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    Tuesday, July 20, 2021

    Elite Dangerous [DAILY Q&A] Ask and answer any questions you have about the game here!

    Elite Dangerous [DAILY Q&A] Ask and answer any questions you have about the game here!

    [DAILY Q&A] Ask and answer any questions you have about the game here!

    Posted: 20 Jul 2021 08:50 AM PDT

    Greetings, Commanders! This is the Daily Q&A post for /r/EliteDangerous

    If you have any questions about any topic, whether it be for the moderators, tips and tricks for piloting or general gameplay/development questions please post here!

    Please check new comments and help answer to the best of your ability so we can see this community flourish!

    Remember to check previous daily Q&A threads and the New Q&A FAQ.

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    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    The Elite Dangerous release cycle (unofficial)

    Posted: 20 Jul 2021 08:41 AM PDT

    This is based purely on my own observations over the years which may help people to put things in perspective

    1. Announce an (expansion/update/feature) in a deceptively worded press release that the community will interpret in the most positive possible way. Do not correct their interpretation.
    2. Postpone the release.
    3. Postpone it again.
    4. Run an alpha.
    5. Receive feedback from players committed enough to perform voluntary, unpaid QA for FDev.
    6. Promise to work on identified problems relating to (grind/design/technology).
    7. Do not fix issues relating to (grind/design/technology).
    8. Release (expansion/update/feature) which is (broken/grindy/lacking features/a combination of all three) but is, none-the -less, consistent with the worst possible reading of your initial announcement.
    9. Watch as the community loses its collective mind.
    10. Appear genuinely surprised that the community has reacted that way.
    11. Work to fix the problems.
    12. Release a new build the company is happy with.
    13. Be amazed when the build falls short of community expectations.
    14. Apologise for how FDev has communicated with the community and promise to be more open.
    15. Briefly communicate more openly before having someone explain that it's better that developers not say too much so that the community does not get unrealistic expectations. After all, that's marketing's job.
    16. Get the game to a state where it is (less broken/slightly less grindy).
    17. Say that it's good enough for now and that further iterations may address any outstanding issues.
    18. Allow time to pass so that community anger runs out of steam and settles into the normal background level of cynicism about FDev's (ability/willingness) to make Elite Dangerous the game the players want it to be.
    19. Repeat.
    submitted by /u/mitcho13
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    Fell asleep while in supercruise. Flew .10ly before I woke up. Stripped off most of what paint I had left. Excited to see how close to bare metal I get.

    Posted: 20 Jul 2021 08:07 AM PDT

    What in the goddamn

    Posted: 19 Jul 2021 10:27 PM PDT

    This fleet carrier was being worked on right outside an orbital station. Had to share this screenshot with everyone, just so cool.

    Posted: 20 Jul 2021 09:57 AM PDT

    Should I risk and try to overcharge my FSD?

    Posted: 20 Jul 2021 06:37 AM PDT

    After tons of missions and hours of gameplay, I got the SOL permit! What an amazing game...

    Posted: 20 Jul 2021 10:06 AM PDT

    How would I fix Elite Dangerous?

    Posted: 20 Jul 2021 08:23 AM PDT

    So... in an effort to take on feedback and present a positive vibe for the future of Elite Dangerous - Here's another video - "How would I fix Elite Dangerous?"




    submitted by /u/drewwagar
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    Burn baby, burn

    Posted: 20 Jul 2021 02:49 PM PDT

    What a programmer, playing as an Explorer, would ask to FDev if he could. (not Odyssey related)

    Posted: 20 Jul 2021 01:13 AM PDT

    Hey, FDev. I'm Italian, so please pardon my poor english.

    I would like to ask you why there's so much unfinished mechanics and "unused options".

    Now, i'm talking about general ship stuffs, and mostly related to flight/module/management. I play mostly exploration, and i've done other activities (mining, trading, combat) only to the minimum required to boost my exploration stuffs (= engineering grind) to the max.

    While i don't really know what's under the hood of ED, as a programmer i can estimate that my questions/requests are not so absurd or so hard to be implemented, and that's why i'm asking for.

