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    Sunday, June 6, 2021

    Elite Dangerous [DAILY Q&A] Ask and answer any questions you have about the game here!

    Elite Dangerous [DAILY Q&A] Ask and answer any questions you have about the game here!

    [DAILY Q&A] Ask and answer any questions you have about the game here!

    Posted: 06 Jun 2021 08:50 AM PDT

    Greetings, Commanders! This is the Daily Q&A post for /r/EliteDangerous

    If you have any questions about any topic, whether it be for the moderators, tips and tricks for piloting or general gameplay/development questions please post here!

    Please check new comments and help answer to the best of your ability so we can see this community flourish!

    Remember to check previous daily Q&A threads and the New Q&A FAQ.

    WikiCareer ChartLore (Brief) • ThargoidsSagittarius Eye MagazineThe Elite Squadron

    Game Update Summaries: CoreHorizonsBeyond2019-2020

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Been playing ED since it originally launched, but this make me giggle and bounce in excitement like a little kid with a new toy on Christmas Day: Seeing my friend moving left and right on the windows of the Concourse while I attempt to dock.

    Posted: 06 Jun 2021 01:09 PM PDT

    Concourse flythrough

    Posted: 06 Jun 2021 01:31 AM PDT

    After 560hrs of playing the game, I finally made the pilgrimage to the galaxy's anus...

    Posted: 06 Jun 2021 05:34 AM PDT

    Some of the views in Odyssey are amazing...

    Posted: 06 Jun 2021 08:30 AM PDT

    A nebula, a star and a white dwarf walk into a bar and...

    Posted: 06 Jun 2021 07:17 AM PDT

    A few days ago someone posted this beautifull screenshot and i decided to try and make it even more interesting. So here's my shot! Tell me what you think!

    Posted: 06 Jun 2021 11:13 AM PDT

    Can we please have a shipyard at every ship engineer location?

    Posted: 06 Jun 2021 05:50 AM PDT

    Would make engineering multiple ships a little less tedious.

    It's like having a car tuning shop with no yard to park all the cars they're working on. It seems weird.

    submitted by /u/Tinweasel126
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    Pilots Trade Network - The Booze Cruise Part 3 - The Rise of Dread Pirate Steve - 06 Jun 3307

    Posted: 06 Jun 2021 04:09 PM PDT

    Pilots Trade Network - The Booze Cruise Part 3 - The Rise of Dread Pirate Steve - 06 Jun 3307

    Pilots Trade Network - The Booze Cruise Part 3 - 06 Jun 3307

    PTN Booze Cruise 'Love has no limits, only people do.'

    Calling all those hard working, heavy hauling members of the Pilots Trade Network, thank you for tuning in to today's broadcast, brought to you by P.T.N. News, hosted by Jacque Diamond!

    "Do you enjoy making nearly 80 million per delivery? Do you enjoy scenic vistas of the galaxy? Want to celebrate Pride in style? ... Well... Do we have an opportunity for you!

    "Greetings to all astute commanders out there in the black voids betwixt the stars, Jacque Diamond here back again bringing you the latest news from the Pilots Trade Network and oooooh.... This is another juicy one!"

    "It is indeed that time again, the event that has kept us up at night partying away like there's no tomorrow.... The P.T.N. Booze Cruise is upon us once more, and this one.... is even bigger than the last!"

    "Now... I hear you say, 'but Jacque... Come on now, how could this possibly be bigger? We made over 360 billion last time... How many carriers can you even fit into the system?' ... Well.... Quite a lot actually! We've also been working hard behinds the scenes to bring something special to the table... Our in house PTN Tech Boffins have birthed 'The Dread Pirate Steve' the finest connoisseur of figures this side of the galaxy! I asked the question and here's the answer."

