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    Monday, November 29, 2021

    Elite Dangerous [DAILY Q&A] Ask and answer any questions you have about the game here!

    Elite Dangerous [DAILY Q&A] Ask and answer any questions you have about the game here!

    [DAILY Q&A] Ask and answer any questions you have about the game here!

    Posted: 29 Nov 2021 10:00 AM PST

    Greetings, Commanders! This is the Daily Q&A post for /r/EliteDangerous

    If you have any questions about any topic, whether it be for the moderators, tips and tricks for piloting or general gameplay/development questions please post here!

    Please check new comments and help answer to the best of your ability so we can see this community flourish!

    Remember to check previous daily Q&A threads and the New Q&A FAQ.

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    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    oh it's coming together

    Posted: 29 Nov 2021 10:39 AM PST

    "Docking request approved Cmdr."

    Posted: 29 Nov 2021 06:02 AM PST

    Words Cannot Describe...

    Posted: 28 Nov 2021 09:18 PM PST

    High-Intensity nights in Mudhrid system

    Posted: 29 Nov 2021 07:45 AM PST

    son of a-

    Posted: 29 Nov 2021 10:34 AM PST

    My Three Suns

    Posted: 29 Nov 2021 01:24 PM PST

    "Flight Ops, LDP Deep Messenger down safe, Mos Eisley Intergalactic (MEI) spaceport, request cold fuel."

    Posted: 29 Nov 2021 10:06 AM PST

    My anaconda impersonating an anaconda (of the pants)

    Posted: 29 Nov 2021 10:57 AM PST

    another Black Ship: Viper IV "Vers la Flamme"

    Posted: 29 Nov 2021 08:09 AM PST

    Sometimes, while you explore the galaxy, you gotta stop and smell the roses…

    Posted: 29 Nov 2021 11:36 AM PST

    A guide to unlocking the Guardian Ship Launched Fighters (SLFs)

    Posted: 29 Nov 2021 07:13 AM PST

    A guide to unlocking the Guardian Ship Launched Fighters (SLFs)

    The XG9 Lance, equipped with 3 Guardian Gauss Cannons


    So you want a guardian fighter? Well, you're in the right place for that. This guide is intended primarily for new players looking to unlock these eye-candy fighters, but even if you're a veteran who isn't quite sure what to expect from the guardian sites, stick around, you might find something helpful!

    Remember that there are great videos on youtube to watch about this very same process, but sometimes text lets you go at your own pace. With that being said, let's start with a warning:


    Unless you're in a wing, then go for it?

    Variations and Requirements

    Before we talk about methods and ships, we need to talk about the three fighters. Each variant has its own armament choice. They are:

    • XG7 Trident: Plasma Autocannon
    • XG8 Javelin: Shard Cannon
    • XG9 Lance: Gauss Cannon

    True to all SLFs, they're all fast and manoeuvrable. These fighters, being derived from guardian technology, are naturally quite good at fighting the thargoids, but their hull strength leaves a bit to be desired when dealing with caustic damage. On the whole, however, they're a great weapon and are perfectly functional against most human ships.

    Visually, these fighters are nothing short of stunning, with their blue propulsion trails, polygonal shields and floating arms. If I'm being honest, even if these fighters were absolutely no good, I'd still unlock them just to take them out and admire them using the third-person camera

    Okay, now that we know what the possibilities are, let's talk about requirements. All the fighters have some common requirements:

    • 1x Guardian Vessel Fragment
    • Guardian Pattern Data (Type(s) required vary)
    • Guardian Technology Components
    • Guardian Sentinel Weapon Component/Guardian Sentinel Wreckage Component
    • Guardian Power Cells


    The Trident requires:

    • 1x Guardian Vessel Blueprint Fragment
    • 25x Guardian Power Cell
    • 26x Pattern Epsilon Obelisk Data
    • 18x Pattern Beta Obelisk Data
    • 25x Guardian Technology Component


    The Javelin requires:

    • 1x Guardian Vessel Blueprint Fragment
    • 25x Guardian Power Cell
    • 26x Pattern Epsilon Obelisk Data
    • 18x Guardian Sentinel Wreckage Components
    • 25x Guardian Technology Component


    The Lance requires:

    • 1 Guardian Vessel Blueprint Fragment
    • 25 Guardian Power Cell
    • 26 Pattern Epsilon Obelisk Data
    • 18 Guardian Sentinel Weapon Parts
    • 25 Guardian Technology Component


    It's ideal that you decide which one you want before you start running sites, but I usually just aim to collect Pattern Epsilon Data. It is by far the rarest (and most annoying) requirement of these fighters and you're usually set with the other data types by the time you have enough Epsilon Data.


    Now let's talk about builds. I run medium ships for the guardian sites, there's enough space to put in as many SRVs as you'll need, a good FSD booster and enough point defences.