    Anyway, here's my questions:

    1. Why i can't (de)activate optionals fuel tank modules? So that i have full control on the fuel (and mass) of my ship? A deactivated tank should not fill when scooping and not being emptied when using fuel. You already have the mechanics of modules activation, it should not be different from other modules.
    2. Why i can't dump fuel like i do with other cargo? It could be treated exactly like the other cargo, i could select how many Tons of fuel i want to dump and so i could manage the mass and jumping range of my exploration ship. You already have the mechanics of cargo dump, it should not be different from the others commodities dump.
    3. Why i can't see how much fuel i have in Tons? It tells me how much i burn in tons/h, but how much i have in %. I see that the % is useful in the most cases (and usually it is when the consumption is'nt), but sometimes i want to stay under a specific tonnage 'cause jump range and i have no way to look at that value.
    4. Why i can't (optionally?) link the fuel scoop to a fire button or a key, so i can choose how much fuel i want to scoop while in the proximity of a scoopable star? Maybe a different fuel scoop module? but if you don't want "module proliferation" (a thing i've read somewhere) just a tiny change in the existing one is enough. You already have the mechanics to toggle things on and off.
    5. Why there's not a key to toggle the SuperCruise Assist? You already have the mechanics to toggle things on and off.
    6. Could the cargo door of the SRV follow the "picking logic" of the limpets? I see how now it follows the ship "cargo door logic" (= pick only what's targetted) but while in a ship there no other way to see and pickup objects (and i like the "minigame" of aligning and scooping them) in the SRV you just run over them, but you can't target (fast) what you don't have in the front. The "Limpet logic" (pick everything if no target, else pick only the targetted one) would be much more pleasant and functional: the commander just runs over the things and they got sucked. You already have the logic, is it so hard to port it on the SRV?
    7. Why the star maps shows me all the "normal jump" lines for the star i can reach, but not the "neutron enhanced jump" i could do? With the right filter for the stars, i could see where to go with a "supercharge". You already know where i can go, and already shows me jumps line, it should not be so hard to let me see also the long ones.
    8. Why the plotted route lines have to be scaled with the galactic zoom? i'd like to zoom out and see where the route passes, but the lines disappears. They should remain visible no matter the zoom.
    9. (Odyssey) why the "SRV door light" (the moving yellow lines from the ship) can't touch the ground like the "human elevator light" do? it won't break the game balance in any way while making the boarding a bit easier.
    10. (this is more complex, but while i'm here....): about grinding manufactured stuffs: why not implementing "mining" for it? I imagine a big, big ship wreck that i have to "mine": i fire lasers (either for mining or standard weapons) and materials starts popping out. The whole hull should be like, say, 10 asteroids, so i pass a good amount of time there without that awful log-off/log-on trick, and when the hull's done i've got a good amount of stuffs. This will follow all the already existing game mechanics (mining & destroying stuffs to pop materials) and it is basically another representation of them. And it is "play", not "grind".

    Thanks for your attention.

    Cmdr Parduz


    submitted by /u/TheRedParduz
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    Wallpaper generator

    Posted: 20 Jul 2021 07:29 AM PDT

    Odyssey the ghost busting game.

    Posted: 19 Jul 2021 04:57 PM PDT

    Today I was informed my docking computer had Malware.

    Posted: 20 Jul 2021 12:31 AM PDT

    Today I was informed my docking computer had Malware.

    Greetings Commanders. I want to share probably the most unique experience I've had in my 350 hours of Elite Dangerous so far. I really wish I had screenshots of this, but I wasn't thinking about it at the time, so images of my EDDiscovery log will have to do.

    I was cruising through Deciat in my bubble taxi, on my way to Farseer Outpost. I have a passenger Python I wanted to transfer there for engineering, but that's beside the point.

    I noticed a peculiar set of messages pop up.


    Thus I experienced my first player Interdiction, which I discovered is... basically impossible to win? I was in a DBX, which is the most nimble ship I have, and I was getting roasted in that minigame. Anyway...


    They wanted me to turn off auto-reporting. Sketchy, I thought, but my ship wasn't expensive, I wasn't hauling any cargo, and it's not like I was going to win a fight anyway, so I played along. I turned off Auto-Reporting crimes and waited.