    Pirate Steve's Booze Cruise Tally

    # of carriers: 89

    Profit per ton: 278,000

    Rackham Pop: 150,000

    Wine per capita: 12.66

    Wine per carrier: 21,336.83

    Python Loads (280t): 6,782.06

    Total Wine: 1,898,978

    Total Profit: 527,915,884,000 credits

    # of Fleet Carriers that profit can buy: 105.58

    "Before I leave you with some more fun stats from Pirate Steve and some handy actual information regarding the Booze Cruise , I was having a look through some old data banks on Pride and the LGBTQ movement from Earth to educate myself, as well... The most important tool we have at our disposal is the ability to learn and grow, ignorance is no excuse when your brothers and sisters of humanity are suffering or oppressed. So here's some quotes I found interesting"

    "The next time someone asks you why LGBT Pride marches exist or why Gay Pride Month is June tell them 'A bisexual woman named Brenda Howard thought it should be.'" – Brenda Howard the "Mother of Pride." She was instrumental in organising the first ever Pride marches: events that have become a vital part of the fight for acceptance.

    "There will not be a magic day when we wake up and it's now okay to express ourselves publicly. We make that day by doing things publicly until it's simply the way things are." – Tammy Baldwin

    "If I wait for someone else to validate my existence, it will mean that I'm shortchanging myself." – Zanele Muholi

    Source for quotes/information above - https://www.humanrightscareers.com/issues/lgbt-quotes/

    "Now I say to you dear listener.... This is a month for Pride ! Let's go big! Let's go hard.... Let's bloody damn celebrate and let our voices be heard across the cosmos! So in celebration and solidarity with our fellow humans all over the galaxy, I herby decree it a month of the rainbow! I urge you all to don your most beautiful dazzling ship skins & rock it !"

    "Please take note of the important information below (What is the Booze Cruise) if you are not familiar with it nor the destination 'Rackham's Peak', and I would strongly suggest joining the other commanders over in Discord for all the latest information, as well as any additional carriers making the journey up should you wish to join "

    "I've been Jacque Diamond of the Pilots Trade Network, you've been awesome! Now take it away Steve!...."

    Pirate Steve's Extended Booze Comparison Stats

    Weight of 1 750ml bottle (kg): 1.25

    Wine Bottles per Tonne: 800.0

    Wine Bottles Litres per Tonne: 600.0

    Wine Bottles Total: 1,519,182,400.0

    Wine Bottles Litres Total: 1,139,386,800.00

    Wine Bottles per capita (Rackhams): 10,127.88

    Wine Bottles Litres per capita (Rackhams): 7,595.91

    Weight of box wine 2.25L (kg): 2.30

    Wine Boxes per Tonne: 434.78

    Wine Boxes Litre per Tonne: 978.26

    Wine Boxes Total: 825,642,608.70

    Wine Boxes per capita (Rackhams): 5,504.28

    Wine Boxes Litres per capita (Rackhams): 12,384.64

    USA Population: 328,200,000 - Wine Bottles per capita: 4.63 - Wine Boxes per capita: 2.52

    Scotland Population: 5,454,000 - Wine Bottles per capita: 278.54 - Wine Boxes per capita:151.38

    Olympic Swimming Pool Volume (L): 2,500,000

    Olympic Swimming Pools if Bottles of Wine: 455.75

    Olympic Swimming Pools if Boxes of Wine: 743.08

    London Bus Volume (L): 112,500.0

    London Busses if Bottles of Wine: 10,127.88

    London Busses if Boxes of Wine: 16,512.85

    Statue of Liberty Volume (L): 2,500,000

    Statue of Liberty if Bottles of Wine: 455.75

    Statue of Liberty if Boxes of Wine: 743.08

    For live & updated details on carrier stock as well as which is currently open for business please join our Discord Server Pilots Trade Network Discord Invite , we have an epic and growing community of over 1,450 members now (1,454 at time of writing) , and over 1,159 Reddit members /PilotsTradeNetwork. Note for events like this, due to popularity and demand we strongly recommend to join Discord if only for events like this to help coordinate.

    What is the Booze Cruise?


    The system HIP 58832 is the rooftop of the galaxy. There is no other system which is "higher" *Although, which way is up in space?*.

