that those people are in fact not rats.

    it is true that we are allowed to do whatever we want when we're not on the job, but if you're not on a case, you're also not a rat. if any rats do use this as an excuse for their shitty behavior, please come to our IRC and report them.

    fly safe


    submitted by /u/ThunderBuns935
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    If there is no gravity on outposts then why is there so much trash on the ground

    Posted: 24 May 2021 01:16 PM PDT

    I don't care what you all say, im loving the upgrade!

    Posted: 24 May 2021 08:57 AM PDT

    Why can't planetary ports be more like this tourist settlement?

    Posted: 24 May 2021 06:16 AM PDT

    Would you stop in Colonia by the way?

    Posted: 24 May 2021 08:14 AM PDT

    I found Tatooine in Elite Dangerous Odyssey.

    Posted: 23 May 2021 07:47 PM PDT

    Minimum Viable Product

    Posted: 24 May 2021 11:07 AM PDT

    So I'm a beta backer, I came onto the scene when Elite Dangerous had just cleared its Kickstarter. I've had a really long view of what Frontier has promised vs delivered and when you take it as a whole it's staggering. One thing I've noticed over the years is that they haven't ever quite hit the nail on its head when it comes to delivering new pieces of content.

    If you go back and watch the video of the initial dev team, they are ecstatic and hungry, they have all these ambitions. They start touting these very "rich" gameplay moments as things that they personally want to see in the game. "Meet a shady contact at a station", "repel boarders from your ship." Many of those people are no longer on the project, David isn't really a part of what is happening anymore. His fervor and zeal for the project have seemingly dissipated.

    By design, Frontier is only capable of releasing a minimum viable product of what was promised. Now, what do I mean by "by design"? Well, for a long time Frontier utilized "agile" development practices, agile is where you chop up a feature into focused "sprints" (usually a couple of weeks long) and seek to deliver a milestone of that sprint and put it into a testing cycle early. Plan, execute, test, all in a couple of weeks. This is done to mitigate risk, but it's also to have accountability with what you are working on. There are some pretty massive negatives with agile development practices though, such as:

    Cascade failures, if you miss a milestone launch then the whole thing backs up.

    You can't focus on any one milestone/feature for very long, you are moving so fast. Some milestones are more sensitive than others and need a more handheld approach, this is usually not accounted for.

    It's too tempting to prune the feature down just to launch something.

    We can see these negatives in the subtext of every Elite Dangerous launch that has occurred. In come agile processes, the project manager lays out a beautiful roadmap based on what devs/designers say they can do, and they move on. HOL UP (record scratch) turns out, the devs and designers are hubris laden little twerps and felt like a complete overhaul of (X) system was no big deal when in reality it's massive. What happens is they get into it, a few cascade failures and they have "the meeting" everyone gets in a room and they say, "Hey guys guess what, you've done an incredibly stellar job (people chuckle cause it's a space pun) but our eyes were bigger than our stomach and we've got to cut back on the feature we are launching. We are going to maintain the same timeline (wtf) but instead of ship interiors, we are just going to fade to black just like we did with rovers. We are also going to skip the external testing cycle because we have an outstanding QA team and we feel in our gut that people will love this."

    Imagine this happening over and over and over till you realize that you never delivered on any of the rich moments.

    In comes Odyssey, Frontier to their credit decided that they wanted to pivot from the agile development practices, they shifted to something called "Waterfall". Waterfall is where you keep everything caged up, it's the traditional game design practice these days where you work on a project for years and then you drop it on the world all at once. With Odyssey they did that, they shut everyone out for 2 years and then today we have Odyssey. Our first real glimpses only a few months ago.

    The problem with Waterfall, you can get so in the weeds that you miss the big picture. You get lackadaisical because you feel like you have so much time. You put off the really tough stuff till the last 10% of the time slot because people feel like emotionally you'll have the momentum to succeed on it. In truth, at the end of a few-year project timeline mostly people are just tired. Mostly that 10% is actually 90% of the work (if you've heard that adage).