    Shots started coming in, my hull was getting damaged. I was starting to get worried my ship would get blown up, but it seems the opposing Commander knew that and offered an alternative. So, I turn off my docking computer and he lets me go. I thank him for his warning and continue to Farseer Outpost.


    But the story doesn't end there. I realize I can't transfer a ship to Farseer Outpost, so I look for the nearest station. Aha, Garay Terminal. I lock it in and head back into Supercruise. Suddenly...


    Foolishly, I forgot to remove my docking computer! I thought I would be interdicted again, but alas, I was allowed to proceed to Garay Terminal. I manually docked, immediately went to outfitting, then removed my docking computer. I mean, who wants malware on their ship?


    After completing the task, I reported the good news to the Commander with enthusiasm. It's manual docking for me from now on!

    Moments like these are why I choose to play in Open. There's a risk, sure, for losing my ship, losing my cargo, losing hours of hard work. But stuff like this... you just aren't gonna get that in solo mode. And to me, that is so worth it.

    Watch out for malware, fellow commanders. o7

    submitted by /u/TheBellTollsFGO
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    I tried out blender for the first time and made and rendered a landscape

    Posted: 20 Jul 2021 03:27 PM PDT

    An Honest Opinion of Every Ship I've Flown [Day 3]: The Asp Explorer

    Posted: 20 Jul 2021 09:08 AM PDT

    I planned to post this yesterday, but as it turns out, there's a rule against posting similar discussion topics more than once per day. I'm going to comply with these rules, although I don't really agree with the approach. As such, I'm limited to one honest opinion per day. Sorry!


    Ah, the Explorer. This lovely little ship was my very first medium vessel, and for a good reason: I had stayed up all night making plans, doing research, looking into what would be the perfect next upgrade from my Viper Mk IV, and I came to the conclusion that, for what I wanted to do, the Asp Explorer was perfect. I grinded out courier and massacre missions for three whole weeks, then flew down to my local starport, and boy oh boy was I excited to get started.

    As always, this is not a statistics showoff or showcase of facts and knowledge, this is an opinion piece, and I hope that it will be treated as such. Now let's dive right in!

    FULL DISCLOSURE: I have a little bit of bias here, so let me acknowledge it right now: the Asp is not for everyone, and just because I'm about to sing my praises of this ship for the next hour doesn't mean I believe it to be the best ship there is. I'm just overly fond of this ship, somewhat out of sentiment, somewhat out of preference. Now back to the opinion!


    TL;DR: The Asp Explorer was my first medium vessel, and arguably one of my favorite ships, period. It can do a little bit of everything, regardless of the name, and I would happily recommend it to any new commanders looking for a flexible, agile, jack-of-all-trades vessel. The canopy, while nice to look at, is a huge disadvantage in combat, however.


    Though the ASPX is the 3rd ship I ever purchased, it's the 2nd ship I bought and kept for longer than 10 minutes. I went from the Sidewinder to the Eagle (for like 10 minutes, as said earlier), then back to the Sidewinder, skipped a few ships to the Viper Mk IV, then the ASPX. It was a real grind to get to it, but in my opinion, I'm glad I stuck it through: it's the ship I ended up using the most, before getting to where I am now.

    Firstly, as a freighting vessel the ASPX is a relatively inefficient, but perfectly usable option at 130 tonnes maximum. With a shield and docking implements, you can reach a modest 112 tonnes, which is no laughing number. Combine that with a considerable attack profile (which I will get to in a moment) and you have a ship that's relatively hard to steal from, and can carry a nice haul. In my experience, I didn't use it much for freighting, as that would come later, but it's a perfectly viable option.

    In my opinion, the ASPX is one of the single best bounty hunting vessels early on. Notice how I said bounty hunting, and not combat as a whole: I'll get there soon. With 6 hardpoints, you have a lot of flexibility in your loadouts, and unlike the DBX, you don't have such severe power management issues. You also carry 4 utility mounts, which is more than enough to carry boosters, chaff, a KWS and whatever 4th peripheral you desire. Additionally, the ASPX is rather fast, and boasts some formidable maneuverability for a medium vessel, on par with the likes of the Alliance Chieftain (I believe) or the FDL (which I have never flown).