    In this system there is an observatory operated by Rackham Capital Investments. Next to this there is the lovely outpost Rackham's Peak with one of the best views in the galaxy. The corporate members and attendants enjoy a good party or public holiday (PW) for approximately 2 days, and well…. Let's just say they enjoy their booze a little too much… But hey, it's good business, so let them party as much as they want.

    So all they want during such a public holiday is alcohol, and we deliver

    them what they want… in massive quantity! P.T.N. Carriers as well as PTN affiliates/members will be hauling wine from the bubble up to Rackham's Peak for the party. As this is over 5000 Ly away from the bubble and it takes approximately 6 or so hours to get there, so this is quite a cruise... and a quiet cruise too (apart from a few carrier honks). Have a look outside on the way, you come quickly to the point where the galaxy is on one side, and nothing on the other side…. It sure is a sight to behold!

    So why do we do this?


    Out of the 3 main beverages they prefer, wine is the most profitable. On a normal day they offer 33k cr/per unit, but on a public holiday the price goes up to more than 278k cr/per unit! . So 15,000 units of wine on a carrier equates to roughly 4 billion credits!

    Due to the fact Rackham's Peak is accessible by **Medium/Small ships only*\, *we would strongly recommend a Python for this trade mission*, and flying brave with no shield means you can cram 288 units of cargo into it, whilst still having flight assists if you so choose... That's over 77 million profit per single wine trade run! \fancy hey?*. This is an insanely huge profit, about 12 Pythons full of Wine, and you go from Penniless to Elite Trader... Just be sure to race to load up as much wine as you possibly can, there will be plenty of other CMDRs after these juicy profits!

    How much do you earn and why do you invite other people?


    The carrier owners do not earn credits from trading the wine itself on or off the carrier and usually technically loose on this as we typically pay max value to load & lowest value on the offload.

    Each carrier has to load approximately 3,500 units of Tritium (50-65kCr) for the journey there and back, so roughly 175 million or more, so the owners will typically do a few runs minimum to cover base costs… and well… like any pilot, try to make a decent bunch of credits out of it.

    However, we can't be having all this fun sigh fun… say that after hearing "Docking request denied" for the millionth time after trying to dock at the small station that's crowded with oblivious NPC's! …. Any way… As I was saying… We're the Pilots Trade Network (P.T.N.) and we like to share & facilitate the best trades known in this little galaxy we call home.

    Note whilst some carriers may be locked exclusively for platform specific squadron members only, a vast portion of the fleet will be coordinating open/closed timed markets to try to ensure a fair share of the wine/profits for all. **Please follow the relevant Discord Channels for the details of this, as well as the carrier channel of those who you plan to land on for up-to-date information were possible*\*

    Whilst we do not require you to join our Squadron (PTNS on each platform), obviously we would be pleased if you do so and want to stick around. The Pilots Trade Network is an open & independent corporation, so all are welcome to join in and take part in trading whether squadron members or not. There is no need to leave your current squadron *unless of course you want to join, however it would be of bad spirit to join the squadron only to access cargo set aside for our dedicated members.*

    We fully understand if you don't want to leave your current Squadron, and we are ok if you do not want to join a Squadron at all.

    Where do I find the info which FC has Wine to sell?


    Have a look in the #expedition-alerts channel in discord and the channels called booze cruise.

    There you should see if currently a FC is selling wine, and what the limitations are (if any).

    **Important Information To Note*\*


    **You can only get to the system with a Fleet Carrier (FC)*\*

    Due to the remote location of the destination system HIP 58832 high above the galactic plane, you **cannot*\* plot a route out of the system in a ship as it is **only accessible via fleet carrier*\*. As the route up there takes a long time, if you wish to leave early or otherwise get back to the bubble without the use of a fleet carrier there are two ways.