    The underlying problem with both of these is that they abandoned the external testing throughout the process. Both dev processes did this. Think about it, nearly 8 years and we just now started to get lightly atmospheric planets...We just now started getting out of our chair. All because they threw off the tough stuff to a later sprint, everyone kept kicking the can down the road hoping they would have their shit together before they had to deal with it again...but that shit never got together and there is a few reasons why that could be:

    Legacy software (this is probably it)

    Legacy hardware (looking at the last-gen gaming consoles)

    poor leadership

    Under-resourced, overextended (Plays into poor leadership)

    Agile is not meant for an 8-year long project, it's meant for new ventures. It's meant as a means to get you started and to get investment. You now have investment, but no depth...at some point you have to shift to more in-depth features and those can't be encapsulated in a single quarter's worth of work, some might take a year. Waterfall is meant for depth, but it's also meant to put out a complete project. You can't go into a waterfall endeavor thinking, "ahh we'll just do a game launch 1.5 and all the good stuff will come then!"...Historically you just haven't done that, you need to get the good stuff in that waterfall launch as well. It's really hard to do but that's what it means to do that type of process. You aren't a lean startup anymore. You are a big dev house that can accept minimal risk, you can't just live off promises anymore, you have to deliver on the dense "rich" experiences.

    So all the Elite Dangerous community has ever had is the surface stuff, the minimum viable product. The minimum acceptable range of features and base function for continued interest.

    (TLDR; Odyssey's failure is a design and dev iteration issue which is really a leadership issue. They are missing a consistent piece which is qualitative end-user feedback before an alpha/beta. They shifted from agile/scrum processes to waterfall in order to solve this but the underlying lack of self-awareness is the rot that plagues them still. Why in god's name are they staggering the full release of Odyssey content when it's all been paid for already? You guys aren't a Kickstarter anymore. Nah, that all should have been launched upfront with all the time they've had to develop.)

    submitted by /u/Mikeko28
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    A TL;DR of Odyssey's contrast problems caused by color space rendering issues w/Album

    Posted: 24 May 2021 12:30 PM PDT

    Someone much smarter than myself made a very detailed step by step analysis of what is causing Odyssey's high contrast and loss of detail in dark areas. It can be seen here.

    The post is quite long though and covers a lot of steps before the actual problems occur, so here is as TL;DR along with an imgur gallery showing the important bits with notes:


    (Imgur Album)

    Odyssey's contrast problems are caused by color space rendering issues. Rendering a single frame of Odyssey consists of several steps. Some of these steps do not use the same color space from one step to the next.

    Prior to step 16 of the above post, everything is fine, however in step 16 the RGB color space of the cockpit is rendered to a target with an HDR color space.

    In step 17 the skybox and the stars are rendered into the same image that also holds the cockpit geometry view, meaning two different color spaces are present in the same image. Album image 1 shows correct exposure for the cockpit, and album image 2 shows correct exposure for the skybox (Note that you can see all the detail we could see in horizons, which is crushed by the end of this process). This is what causes issues going forward, as any adjustments after this will cause gamma problems.

    In step 18 (Album image 3), we see an incorrect gamma transform for the cockpit which results in too much contrast, crushing a lot of detail in both the cockpit and skybox.

    In step 20, more tonemapping is applied that results in an okay but not optimal image where the cockpit seems to have okay exposure but the skybox has lost most information (Album image 4). But, because this image is untyped, the graphic system applies another gamma transformation that results in our final product that crushes most detail in the skybox as well as the cockpit (Album image 5).

    The original author notes that "The whole thing reeks of a communications problem. Within the generation of a frame there seem to be (at least)
    three different "teams" working on the same thing: The people who develop the astronomical renderer, the people who develop the ship's cockpit renderer and the UI renderer (which produces that HUD) team, and I got the impression, that there's a severe lack of communication between them"

    I hope that this post brings more awareness to the technical issues surrounding Odyssey. lol

    submitted by /u/fishbowl88
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    The infamous trio, Orange Sidewinder, Blue Cobra and Taupe Cobra.

    Posted: 24 May 2021 12:33 PM PDT

    Programmers vs. Writers, round one. Fight!

    Posted: 24 May 2021 08:43 AM PDT

    Well boys, we did it. Full release is no more!

    Posted: 24 May 2021 03:03 AM PDT

    Well boys, we did it. Full release is no more!

    We succeeded in adding the \"early access\" tag to EDO on Steam! Should've been there from the beginning...

    Let's hope that the higher-ups at Frontier are getting the message and will let the devs turn Odyssey into what it was announced (and deserves) to be!

    submitted by /u/DragoCubX
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    Just how bad is the new UX?

    Posted: 24 May 2021 01:47 PM PDT

    Just how bad is the new UX?

    A case study: User interactions with System Map required to get to Station Services information.

    User Interactions to System Info

    The new system map comes with a 267% Increase in the number of interactions needed.