    I run a Krait Mk.II (yes I know, but I don't want to switch out to a Phantom). In addition to the regular exploration build, I've added:

    • A 4-Bay SRV hangar
    • 2x point defences
    • A Guardian FSD Booster (If you have it, it's a nice way to get an extra boost)
    • An energy weapon (I use a gimballed beam laser, and recommend you do the same)
    • A cargo rack or two

    The extra-large SRV hangar is just a personal preference since I don't like having to leave a site if I lose all my SRVs. You can make do with just two. The beam laser is required to charge the pylons at the Guardian Beacon. A class 2 will work perfectly fine, while not significantly affecting jump range.

    Remember, place your point defences on the top surfaces of your ship. This will allow them to shoot down sentinel missiles before they throw your SRV around. I run more than one just for the fireworks when a missile gets launched, but having at least one makes life easy.

    My full build: https://s.orbis.zone/h9_8 (You're going to have to manage power levels a bit, but she gets the job done with ease)

    Sites to be run

    You need to visit three (3) separate structures to unlock a guardian fighter. These are about 600 lightyears away from Shinrarta Dezhra, so I do recommend getting the Guardian FSD Booster to make life easier (Psst, I've got a guide for that too! You can find it here!)

    The three sites you need are:

    · Ancient Ruins (Mostly Data Gathering)

    · Guardian Beacon (Collecting an Ancient Key)

    · Guardian Structure (Getting the Actual Blueprint)

    I usually do this process in the same order as listed above. It gets the most boring part of the way early on, and you can focus on the eye candy later in the process.

    The Ancient Ruins

    Ancient ruins are Guardian structures with a large number of obelisks. This one in particular is split up into two discrete sections, but there isn't any real difference between the two sections apart from the location of the obelisk clusters. You have to traverse these sites in the SRV.

    We're heading to the system Col 173 Sector JX-K B24-0, and are particularly interested in planet B4. The site will be visible as a POI on your scanner.

    The Ancient Ruins Site at Col 173 Sector JX-K B24-0, Planet B4

    Not all obelisks in a cluster will be active, indeed, only 2 to 3 obelisks will be active and scannable. When you're close to an active obelisk, you can lock on and scan it using the SRV's data link scanner. This will give you a notification in the top right of your screen with the type of data acquired. The data provided is random, so there's no hard and fast way to get Epsilon Pattern Data, you just have to keep at it.

    You can relog sites to reset the obelisks, so when you scan them again they will give you another data dump.

    Something I found, though this will annoy most people who don't believe in relogging, is finding two active obelisks close to each other, scanning both of them and then resetting. After you're back in, scan both again, then relog again. Do this as many times as you need to. It reduces the time spent travelling and speeds up the process immensely. Unfortunately, that's the only trick I have, and find that putting on a movie or something in the background helps make this process less mindnumbing.

    Remember to cross-reference that you have enough of the right kind of data to unlock your chosen fighter. These data types cannot be exchanged at a material trader.

    The Guardian Beacon

    Okay, now that we're done with the obelisks, we get to one of the best experiences in this whole process (and, in my opinion, Elite as a whole). Head over to the Synuefe KU-F B44-4 System.

    The Guardian Beacon, when you first approach it

    It's initially a pretty dark structure and is on the dark side of a planet in the system. It will show up on your system scanner as "Guardian Beacon"

    As you approach it, you'll see some components extending from the main structure. Give them a few seconds, and you'll see 3 contacts come up on your radar. Using your energy weapon, you need to charge each of those three pylons. There's more than enough time to do it, so don't rush yourself. When a pylon is successfully charged, you'll get a notification in the top right corner saying "Pylon Charged". After all three have been charged, sit back and enjoy the show, it's one of the most unique things in Elite.

    The Guardian Beacon once it's activated and ready to be scanned

    Screenshots don't do it justice, you have to see it to believe it! When the orb at the centre appears, you can move forward and scan it with your data link scanner, after which the structure will close back down. You're not done yet, though. If you turn your ship view the bottom of the structure, you'll see a contact that is labelled "Ancient Key". Don't forget to take it, you won't be able to get the blueprint without it. You usually want to approach from straight below the structure if you do not have collector limpets. If you do, well life's easy. I still don't run collector limpets, mostly personal preference.