    And of course, per its namesake, the ASPX is a very viable alternative to the DBX, if you desire more comfort over utility. While the DBX has theoretically higher jump range, the ASPX has a significantly easier time keeping itself powered, and has much MUCH more space for all the QOL modules. A C6 fuel scoop will get you filled up much faster than a C4!

    As a mining vessel, the ASPX is usable, although it's a little inefficient. It's particularly hard to defend yourself: if you equip one of each necessary mining tool, you only have 2 small hardpoints for defense, which is hardly enough. That said, you can carry a modest amount of refined material, and still fit a shield. Still, I would recommend something more tailored towards mining.

    That said... the ASPX has some glaring issues.

    Firstly, the ASP struggles to control its heat. Unlike its Diamondback brother, the ASPX has no power management issues, but runs much hotter, while the DBX runs like an ice cube, but can't power itself. Additionally, the ASPX has noticeably lower jump range than the DBX, but balances this by being able to carry a C5 Guardian FSD Booster, compared to the DBX's C4 cap.

    Furthermore, while 6 hardpoints sounds like a lot of firepower, all of these modules are either small or medium, meaning that against a Large ship, the ASPX is reduced to almost half of its base DPS, and that's before accounting for armor hardness and resistances! At a comparable price, one could obtain a Vulture, which would be much more suited towards anti-large combat.

    Which segways into arguably my biggest issue with the ASPX, and what I believe nearly prevents it from being useful in a CZ: the canopy.

    Aside from looking cool, the canopy is a nuisance. It protrudes so very far from the body of the ship that one well-placed cannon shot would shatter it, and this has happened to me numerous times - particularly in Conflict Zones. At least in my experiences, the CZs are no joke, compared to the Haz Res sites I'm used to. If your shields go down, you're in for a rough time, and the ASPX is the worst example of this: your canopy is nearly guaranteed to break. Now aside from putting you on emergency oxygen, losing your canopy also cuts down your HUD, making it very VERY difficult to fly, and nearly impossible to track your targets, guns, and missile alarms. Generally speaking, if I lose my canopy in a fight, I tend to just run, because it's easier and safer.

    This, combined with the fact that the ASPX has relatively soft armor and not-exactly-fantastic shields, makes for a ship that can be tricky to use in pure combat. It's definitely not impossible, but I would strongly recommend a better suited ship for Conflict Zones. High(ish) DPS is an attractive prospect, but the ASPX is a bit of a glass cannon.

    Regardless, the ASPX is a capable vessel, and I'm glad it was my introduction to the Medium ships. About 3 months after I bought it, I stripped it for parts, and sold the chassis to buy a Krait Mk II, a decision that, in hindsight, perhaps wasn't the right one. Still, Ganymede lives on in my Krait, as the FSD hasn't been changed at all. The ASPX served me well, and it is still to date one of my personal favorites. While I can't really advise it for raw combat, it will perform adequately against pirates - or even as a pirate - and can get some nice jump number while still affording all of the luxury modules, to include an SRV.

    That concludes my review for the day. Thanks again for reading, and I look forward to reading the comments. Stay safe, and Fly Dangerous. o7

    submitted by /u/JesterTheSheep
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    Huh, can't find the drill button.

    Posted: 20 Jul 2021 02:43 PM PDT

    It looks like the Far God cult may have some validity to it after all..

    Posted: 19 Jul 2021 07:50 PM PDT

    Teaka Elite Altruists Bagging? Really? This has to be deliberate.

    Posted: 20 Jul 2021 11:27 AM PDT

    We will not go quietly into the night.

    Posted: 19 Jul 2021 09:11 PM PDT

    I just pick a direction and start jumping, I was both thrilled to come across these by chance, but also sad I wasn't the first to scan the system. One day !

    Posted: 20 Jul 2021 12:53 PM PDT

    They told me it was far away. Just... Not that far away

    Posted: 20 Jul 2021 11:08 AM PDT

    Coming home, comrades!

    Posted: 19 Jul 2021 11:23 PM PDT

    Apparently, on-foot combat counts as regular combat and gives ship-based combat experience.

    Posted: 19 Jul 2021 02:36 PM PDT

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