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    Wednesday, July 7, 2021

    Elite Dangerous [DAILY Q&A] Ask and answer any questions you have about the game here!

    Elite Dangerous [DAILY Q&A] Ask and answer any questions you have about the game here!

    [DAILY Q&A] Ask and answer any questions you have about the game here!

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 08:50 AM PDT

    Greetings, Commanders! This is the Daily Q&A post for /r/EliteDangerous

    If you have any questions about any topic, whether it be for the moderators, tips and tricks for piloting or general gameplay/development questions please post here!

    Please check new comments and help answer to the best of your ability so we can see this community flourish!

    Remember to check previous daily Q&A threads and the New Q&A FAQ.

    WikiCareer ChartLore (Brief) • ThargoidsSagittarius Eye MagazineThe Elite Squadron

    Game Update Summaries: CoreHorizonsBeyond2019-2020

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    3D-printed model of a Coriolis Station

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 05:25 AM PDT

    Ship interior shot, from back in 2014

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 10:01 AM PDT

    I modelled and 3D-printed the Maverick helmet

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 01:24 PM PDT

    finally i can visit my home!

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 12:18 AM PDT

    Elite Dangerous History - The Odyssey Launch Debacle

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 08:36 AM PDT

    Probably my last Elite Dangerous video for a while folks as I'm putting EDO on hold until Fdev gets its shizzle together and fixes the game properly. Just keeping my 'history' series up to date with the ongoing story of the game development.

    ...and at least on reddit I hope I won't get suspiciously moderated to some obscure part of the internet like certain places I could mention. ;)


    Full playlist here > https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlDouuF9NmkdBYYdb0MCVHHaiNhKgzTdw

    Right on Commanders and farewell for now. I'm off to play NMS.



    submitted by /u/drewwagar
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    DTEA - Dear Frontier - Let's talk Ship Interiors in Elite Dangerous Odyssey

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 01:31 PM PDT

    This was the scariest, coolest and most atmospheric moment I've experienced in ED yet. Responded to a distress call. Ended up rather distressed.

    Posted: 06 Jul 2021 05:54 PM PDT

    NPC invents new meta for avoiding unwanted authority scans.

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 11:08 AM PDT

    Odyssey working as intended

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 06:50 AM PDT

    Back out in the fun stuff! Allow me to introduce stars B, C, D, and E.

    Posted: 06 Jul 2021 08:40 PM PDT

    Got major Guardians of the Galaxy Vibes

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 02:59 PM PDT

    These are bigger than I thought!

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 01:55 PM PDT

    Log4: Still out here, in the dark, but.. It is so beautiful, although, I am missing home, I think, I found an new one out here

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 01:46 AM PDT

    Investing in FPS for Odyssey is a strategic mistake and management should be fired for this

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 03:07 AM PDT

    They say only a Sith deals with absolute but I want to say an absolute here:

    The EDO first-person shooting experience is absolutely rubbish, it is about 15 years behind the industry, there is not a single aspect of the EDO FPS that's worth a cent.

    I don't blame FDev for conjuring this FPS joke into my beloved space game; Afterall FPS is not their forte. I blame high-corporate imbeciles who made them do it. The man in the suit must be fired.


    So here's the thing: First Person Shooting genre is highly saturated and competitive. Competitive in terms of technology and gameplay. If you look at breakthroughs in gaming history it is rather frequently an FPS game did it. We all know how groundbreaking DOOM 1993 was. Id Software practically invented the modern real-time 3D rendering engine with Quake. Half-life introduced new first-person storytelling and advanced AI. Call of Duty integrated interactive action scene. Battlefield made massive warring possible. Borderlands stole random equipment generation from Diablo and made that into an FPS. Half-life Alyx made a breakthrough in VR FPS. There are milliary-realistic/simulation-oriented FPS like ARMA. There are the likes of Crysis, Doom Eternal and Metro that push the boundary of Computer Graphics. And we haven't yet mentioned smaller/indie FPS such as Deep Rock Galatic, Portal, Left4Dead that are not as groundbreaking but are very innovative on their gameplay.

    The point being, if you publish an FPS game and put a full price tag on it, it is in direct competition with the likes of Id Software, Bungie, DICE, 4A Games, Valve etc. To NOT be a joke you'd need to do at least one of the following:

    1. Use existing commercial 3D engines such as CryEngine or Unreal, or
    2. Have a full house of genius CG engineers who can rival John Carmack in the 90s, or
    3. Have a unique perspective and give players new experiences (And this alone doesn't justify a full price tag, it needs to be discounted)

    And we all know Frontier has no shot for the first and the second point. There's a certain hope of getting point 3 if FDevs could combine the FPS experience with the excellent space theme and mechanics established by ED. And Frontier botched that too.

    So in the end, we are looking at an FPS experience that is inferior in any way possible.

    Very poor performance.

    Graphics in 2008.

    Cliche guns and awkward pew pew feeling.

    Grinding that's light years behind Diablo 1998.

    Limited enemy variation and idiotic AI.

    Barely functional multiplayer. Limited multi-player game modes.

    As an ED player, if I get to fight at somewhere epic (in a ship, in an orbit station or on a quick spinning asteroid), it is still some experience that only ED can provide, regardless of how rubbish the rest of FPS is. Unfortunately in Oddessy, once you are dropped into the conflict zone, the Astro background of the game simply has nothing to do with the FPS part except maybe gravity affects how high you can jump.


    Again FDevs are not to blame. If you are an average person, you don't compete in the Olympics and be blamed for losing.

    The problem is what makes the Suit Man think it's a good idea to - instead of implementing features the community asked for years, are relatively low risk and would certainly bring financial gain - invest a large amount of money and time for an FPS game that FDdevs have no experience for and nobody asked for???

    Does the Suit Man wants to compete with Star Citizen?

    You know Star Citizen is based on CryEngine/Lumberjack which is literally an FPS engine... right?

    Who made that decision?

    Find him and fire him.

    submitted by /u/Alienbat2
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    My SK Dolphin Blueprints of Deep space explorer variant. Full free blueprints download at this link: https://ufile.io/aebykmpr #EliteDangerous #elitedangerousodyssey #SaudKrugerDolphin #commandercreations

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 04:14 PM PDT

    Instant killing Cyclops YouTube videos be like:

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 12:50 AM PDT

    Found a star orbiting another star

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 01:14 PM PDT

    Just some Pictures of my current expedition

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 06:22 AM PDT

    Discovered my first Earthlike world today, after 1 1/2 months of playing ED

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 10:47 AM PDT

    Night life on a foreign world!

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 02:03 PM PDT

    Review of Elite: Dangerous & Odyssey ✨

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 09:04 AM PDT

    Finally finished my trip to Colonia & Sag. A, here are the best parts of my trip

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 09:09 AM PDT

    I genuinely thought you were all being dramatic about performance issues.

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 05:22 AM PDT

    I'm so sorry I doubted any of you.

    I pre-ordered Odyssey earlier in the year but couldn't get it working. A GPU driver update, Steam files integrity verified and another patch later, I finally managed to launch it.

    My god, what a disappointment.

    How did they manage to completely destroy all performance?

    I'm running a 4770K & a 2060. In Horizons, that 1440p Ultra quality and a stable 60fps.

    The fire in the training mission brought my system to it's knees at 5fps on low.

    After finally venting the room on my slideshow, I returned back to 35fps and proceeded to finish the training mission.

    That's not even mentioning the concourse or any landing pad.

    How did they ruin this stunning game?

    I feel like I've been cheated. I want my money back.

    submitted by /u/VaegaVic
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