    Make sure you leave the beacon with an Ancient Key. Oh and pray that you don't get hyperdicted by a thargoid because one look at the guardian gear in your hold and they'll be judge, jury and executioner. Totally not trying to scare you right now

    The Guardian Structure

    Now we get to the most action-packed part of this process. This is also where having multiple SRVs will pay off. Since this site holds a Vessel Blueprint, it spawns an absolute ton of sentinels. They're just as harmless as any of the other sites, but you need to pick your battles carefully to ensure that you don't get overwhelmed by numbers. The site will initially spawn 4 sentinels when you approach the central terminal (The spot marked "s" in the screenshot below)

    A head-on screenshot of the Guardian Structure you'll be visiting, red circles indicate a pylon that has to be charged, for a total of 5

    I usually fight two at a time and use the path down the middle of the structure to block the other two sentinels. Make sure you have full pips to weapons and the remaining pips to systems. Point defences on your ship will take care of any missiles. Just aim at the sentinels and shoot, they can't kill you fast enough.

    After doing an initial clearing out of the sentinels, you want to activate the first two pylons by driving up to them (near the position labelled with a red "S"). As you approach them, the pylons will rise out of the ground from a pyramid-like shape. There will be a small blue orb near the bottom, you have to shoot at these to activate the pylons. This process is similar to that for the Guardian Beacon, where you shoot until you get the "pylon activated" message.

    If you charge all the pylons, the countdown timer will disappear and you'll get a message that says "Terminal Activated". If you're having difficulty finding the pylons, remember that the guardians absolutely love symmetry. Each pylon will be symmetrically placed, so just try to find the most logical spot by referencing the pylons you have already charged.

    If you haven't already, transfer the Ancient Key from your ship's cargo to your SRV, then head over to the terminal and jettison it. This will activate the terminal, and after a few seconds, you can scan the orb that appears.

    Do note that sentinels will spawn two times while you do this. Once when the final pylon is charged, and once when the terminal is activated. You do not need to fight these, just scan the terminal and make a beeline for your ship will full pips to engines (unless, of course, you want to fight them, then go nuts, this site has plenty).

    As usual, if you want more than one blueprint, you need more than one key, and you need to relog the site to reset it. This does mean that you have to fight all the sentinels again though. It's still good practice to relog at this site because it makes gathering the sentinel weapon and wreckage parts easy, but I wouldn't advise it for much more than that.

    The technology components and power cells can be collected here, but I find fighting the sentinels a little tedious after multiple relogs, so I'd go to the system in my Guardian FSD Booster Guide and run that site since you only really have to deal with 1 or 2 sentinels while gathering materials (Look for the section involving collecting guardian components).

    Tech Brokers

    If you've followed this (and taken your time doing so) you should have enough of the required materials for your desired fighter(s). Make sure to cross-reference the list so you don't have to trek back out.

    A visit to a material trader isn't needed for these unlocks, there's nothing to be traded or exchanged.

    Tech brokers can be of multiple types, and the ones you're interested in are the "Guardian" Tech Brokers. Not all stations have these, but the stations that do allow for every single guardian module to be unlocked (given you have the material and blueprint requirements fulfilled).

    Finding the nearest Tech Broker is easily done using Inara. Make sure your screen looks like the one below with the "Technology Broker" option checked and your current system in place of Sol in the "Near Star" field.

    What your Inara screen should look like (Make sure you change the Near-Star field though)

    Once you hit search, a list will appear near the bottom. There's an important distinction to be made since Inara treats all tech brokers equally.

    Two different brokers, two very different offerings

    The first system here has a human tech broker, who won't offer any guardian tech. The second is a guardian broker, who can make all your hybrid SLF, weapon and module dreams come true. Make sure you head to the nearest one with a Guardian Tech Broker.

    A screenshot of the tech broker menu, this time actually showing a guardian tech broker (I did say that I'd get it right this time)

    Now all that's left to do is click on the fighter you want to unlock, and it's yours. Make sure you've got a fighter hangar, and you're all set!

    Good luck, enjoy your new, gorgeous SLFs! o7

    Credit to the good people over at the Elite: Dangerous Wiki for the great screenshots used at the beginning, and the Tech Broker Screen. All other media was captured (and edited?) by me.

    Feel free to drop a comment if this helped, if something needs to be clarified, or if there's anything you'd like me to add. Maybe even a suggestion for the next guide? Is it finally time for the guardian weapon guide?

    submitted by /u/SamK1239
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    I swear... if those passengers have one more stupid demand, I'll throw them out right here and now. Nice close orbit, found with Elite Observatory.

    Posted: 29 Nov 2021 08:30 AM PST

    4 whole years of playing elite dangerous. Few breaks here an there but I dont regret the 1300 hours I played it.

    Posted: 29 Nov 2021 10:15 AM PST

    plasma is looking nice, but I would like to see personal railguns in Odyssey

    Posted: 29 Nov 2021 12:39 PM PST

    Fleet Carrier Management - Make an App for that!

    Posted: 29 Nov 2021 11:01 AM PST

    It seems like FDEV wants Fleet Carriers moving around the Galaxy alot, right?