    1. You can purchase a hard point from Rackham's Peak station and 'shoot' the station in order to get a fine/be arrested (if you dock once getting a fine and pay it under the authority contact, you should be taken to a NPC prison carrier back in the bubble once you pay the fine/re-buy cost. You can then take off from there safely back in normal space.
    2. Bring a disposable ship with you for the journey (a sidewinder is best, and one that you don't mind loosing permanently) Hop in the 'disposable ship' once you want to go back to the bubble, and destroy it. Then choose the option *not to pay the re-buy cost\. This will then cause you to respawn back in the bubble in a fresh sidewinder. Take note transferring any of your ships to/from Rackham's Peak takes a long time & is costly. *To repeat again, you will loose the ship you destroy using this method permanently you cannot get it back by any means.**

    **We will take you there AND back on our carriers*\* If you don't wish to blow yourself up or cause a ruckus at the station, they're will be many official P.T.N carriers at Rackham's Peak, and we will ensure to give a final boarding call for each carrier once the party ends and we each start to travel home.

    We recommend joining the Discord if only for this trade run if you are coming along, as you have access to talk to the carrier owners, see updated information and ask for help if needed It is a long way there and back, so company is always appreciated. We hope you'll stick around with us afterwards obviously as it's always good fun talking with the commanders out there. Pilots Trade Network Discord Invite

    Wine price link evidence to Inara (278,755cr per unit) - https://inara.cz/commodity/14/ - Note this event lasts a maximum of 48 hours from todays server tick 6th June 3307, so will end 8th June 3307.

    Pilots Trade Network is an independent Fleet Carrier Trading Corporation.

    Everybody is welcome regardless of squadron or faction, so if you like making space bucks' in a friendly open environment you've come to the right place. It has been a fantastic and humbling journey to have so many people get involved, we have many exciting plans for the future and as always many more opportunities for credits.

    submitted by /u/91Law
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    cmdrs I send greetings from the depth of space

    Posted: 06 Jun 2021 07:44 AM PDT

    Took a little over 3 years but finally got my Triple Elite! I've never been so thrilled over a Decal and a box of text ����

    Posted: 06 Jun 2021 07:47 AM PDT

    Did I find a cloaking device?

    Posted: 06 Jun 2021 04:25 AM PDT

    Odyssey exploration gameplay should have done more with Geology

    Posted: 06 Jun 2021 09:50 AM PDT

    So earlier ( https://reddit.com/r/EliteDangerous/comments/nkn4e7/odysseys_suits_could_have_done_more_with_the/ ) I had a post about some ideas I wanted to get out of my head, and right now some of the notions about geological exploration in Odyssey I passed over have percolated sufficiently through my brainsponge to maybe be worthwhile sharing.

    So... Geology. Was a major feature of horizons and has been changed in Odyssey. Probably the change is more immersive, but from a gameplay standpoint, it's a straight downgrade making an already bad grind for raw materials even more terrible.

    So... Part of this is making some assumptions on the changes to raw material spawning in Odyssey being 1) intentional, 2) consistent, persistent and here to stay, and 3) having materials spawn on the surface according to their abundance in the planetary composition (meaning G2+ raw material spots should be on every planet, just increasingly very hard to find by random chance the higher grade (and rarer) the material).

    And also giving players some tools to deal with that other than brute force, raw RNG and sheer bloody mindedness.

    In the absence of a proper tool being modeled and added to any of the suits, let's allow the Gene scanner to sample geological features. Or maybe the arc cutter? Both?

    Anyway, same drill as with life: Scan it, get a codex voucher for doing it (like scanning it with a composition scanner), and a sample.

    Geo samples can be handed in to Vista for a small payout - say they're cooperating with a mining company for this, or something - if FDev wanted to be Extra maybe switch some of the Vista vendors for the mining companys vendors while offering the same services, for some more variety in concourse interiors.

    You only need one sample to get a payout for geology, though it'd be small. You'd also get a progress bar and you'd need to fill it with different samples from all over the planet to get a full geological profile of the planet, which would be worth loads of credits, but also have another other utility for you, and for other players you choose to share the information with: Raw materials.

    When you collect a sample, it'd say [Feature - Material] so Nitrogen-ice fumarole - Sulphur. Or the like. The material is what you'd get if you shot at a minable with the srv. And it's what matters for the progress bar - so if the planet composition is 22% sulphur, that's 22% on the progress bar. The credit payout would be per material with the higher grade ones being worth lots, and lower grade ones being pocket change.