    This needs to be fixed.

    Accessibility concerns MUST be addressed.

    submitted by /u/skyfishgoo
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    Okay Kit, or Jude, whatever your name is, you're not fooling anyone

    Posted: 24 May 2021 02:37 AM PDT

    Fdev we know you have your hands full fixing bugs for standard users but when you get the chance please show us VR players some love and address these issues..... oh yeah and more importantly please add VR headlook because that 2d screen thing sucks ass. Cheers!

    Posted: 24 May 2021 11:29 AM PDT

    These handbrakes are impressive

    Posted: 24 May 2021 10:32 AM PDT

    A Multiplayer game requires Multiplayer features

    Posted: 24 May 2021 02:35 PM PDT

    It's no secret that the multiplayer features in Elite are... lacking in some places, non existent in others.

    Instead of simply ranting that "Multicrew is Broken" or "Instancing is broken", I'd like to propose some changes that I believe would help improve and increase multiplayer opportunities in the game. (Once Odyssey launch settles down a bit maybe)

    • Share ALL Missions. Wing missions are designed for wings and regular missions are usually based around a single commander. But we should be able to share them anyway. Games are usually more fun with friends, even if we're doing easy missions.
    • Increase Crew Earnings. (Multi)Crew members get that reduction in credits based on rank difference. Just get rid of it. Make every multicrew member get 100% of the credits per bounty. Earning down to 10% of what you can in your own ship or a wing is a huge turn off for multicrew players.
    • Share Engineering Materials. When in a crew and the Helm picks up an engineering material and gets 3, let the crew receive 1-2 of the material as well. It would promote multicrew material farming.

    Basically, don't penalise people for playing together, encourage it. At this point multiplayer will be a lot more lucrative and I hypothesise that enough players might want to use it that Frontier might want to spend time on...

    • Fixing the bugs.
      • The SLF deployment bug that cripples PvP
      • The plethora of multicrew issues that have been around since it was released.

    And then, the feature I think would make Multiplayer great:

    • Add a Lobby System.
      • In order to encourage people to group up more, add a lobby system to the game.
      • This would replace the "Join a Crew" list in the social tab.
      • Lobby System would allow a user to either host, or join, a lobby.
      • A host can set up their lobby for Crew or Wing gameplay using a toggle.
      • A host can set their activities, similar to the join a crew list
      • A host can specify mission types they'll be participating in
      • A host will receive a notification when someone attempts to join their crew and can accept/decline.
      • A host can select from "Open Play" or "Private Session" - which would be either fully open as now, or an ad hoc private group that only contains the members of the lobby.
      • A crew member can view a list of available lobby sessions.
      • A crew member can filter sessions to join the one they want.
      • A crew member can see the host's ship and it's capabilities, eg to check for turrets, or a fighter bay before joining.
      • When a crew member joins a lobby they are given the option to join the host's ship if there is space, or fly their own.
      • If the crew member joins the host's ship they are physically present (no telepresence), but cannot transfer their own ship for balance purposes (maybe, haven't thought this one through)
      • When a crew member leaves, or is removed from a lobby, they are returned to their ship.

    Longer term, if Multiplayer becomes more stable and players are able to group up easier, FDev could look at adding more missions designed for a full crew, using a "combined arms" approach to things, a crew mate in an SRV while fighters scout overhead, taking out turrets so a foot soldier can sneak in...

    As you might be able to tell, the lobby system is the main thing I'd want to be added, but I'd hope that the quick wins at the start would be quite beneficial too!

    I'd love to hear everyone's thoughts.

    submitted by /u/JTFireblaze
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    I found Yamiks, exiled in the sanctuary. Thought that deserved a little Ode.

    Posted: 24 May 2021 01:55 AM PDT

    Best spent 2,5 mil in this game

    Posted: 24 May 2021 11:02 AM PDT

    Perfect landing by the docking computer

    Posted: 24 May 2021 11:05 AM PDT

    As someone who played the original wireframe graphics in 1984, I'm pretty happy with exploring this galaxy

    Posted: 24 May 2021 07:43 AM PDT

    First pic in Odyssey that I will use as a background wallpaper

    Posted: 24 May 2021 12:07 PM PDT

    Elite Dangerous Odyssey "review"

    Posted: 24 May 2021 12:31 PM PDT

    Canyon/Trench Runners, can you give this location an evaluation? (Odyssey - Comments for Details)

    Posted: 24 May 2021 08:57 AM PDT

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