    Well, moving your Fleet Carrier basically forces you into 18 minutes of NOT PLAYING THE GAME every time you jump when you are using it to get somewhere (Rackhams, Colonia, etc.)

    So, why not let us move our Fleet Carriers when we're NOT PLAYING THE GAME? Make an App for Fleet Carrier Management and let us do it from our cell phones or tablets. Hell, make an app for just Fleet Carrier Navigation, and I would be happy.

    What do you guys think? Is there a reason that FDEV should not make an App for Fleet Carriers? Is it silly of me to even hope or dream that they might eventually do something like this?

    submitted by /u/DangerPencil
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    The Black Mamba

    Posted: 29 Nov 2021 03:28 AM PST

    Took this image about a year ago in my cobra mk3.

    Posted: 29 Nov 2021 01:59 PM PST

    The krait, like most things, looks much, much better in black...

    Posted: 29 Nov 2021 04:55 AM PST

    Exploring, T7

    Posted: 29 Nov 2021 11:30 AM PST

    Sorry boys and girls, didn't mean to infect y'all

    Posted: 29 Nov 2021 02:49 PM PST

    On foot: being able to aim and interact in 3rd person would be cool.

    Posted: 28 Nov 2021 05:36 PM PST

    Getting used to iCutter after Conda's luxury.

    Posted: 29 Nov 2021 07:36 AM PST

    o7 Commanders.

    Just got my iCutter yesterday, with all its golden paintwork and that luxury coffee machine put in the pilot's console... Got it prepared for combat, more or less, and even took it to Mudhrid to test it against Neo-Marlinists.

    Aaaaand... Boy, it's sooooo hard to get this whale to listen to you! I'm screaming at it "To the RIGHT dammit! Why can't you do this faster, ah?! My old ma' Conda can run to Robigo Mines and back while you are tryin' to do a 180 grad rotation, dammit!"

    Of course, the first thing I'm going to do is to engineer jets, but... Damn it's hard to operate this lug! I've got twice more kill-counts in a Conda than in an iCutter simply because of way better maneuverability. If there weren't turreted lasers on pylons - the results would be worse...

    Any advice about how to keep your iCutter running in shape is welcome...

    submitted by /u/asm0dai74
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    I might be tired, but I've started seeing faces among the stars. A red-haired woman and a skull.

    Posted: 29 Nov 2021 01:47 PM PST

    My first day in elite dangerous

    Posted: 29 Nov 2021 01:58 PM PST

    First istarted the game and looked at everything inside my ship I was stunned, nearly everything that I could see is beautiful (let's not include the planets) first thing I relised during my evaluation is how much I dont like controls I was gonna change it there but when I opened menu I just went nope not for me

    After getting my license I got my first ship!( loaned but let's pretend it is)first things first I did a cargo mission to see what's what and I was soo at peace after relising computer will do the docking it's so nice in one of the stations saw 100k contract I was over the moon I accepted it and guess what happened? I stuck in traffic inside station... like literally I stayed in queue for 5 mins than I was threatened I'll be shot at I panicked and as I was trying to get out I headbutted the walls till I magically ran I was angry so I pulled the guns and started shooting which to no ones surprised I got fined

    After I reached the 100k destination for some odd reason I got 200k idk what happened but het free money, I wanted to buy a 300k ship but at the time I was thinking of trading so I got hauler bought later modules and was happy as hell that I got new ship, i did few cargo runs and than i saw this expensive item which would sell for extra 20k each in another system I GOT ALL I COULD BUY, nearly 600k worth of creds as I was going to jump a wild pirate appeared at first I thought that escape cirle is an empty or something so I avoided it...stoopid me , well everyone know what happened, I died all my wealth vanished before my eyes no more saving up for 1mil credship all gone I was left with 60k....

    with that money i bought a refinery and went mining which i mined wrong stuff but they sold for 200k not a bad start right? After 2h I relised I'm better of a delivery kid so abandoned the contracts and instead chose good paying cargo runs during one I relised wait a sec this silver looks too cheap as it turned out two neighboring systems really needed this silver aaaand after 3 runs I 700k in cash I could finally buy that ship Yay I went to a industrial system and bought type 6 cargo I was over the moon so happy it had big front glasses too

    aaaaaaaannnd I was stuck in that system no jk I uninstalled every optional thing I reverted all module upgrades so I can travel bit more BUT I COULDN'T after searching through the net I wasn't the only one... many were prisoner In a system I was ready to drop the game but my younger bro suggested: bro doesn't this place have other people that live?and as I checked THERE WAS I quickly went to one and oh god they a fsd modules I was so happy I could finally fly away I was free I packed all my stuff and went on to deliver those cargo that I had accepted

    So far I love this game its grindy as hell but that's why I like it

    submitted by /u/iman00700
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