    But once you've got a sample, open up the planetary map and check the filters (and yeah - that should be a thing too, don't get me started), you now have a filter: Geological/Materials, which shows the planet highlit in two colors now you've got one sample: In this case, Sulphur, and Other, with sulphur covering a bit less than a quarter of the planet that's not devoid of features to sample.

    So you place a marker on the planet map (why is this also not a thing!?) and fly over to somewhere that's "other". Land, find a geological feature, and take a sample. Nitrogen ice-fumarole - Iron. Your map filter now shows three colors, Iron, Sulphur, Other. Progress bar is more than halfway done 2 of ?? materials, but these are the common elements.

    And thus you'd work your way down through the common mats, to the less common ones, to the outright rare ones, gradually filling in the map and progress bar, and noting down the locations of higher grade materials spots. Complete set of samples can be sold for lots of credits, but also shows you where on a planet you can collect (almost?) every material that shows up in the planets composition.

    Hell, even if it's just a simple map filter only viewable from orbital cruise or above, that divvies the planet up into "sampled" "not sampled" and "nothing worth sampling" would allow players to find stuff if they put in the work (and take notes on locations for the rarer stuff).

    submitted by /u/CmdrJonen
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    Material rewards for Odyssey quests STILL bugged (video proof). Very frustrating Fdev

    Posted: 06 Jun 2021 01:04 PM PDT

    First time visiting California Nebula

    Posted: 06 Jun 2021 01:25 PM PDT

    Elite Dangerous VR - Eclips

    Posted: 06 Jun 2021 03:16 AM PDT

    Elite Dangerous: Iron Man (G5 Bazooka Meme Build)

    Posted: 06 Jun 2021 01:37 AM PDT

    Been playing for several months now and I've gone on exploration trips before, but heading to Colonia and then Sag A* for the first time now. Some screenshots of the trip so far!

    Posted: 06 Jun 2021 02:20 AM PDT

    2 million credits reward for transport and it's just one jump away?? SWEET!

    Posted: 06 Jun 2021 01:54 AM PDT

    FDev, please keep Horizon the way it is...

    Posted: 06 Jun 2021 05:17 AM PDT

    Dear FDev,

    for the love of god, please keep Horizon as a separate mode the way it is right now. You can fiddle around on Odyssey, delay patches or never finish it all, but please do not take Horizon away. I really, really like Elite and I will keep playing it; maybe even buy some ARX, but "updating" it to the Odyssey ligthing and planet generation will just kill Elite all together for me. I can run Odyssey fine, with some fps-drops in settlements, but it just looks, feels and plays terrible (contrast just screwed up, lighting is all over the place and stars look like dots on a wall, jagged edges on night vision becoming the nr. one cause for stage 4 eye cancer in the northern hemisphere, broken UI, bugs over bugs and even more bugs).

    I will gladly play Odyssey once it is play-worthy, but until then, just let me play Elite in Horizon.


    a fan

    submitted by /u/FCHansaRostock
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    Look up at the sky... It burns...

    Posted: 06 Jun 2021 02:07 PM PDT

    Integrate Odyssey more into the missions.

    Posted: 06 Jun 2021 09:16 AM PDT

    This game needs to bring Ships, SRV's and On foot into one missions. I want to feel like Odyssey is apart of the main game and not a separate entity . A big way to do this would be to include missions such as assassination missions where you have to meet a contact at an outpost or at a random location on a planet and they would give you details on where to find your target. Or maybe they would ambush you and your target would actually be there. There could also be espionage missions where you need to scan a data port with an SRV which would give you the location of the data you need to steal. Missions that include all three modes would drastically improve the experience and not make you feel like you either accept main game missions or odyssey missions.

    submitted by /u/CoconutKeneth
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    New planetary terrain generation is amazing

    Posted: 06 Jun 2021 01:48 PM PDT

    Oh the possibilities when this gets fully optimized...

    Posted: 06 Jun 2021 09:52 AM PDT

    Cyberpunk vibes in ED

    Posted: 06 Jun 2021 12:29 AM PDT

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